A week has gone by

I’m not sure we made as much of it as we should have done! Time is going quickly, SB’s gcse work is making life less interesting as a family, as we need to give her time to learn and do well. Thank goodness we all had such an interesting and exciting year last year! However, although not so outgoingly exciting, it doesn’t mean that we are not having quieter pleasure in each others company!

Nanna is regularly visiting on mondays, and this time I managed to get a photo! She comes for the afternoon and evening, and plays a game or 2 with the girls, and BB gave her a big hug and cuddle, which made her day, as BB is mostly physically demonstrative with few adults.


Wednesday BB went to the hospital for a final checkup of her shoulder. It is all fine, must have been a significant soft tissue injury, but nothing worrying :) . we did some bookishness and then finished mothers day cards – I should have taken pictures of the girls! and chatted in the conservatory on a nice warm day :) .  BB did some rather unusual mother’s day cards, including one for nanna which appeared to be a seagull divebombing a garden gnome… Poor BB fell and really bashed her head, so wore my migraine crown as that was very helpful. But meant she couldnt judo as needed regular pain killers :( . SB had a go at a classical civ paper on the oddyssey, which highlighted that there is a fair bit of work to do, starting with writing a bullet point summary of the story in the relevant books. Argh for feeling rather behind in this one.

conservatory conservatory

BB has been doing a fair bit of drawing. This is a pencil sketch of a lego t-rex. She said she changed the mouth a bit to make it more realistic. I am quite impressed

t rex

She has also been getting a bit cheeky with her English ;) always a sign that she is confident with what she is doing !

english - phrases vs sentences

SB had a french lesson, they both did the home ed group multisports which they enjoy, and i am fairly sure they had the home ed enviroment group?

In the evening, SB and I watched the matrix on my recommendation. She thought it was cool, especially trinity’s moves at the beginning. :)

4 responses to “A week has gone by

  1. Always such a busy house! Ouch for BB’s head, glad her shoulder is healing well.

  2. comment

  3. I’ve been trying to figure out Daddybean’s comment but think now it was more a statement :-).

  4. grin :) probably! I am thinking I am a LONG way behind blogging again :( as you say, you then miss out all the interesting bits :(

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