2 day catch – up

Suffering from ‘Bloggers Brain’ – as in I can’t remember what we did yesterday to blog it …..

I know we went shopping in the afternoon, Stringbean was very good, went to couple of shops and got some veggies from a market stall (3 caulis for 50p – bargain….) – helps out by counting out the requiste number of lemons or whatever – she always wants to buy lemons for some reason. Excellent help in Waitrose, they have small kiddie trolleys (proper trolleys, not those stupid ride in car type things), she pushed this around carefully while I had Butterbean in the buggy, carefully stacked everything in there as we went round, didn’t crash into anyone. This was quick in and out shop so not enough time to get bored and grumpy for either of them. Came home to find H home so of course BB had good munch, SB wanted to play with mum, while I did housey things (cook dinner etc. Cauliflower cheese of course, which pleased SB as it’s one of her current favourites.). Roughly put up the Kyham to air has it was wet when we packed (disadvantage with something like the Kyham, can’t just hang it up to dry) and I remembered it was still in the roofbox festering.

The main thing I rememeber about the morning is that BB went to sleep about 3 times, but woke up after about 10 minutes or so each time so got quite grumpy and so spent a fair while cuddling her, some ‘matching and sorting’ went on as did some more colouring at some point, and we didn’t fiddle about with the tandem to attach the trailer so couldn’t try out that to go to the shops in (and in fact went about 2-3 hours later than intended….) All in all it was bit of bitty unsatisfying day, to much mess around from the holiday still etc.

Today (Tuesday)

Read a chunk of the Osburne TimeTraveller Omnibus on Romans with SB over breakfast time, along with the associated little diversions of conversation that crop up. after getting dressed, pottering about erc. then found the library books (now I can look them up on the ‘puter to see which ones we have out I’m nuch better at getting them all back). Ambled round to the library, ‘Storytime’ has started up again so we sat and listened to that, did a bit of colouring and sticking to make sea horse for the undersea display before getting out some more books. Had couple of ‘going to school’ type conversations as of course various parenst kids have headed off this week. Responses to ‘We are home Edcucating’ were boringly uninterested

Had the though that things are bit like some sort of bad ’50s sci-fi, all the children once they reach a certain age, suddenly disappear from view – creepy :-)

Home again, home again to sit down to give BB some milk and settle her down for snoooze and the a good read with SB. After lunch she found the magnetic Jiglets from when we moved and we played with them on the fridge. A slight confusion with the way words go. On the Zebra the word ran from the animals tail to it’s head, when she did fox it was the other way round, but she still did the word the same way so it was back to front , took a bit of convincing that words always go left to right :-) A bit more dot-to-dotting and colouring (she is really into both at the moment) and maths workbooky stuff – she has a great collection of felt tips, most of which were cheap or free and are frankly rubbish, they run out in no time and clutter the place up, so finally convinced her to throw away any that have dried up and we will by a set or two of decent ones. (There are couple of Berol ones around whihc have been around for ages and are still going strong) while we played with BB then headed outside into the garden.

SB got most of the washing off the line for me (she stands on her little trampoline ), played in the still up tent, rolled around with BB, then when BB had another nap we went in and cooked tea. SB did a really good job of cutting up the tofu, carrots and cauliflower. H came home bit late as she was on call but just as were having dinner, so got to have it with us. Tidied up the playroom while dinner cooked, SB insisted I hoover soo that I could put the rug back down (wouldn’t countenance putting it back over the grub…) so it was softer for he ‘exercises’ – much jumping and twirling about, and seemi headover heels and handstands. Wa shoping to get her into soem sort of proper Gymnastics class, but haven’t managed to yet

After bath time was chatting with SB about HE and school, what she thought HE was, and what she thought school was like – no idea of course really – she did suggest we should ask M her cousin as he goes to school. Not sure what she thinks about it, but she is happy with telling everyone who asks she is not going to school and is being home educated, so we leave it at that, we don’t really mention school very often anyway, we don’t make big deal about it, just ignore it really. It’s just not part of our life.

We travelled a long way mentally in 2 years.

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