Author Archives: Daddybean

Muddlepuddle Bookbags

Someone posted on the Earlyyears list about ordering these. The old link to the puddlers site no longer works.

Have they all gone, just stopped bothering with selling any more or what? Jax, Merry?

I’ll get told off again…….

…if i don’t blog ;-) But I do have photos as well in mitigation.

So today, SB has read loads. Usborne Book of Ledgends before breakfast (Hercules I think), as  well as a bit of Little hippo DVD (in German) which is one BB’s favourites  -she can get it playing now, and select an episode sometimes. And if the folder of downloaded kiddy programs is open she can pick one of those and start that, though she hasn’t worked out how to make it full screen yet (“bigger! bigger!”). She is scarily competent at working the mouse for a not yet 3 yo. Thats’ what having an elder sister does I think.

We had a good sort out of the playroom, clearing up all sorts of detritus from the floor, under and behind sofas etc. SB did a great job at vacuuming it. I rather like the room when not carpeted with crap, just wish we could keep the table even sort of clearish for more than 3 seconds.


Put away  more  clothes in the girls room.  I think that all their clothes that are washed and dried are now put away, a rare event indeed. SB tidied the floor again and made beds as she is on tidy room hit at the moment, then I vacuumed it for her. Did the bathroom as well while I was at it. 3 rooms, that’s plenty for one day .

More reading, she is very keen on  the My little Treasury of Stories and Rhymes  that she got from the library the other day. She spent an hour or so, before and over lunch reading it. By this point BB had decided to have  napped, so it was all rather peaceful.

After lunch is was bit of maths – measuring from Singapore 2A, so pretty simple stuff really. A bit of Getty and Dubay, then they both went off into the garden to play for a bit whilst I started on dinner. Playing seemed to involve most jumping in the paddling pool, getting wet, and then running around like loons shouting ‘I’m bare , I’m bare”  Had to make an impromptu run up to the potato farm for potatoes for dinner, where they managed to get a free apple each, by dint of being  cute really I think..


Dinner made  and in oven, SB had a go at some secret/magic writing, as H had brought home some Tincture of iodine which we had needed. Basically, write/paint of the paper with lemon juice, dip it in water with a bit of TOI in. Paper goes a darkish blue colour due to the starch. THE bit where the juice was stays lighter so you can read it, as there is a different chemical reaction between the acid in the juice and the TOI solution.

BB had been playing and pottering, but noticed she’d put on more Little Hippo :-) This took us pretty much up to dinner time really.

After bath, (H was home by now) there was playing with the wooden train track, with the customary wailing from both children :roll: , a bit more Little Hippo. A bit of Education City (apparently i hadn’t let her earlier….???) and then bed. EVen BB who had napped for an hour was asleep by 9.

Started watching Regenesis last night, watched another tonight, quite enjoying them. Makes a change from the normal ‘policy’ type things. Though it is a  bit like a microbiological Numb3rs when they launch of into an explanation of some aspect. Been also flipping between Eureka, which is enjoyable and lighthearted – reminds me a bit of Northern Exposure with it’s collection of slightly kooky characters, and Space Above and Beyond, which is mildly diverting, but a bit rubbish overall really. It’s getting  bit repetitive now. It has an excellent collection of corny lines though, which is fun :-)

Well, that was odd.

Main desktop has been showing the copy of  the blog on it’s new host since this morning. Laptop, was still seeing the old one, which Helen has just posted too – all sorted now though :-)

Reason was (I think) that they were using different name servers, I run Treewalk DNS on the main pc as our local server (from the days when the then ISP had dodgy DNS), but the laptop seemed to have lost the setting and was just using the automatic setting – the routers I think

And now we are here.

Bit of a test post really.

If you are reading this, you are reading the moved version of the site.

Little Nanny

Little Nanny

Originally uploaded by Scrumbledelicious.

85! a family treasure [most of the time - but is accorded the leniency given to elderly family members!]
today she really enjoyed telling of her family history wrapped around the museum we were visiting.
Long may she remain the matriarch of our family

reading on the loo

reading on the loo

Originally uploaded by Scrumbledelicious.

Another Mentos and coke video

Shall we try this at the next Muddlepuddle summer camp ?

10 Years ago.

It was a beautiful, sunny,hot August day, and we got married. It was pretty much a perfect day really, we got married at Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel (though it seems to been taken over – it was an independently run place then) and had the place all to ourselves. Lots of family and friends around us, a nice simple ceremony, lots of merriment, lots of great memories. Just a lovely, lovley day.

If i hear the music we had as we left the room at the end of the ceremony (Overture from the soundtrack to Much Ado About Nothing), it still makes my eyes go all watery. Loving you as much as always Helen.

Wedding Day

Amusing bit: The DJ got fed up playing smoochy numbers at the end of the reception, as everyone kept leaving the dance floor, so he finished up playing something (I forget what now) from The Prodigy. :-)

What we missed bit: As it was a civil ceremony we couldn’t have any hymns.

Bad bit: Helen’s dad realising rather too late in the day that he hadn’t had a film in his camera :-(

(sorry, poor photo, scanner not working properly, so I took a quick snap of it)


Things they say:

Stringbean has a piggybank, Butterbean has been going on about fishy things. I realised that she wants a Fishybank :-)

I love playing with you too