
well, we already have latinetc! We are hopefully following The Plan for History! Though, as always the way, we are a leetle bit behind! SB is half way through chapter 3 of galore park junior history 1, and we had read the first 2 not 4 chapters of story of the word 1. oh well! and i was a bit poor on the planning due to recent events :cry: but, despite all of the above, i think the inaugural meet went v well.

Rather late in the night before I sorted out some crafts that went with the first 4 chapters and sent them out as ideas. we were joined by lecielrouge, deependers, the biffs, merry and co, and as a special treat from a greater distance, liveotherwise! So a goodly number of attendees!! We started with bunny adoration whilst waiting for a quorate number, and got half the crafts out in the morning. most children did most of them, some being more suited to younger and some to older. Gina brought some too, which was good. in the future each family will try and bring 1 or 2 ideas with them [ideally 2] as we prob need 4 things going on at the same time as kids were having to queue and wait around :smile: great that they were so excited and enthusiastic!! Also then, each family can perhaps think of 1 thing their kids would most want to do, and something else general, so we would get a really interesting spread. i do think it worked well that we used different media. Gina brought a thinking station with coins and the heiroglyphics was supposed to be codebreaking! we sewed a stone age food bag [with appropriately furry fluffy material!], we did cave paintings, and had a go at painting with the blueberries gina brought. we also did some early egyptian crafts [well, ok the heiroglyphics!] but made some egyptian perfume with oil and spices, and then SB judged which was the nicest – turned out to be the one with the most cinnamon – BB’s! the choices of ingredients included fenugreek, bay leaves, black pepper, cardamon, cumin, cinnamon and coriander.
less was suggested to be more, but i think most put in everything!

A break for lunch -pasta! some more rabbitting, drinking tea, adults chatting and then we started the afternoon! some more bag making, egyptian sweetbread making and fimo tooth and bead necklaces with merry. all went v well, and some books to read on a rug. the afternoon sped by tho, and whilst we shipped our kids to swimming and brownies, everyone bar jax disappeared. bit of creating order out of chaos :lol: and jax and i cracked open the wine to celebrate a day well done :smile:

everyone seems to be keen to repeat, so we will do that all again in 4 weeks, with a theme of egyptians, babylonians, assyrians and some judaism. yay! I think maybe an archaeology based one as well would be fine too. looking forward to seeing all the ideas :smile:

the kids all had fun, take-out pizza for tea, much chatting amongst adults! today i unfortunately was crashed out with a migraine for most of the earlier part, gradually coming too. thought i had better take easy as mammoth shift tomorrow which have to do well, and todays work was a trade union day, so good to go, but not dreadful to miss. a ray into today [as being off work always brings out my negativity, as does migraine] was the arrival of a lovely rainbow bracelet with dolphin and music charms that i ordered to remind me of my sister. it is absolutely lovely! i am not going to go overboard on rainbows – it was her thing after all, but i think this is a little reminder of her. At some point i may well give it to my niece, but that is some way off. it is really lovely.

the girls both had a good home ed day, also doing some fimo crafting – obv not all crafted out yesterday! posting a variety of things that got left here yesterday, and then gym for both girls. now watching bang goes the theory, and i think time for me to take more meds.

4 responses to “Historyetc!!

  1. This post is useless without photos ;)

  2. it was a lovely day and a lovely evening too. Thank you so much for having us – already counting down the days to the next one :)

  3. It was great – thank you for hosting and organising, Helen :)

  4. Pingback: Sprinting through September « In At The Deep End

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