artetc – wax and tissue paper buildings

I am on annual leave but having a ‘staycation’ . A number of reasons for this – F-I-L in hosp and M-I-L staying here prob being the most important, followed swiftly by the eeeekk! canada trip so expensive!! SO since I havn’t planned going away nor staying, i do think i musn’t fritter the time away! SO today I ‘invited myself’ to artetc with lecielrouge and Merry. We do enjoy this greatly every time we manage to go :) Today was no exception :) tho we were late :( due to a complete inability to get out of bed [i am blaming the weekend!!] Great to spend time with 2 good and lovely friends.

So there were 2 main art works today, still focusing on architecture/buildings in art. the first was drawing a row of houses/buildings on card and then cutting out the windows [done by z] and putting tissue paper behind. Think this was the favoured one, and v impressed by the imagination and differences the children used with the same brief. I had a go at this one, and was v happy with it. My kind of art :)

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the second was making wax rubbings of interesting textures around the house and then drawing on paper 4/5 buildings and using the wax rubbings to delineate some of the structure/floors. v interesting idea but quite hard to pull off! BB was being a bit wobbly about this one tho :(

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SB did some music theory practice [after a bit of a reminder to concetrate and use brain!] we are thinking maybe of giving her elastic band around wrist which she has to ping on every new question to remind her to read it properly :) she scored 90 in the practice paper which she read and concentrated, and 63 in the one she didn’t :roll: .SHe took it all v well and happily, since she was doing this whilst others playing. BB did some explode the code and finally read ‘the’!!! woohooo!!

We finished with colouring in little boxes and making fimo keyrings for upcoming triple birthday celebration :) I wish we had thought of those mario mushrooms sooner tho!! they are cute and easy to do :) . merry and girls left, and we nattered to z for longer before heading back via the hospital. F-I-L doing much better and in less pain. early days tho… we listened to italian cd on the way there and back.


So, i have varnished the fimo, flickred and then to bed.

5 responses to “artetc – wax and tissue paper buildings

  1. Fab. That window cutting looks to be quite time-consuming!

  2. yep, z did it all, so we staggered drawing the first art, then doing all the second, then going back to tissue paper the first. we did offer to change places with z, but think she enjoyed the cutting :) [should have been a surgeon]

  3. love the mushrooms!

  4. What a lot of lovely art.

  5. thanks allie :) we certainly loved doing it, and considering the brief and then not necess exactly following it ;)

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