a birthday weds4ed!

BB woke up bright and early to open her presents! I did surprise her though, having been called into work in the night and got home as earlybirds were going in, i decided to rest on sofa rather than disturb DH, so I was there ‘guarding’ the presents :) . SHe was very happy with all that she got though :) particularly getting a present from SB :)

BB is 9!!

Then our friends turned up for our home ed day :) now I was a bit under par from lack of sleep, but luckilly they were raring to go :) kfish got cracking with monet art. discussing using brushstrokes and direction to help show reflections vs real, and also impressionism as a whole. The children then got cracking, each with a different take on things. As they stopped doing this, then TheBabs sorted out some mathsy games, and the kids enjoyed that, but i didn’t take photos as mainlining coffee at the time!

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birthday cake following lunch – the first of 2 for BB, both minecraft themed!

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in the afternoon lots of the animation got done with em – which I don’t have a pic for. I also did some science. we thought about polymers and plastics, discussed what they were, how they formed, and then made some out of milk. lots of laughing and giggling about making sick and snot, but hopefully a bit of science! i plan to grad tighten up into science with substance, but as we are settling the group, doing science with sniggering instead ;)

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clearly finished with some minecrafting and general playing and discussion re coding. so some coding sessions may go in coordinated by jax, as i don’t know anything about coding! perhaps something to discuss more at xmas camp :) . BB went to judo to get her new belt as with grading she has a green and white belt now.

2 responses to “a birthday weds4ed!

  1. That’s a great picture of them all around the cake :)

  2. Happy Birthday BB :) Looks like you had a fab day!

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