Author Archives: Daddybean

Fruity Seasonality

One of the nice things about living here, is all the people round us growing things, esp. the orchards. A common situation is a house built in an orchard, which is always rather appealing. There is one place outside the village whch the woman runs as a buisness, she seels various plants for gardens, as well as apples and pears from the orchard, and some veg and top fruit she grows there as well, eggs from the chickens etc.. She has couple of fenced off areas as fruit/veg beds, and a nice big polytunnel. It’s Helen’s perfect place really, and it always looks nice, well maintained, nicely mowed bewtween the trees etc.

Yesterday popped in there for a few bits, got some nice plums – always much nicer as they can be picked much riper I think as they don’t have to travel. – BB eaten most of them this morning, Raspberries, which the kids devoured, also got some of the first English apples of the season – some Discovery and Beauty of Bath, which were lovely and crisp and fresh (the BoB were pretty sharp actually, I quite like that though). I only really buy imported apples in the English off season for the kids, I try not to otherwise. This makes those first apples taste so much nicer.

I do think we miss something when we can just go and buy anything at anytime, imported from somewhere or other in the world.

Down side of those first apples, is that it reminds me that Autumn is lurking a little way over the horizon

Ah Ha – Chris’ Daemon.

Sussed it. Remembered that the visual Editor is what mangles the emded code. turned that off, and away we go.

As Helen has shown, later versions of WordPress don’t suffer the bug (Frantic Gardner is on WP 2.2, this is still running 2.0, ought to upgrade it, current version 2.21)

It was hare to start with.


Rubbish Websites

Our washing machine has stopped working, no idea why yet. It had stopped at the end of the cycle, fuse in the plug had blown. Replaced fuse, but other than the power light coming on nothing happens – motor, pump, valve solenoids, none do anything. Kinda busy with other things right now, and don’t want to waste a morning fiddling with it. I don’t think calling out someone to look at it is worth it, given then likely cost of that.

It was a cheap Indesit, bought about 1996 as we needed one when we moved house, and it was what they had in a local shop. It’s worked pretty faultlessly all this time. Maybe it’s just time to pension it off.

So been avoiding other tasks by looking up machines on the web. God there are so many useless sites on the web. Just presenting? listings of machines is useless, I need some way of filtering for features rather than peruse the listing for each machine to identify those I’m interested in (no I don’t need a zillion programs, but somethings, like larger wash capacity, higher spin speeds etc. would be useful for us).

And I want to know about delivery, since I don’t want to be waiting 3 weeks or whatever for a new machine, so vague ’8-15 days isn’t helpful’. I suspect the problem is? lot of places don’t hold stock, they order it from the manufacturers once you order it, so? they don’t know for sure what the timescale is. Some however do let me lookup the delivery dates before ordering, which is very sensible.

Of course looking at machines gets more confusing given all the multiple brands aimed at different market segments when they are all owned by the same comapny and made in the same factory….


Now, I feel much better :-)

Another holiday get home late Sunday again day.

Got back a bit earlier (about 9.30pm – BB of course full of energy) from camping in Sussex.

In Bullet points, pending a proper blog

  • Camped on a nice site.
  • SB found a couple of friends to play with so was happy.
  • BB was in cute urchin mode, got some cheap Croc-a-likes from a local shop which she was very pleased with.
    Didn’t get excessively rained on on the rainy day,
  • Plenty of sun to be had on lazy mornings on the campsite
  • Went to the beach,
  • Did Fishbourne Palace again, with the Monstor -Teenies this time,
  • Went to their house,
  • Went to the beach
  • Went in the sea.
  • Went swimming in a nice pool,
  • Went to Portsmouth Historic Dockyards, mostly looking at HMS Warrior and dodging the rain.
  • Went to the Weald and Download Museum, again, to see the bits we didn’t last year.
  • Laughed at various Twitters re the last Harry Potter book.
  • Came home via Amberly Working Museum and a Little Chef-less services where we had possibly the nicest food at a services we have ever had , by dint of buying it from the on site M&S food bit.

Home, to realize that the girls have a dentists appt at 9.10 and we are supposed to be at Duxford Air museum, about 30 miles away at 10 am…. Ahhh :-(

And of course H is back to work :-( :-(

CHEF Sports Day

On Friday, we had a clash, Sports day with one HE group, or a visit to Sacrewell Farm with another. SB chose the sports day, as she really enjoyed it last year, and the farm will always be there to go again to. So me and girls (H at work :-( :-( :-( :-(? ) went to the second of the local home ed group CHEF sports days that we have attended. Last years was very hot. Not so today, though the weather was fine, sun even came out eventually.

Plenty of classic sports day things, like egg and spoon races,

sack race,


3 legged race ,


tug of war etc.


and of course the obligatory ‘get the parents to do silly things dressing up race‘.


Finishing up with a ‘bash the watermelon’ game.


Butterbean wasn’t that interested in the sports, she just pottered about happily though :-)

And lots of chilling, eating, chatting, running around playing .

Rounded off the day up with a play at the playground/paddling pool area.


Met a chap there who is considering home edding his currently in school
daughter. So he’d chatted about that with various of us. At least we
will have answered the ‘socializing question’ quite comprehensively :-).

His daughter is quite happy in school, though the parents have concerns
about the education being provided in school. Seems a harder decision
to make than if child is obviously having problems with school.

It’s all good fun, and like the camps, a good way to enjoy and celebrate being part of the home ed community.

Granny Racing

This could be fun at Melrose, or a rain sodden evening on a soggy campsite.

Thanks T-bird :-)


Well, it’s not hatched yet……

Yes, this an Easter Egg, yes she has had it since Easter (as well as the ballerina one stil in the pantry). She said today that she was going to keep it until Easter, to which we pointed out she would probably be getting more eggs then.

So then she dicided to finally start eating it tonight.

Certainly not a case of like Mother like Daughter then :-)

Aunty V’s present.

Sb spent some time making this, all her own ideas and work, I just left her to it.

It’s a house, in case you were wondering, with a table, bowl of fruit, tardis like bedroom and roof window with curtains – see the Flickr notes.

present for aunty V? Aunty V's present detail

She m,ade a nice card as well:

bird-day card ? IMG_7362

For Jan :-)

The new hair.