Author Archives: Daddybean

Not doing what we were supposed to be doing.

We were supposed to be heading off first thing to one of the National Schools Film Weekshowings, but my mum had rung up on Sunday to ask about coming over this week as my Niece (L), who is 19, is over staying at theirs and they wanted to come over. Arranged for them to come over today, and only realised late in the evening what we supposed to be doing (I was a bit vacant about this week as I wasn’t doing stuff with them last week and hadn’t yet checked whaqt was happening this week yet – everything being on Google Calendar – need an Internet linked fridge with a screen on the door…)  . So we didn’t go to the film.

SB got out her Wizard Whimstaff spelling book and did some of that first thing, also a bit of maths IIRC, once they were dressed and stuff we launched into trying to tidy the playroom,which still hadn’t quite recovered from the Deependers visit on Saturday).

Well, it did get reasonably tidy, I could vacuum the floor anyway, but my grump levels were pretty high by the end and we had had much wailing and bemoaning from BB – ‘I can’t tidy anymore’, ‘I’m bored of tidying’ etc. etc. (it’d probably be easier not to ahve her doing it, but it’s the principle I guess. But it seemed to take a loooong time.

And then my parents and L arrived  - to much excitement from the girls. We haven’t seen L since I think Christmas about 4 years ago. She has lived in Ireland but has decided to move over to UK. She is staying at my parents house before she moves into a house she is sharing with friends.

So spent the rest of the day, chatting, kids bouncing about, playing games etc. Helen managed to get home pretty early even though she had extra work to do. Unfortunately we missed SB’s ballet class as we forgot about it until midway through the lesson which was a rather annoying. One of those – why didn’t that pop into my brain half an our ago moment :-( We always seem to end up missing a couple of sessions of classes becuasae of being away or whatever, so like to make all the others. Probably not helped by there being no Brownies this week as they are having a joint roller skating trip with the other pack on Wednesday. So chatting and playing continued until after dinner (a rather yummy, beany shepherds pie) and then children where chased into bed.

It was lovely to see L again (she’s the same age as H was when we met – seems very young now), I had a conversation with SB about what age you have to be to be a grown up, she seems to have decided on it being 20.

Parents then blobbed out and have stayed up to late for no good reason….

In the paper.


Well, I’ve been meaning to blog on and off, but some how haven’t.

Last Saturday I took the girls round to the library to get medals and certificates for the Team Read summer reading thing.  Quite a few there, as well as a couple of bods from the Library and the Parish council there was Fran Williamson, who won Bronze and silver medals for swimming in the Paralympics this year. So kids got to handle proper Olympic medals as well. It was combined with a gather to celebrate 5 years of the library (it used to be a county library, now it is run by volunteers). So there was cake and stuff as well.

Real Olympic MedalsCakeTeam 'Team Read'

Presentation was fine, except that once  they started to call out the children to collect their certificates a lot of adults there started chattering. So much so that you couldn’t really hear the names being called out clearly at all. It also seemed to show lack of respect to the children, I though it was very rude. If the tables had been turned and the children where seeing adults being presented……

As always with our library, they manage to mess up the simplest of things :roll: :-) They had some bits and bobs (hats, bags, T shirts) to give out to some children, so they drew some names out. They had 2 T shirts to give away to teenagers who had completed it. There were 3 teenagers who had done so, they had 3 cards with names on, one teenager was actually there. They managed of course to select the two cards for the two who weren’t there…

SB and BB managed to get picked to be 2 of 5 kids photographed (above) with Fran Williamsonand the cake and where in one of the local papers this week, which SB was excited about seeing. BB managed not to pull maniac photo face which was good.

The youngest boy in the photo has a 4 yo sister (children of the Homedad who had the occasional mention on the blog a few years ago) who has just started school (August born, so only just 4 at that) seems very little, I can’t for one moment imagine BB at school in a couple of months time. It just seems much too young. It seems that the girl isn’t actually liking it much and would much rather be at home with mummy, to which of course I responded that that seemed perfectly I understandable.  Of course someone did say that ‘well, they’ve got to get used to it’ etc. So that of course had to have an ‘Oh no they don’t’ response. Mostly I only really mention HE if someone brings it up, but sometimes you just need to challenge assumptions and remind people there are other ways.

School just seems like such an odd thing really.

New Mondays, with added spice

Been a bit of rearrangement of Monday since before the summer, SB still doing ballet (3.40 – 4.25), but this is now followed by Brownies, which she started this term. Rather annoyingly there is a 30 minute gap between the two (the venues are right next to each other) which is  short enough to mean it isn’t worth going home, but seems long enough when you have to go back out to the ballet class to pick her up to wait for Brownies to start. OK at the mo when we can go in playground, but in winter will need to ask ballet teacher if we can waitin the hall I guess. So it leaves me feeling a bit like a yo-yo, and SB hungry by the time we get dinner :-)

The added spice is that the Punto now has no MOT so only one car on the road at the mo, and the HE sports sessions started up again today. Luckily Helen is working just down the road from there on Mondays, so 7.45 (eeek!!) saw us all in the car. Dropping Helen at work we popped in to the supermarket to buy some stuff for breakfast/lunch. Said they could have doughnuts for breakkie 8-), but then in the car the decided to eat the Wotsits and Quavers they had bought to ahev with lunch – so a nutritious energy packed breakfast before doing sports then :-)

BB tried out the sports session today (guide age is 4-7 for the younger group) stayed in there almost to the end, though she had SB with her, showing her what to do and helping her. Don’t think she’d have been up to doing it all by herself though yet. But seemed keen to do it again, she was so pleased to be doing the same thing as Stringbean. SB was going to try out the older group as well, but decided not to after all, I think she decided she’d rather run around and play instead :-) So there was some  rather noisy and raucous playing, with some grown up HE talk then headed off to the park for a bit. Helen’s text to say she was finsihing work came at the same time as the Deependers were departing, so that was good timing.

Home via Tesco’s just in time to start the above Ballet/Brownies yo-yo. BB fell asleep in car, watched something or oher and did some Fimo-ing with Helen. While waiting for Brownies to start, had a bit of a conversation about what the Scouts etc. are, the Guides, relationship between the two, why maybe the guides etc. have stayed girl only whilst the Scouts etc. accept girls as well now. She did say that she liked the idea of doing wild things with boys ! :-) AS an aside, it’s be interesting to see how the Cubs activities compare to the Brownies.

Children all in bed at appropriate times tonight, so getting things back to normal, I was going to go to bed at sensible time, but haven’t managed it. Have blogged though :-) And have discussed possible science activities with Helen for the Wednesday group

Chupa Chups Science

Much faffing about (plus my watch being 10 minutes slow for some reason) saw us get to the  library a bit late for story time, but they sat and did the crafty bit (which is always a bit simple for SB – it’s aimed at pre-schoolers, but she likes doing it so waht the heck). Spent quite  a while there sitting on the floor reading books to Butterbean whilst Stringbean read an Usborne Puzzle book. The  ‘library ladies’ got slighty flummoxed by the computer again whilst checking out the books, it beeped and said that one of the books was already checked out to us and couldn’t be renewed (which it wasn’t, we’ve never had it out I’m sure anyway). They peered and ummed and ahhed a bit, I suggested that maybe there had just been a slip on the scanner or something and it had got checked out twice. Anyway after a bit more peering and clicking it was checked out. I always do have the urge though to walk round and just sya look ‘click this, or that or whatever’. But it’s run by volunteers, so we just smile and get mildy entertained by it all

Headed home, with BB wailing most of the way, though I’ve forgotten  what the issue was. BB had come up with an idea for an experiment, seeing if a lollipop dissolves. Not yet having lollipops, SB started off with her own idea for seeing  if sugar dissolved in different things. So her and BB got different things – juices, coke, veg oil, washing up liquid etc. to dissolve it in. They moved onto salt, and then a Sodium Percarbonate (‘oxygen’) bleach powder. They enjoyed seeing what happened, coke fizzing, things going murky, thre bleach powder in washing up liquid interested SB most, it made a thick gel, which thrn turned foamy (presumably as Oxygen was released) hey spent a fun half hour or so fiddling about.


OK,what's next?


I do get the urge to take control and direct these sort of things – to do a ‘proper’ experiment. The science teacher in me I guess, but did manage to let them get on with it. SB does have a goode idea about how to control an experiment – a ‘fair test’ as they tend to call it in the school science books. Things like using the same amount of liquids, only changing one thing at a time etc. but at times like this she just gets distractedby the fun of it all :-)

Had lunch of beans on toast, whch prompted another fuss from BB as it wasn’t Tomato soup :roll: Eventually ate the beans, but wouldn’t eat the bread becuase it wasn’t white bread. Told her she wouldn’t have afternoon snacks unless she ate it. She stuck to her guns and had nothing else until about 4 pm when she realised that she wouldn’t get flapjack at SB’s swimming lesson unless she ate it, so it soon went :-)

After lunch we went and bought Chupa Chups lollies for the experiment – shop assitant was a bit bemused when we said they weren’t for eating but for a science experiment.  SB realised that they weren’t all the same flavour, and that might affect things, but we carried on anyway as we had them now.

Set them up 2 lollies each, one in boiling water, one in cold water and left them to see what would happen. Not surprisingly the ones in hot water dissolved first, SB was correct to worry about the different flavours, the Coke flavour one dissolved noticeably faster than the Fruit/Cream flavour one. They were interested by the way a coloured layer formed near the bottom of the jar. And excessively pleased when I let them finsish off by eating  the last bit of the lollies in cold water :-)


Ready to go.


Going - Hot water on the left.



Comparing Progress


Gone - Hot water on right here


End result - Cold water


End Result - Hot Water


BB surprised me a bit by showing how well she can copy words. Sometimes we forget she is almost 4.


I’d said we could go up the road on the skates, where there is a gently sloping cul-de-sac that SB likes to skate down, we got ready, and then as soon as we were ready to go out it started raining :-( (and then rained for the rest of the day really)In the rest of the afternoon SB did some handwriting, some Singapore maths, and read some of Penrose the Mathematical Cat. She read a couple of her library books as well.They attempted to tidy the playroom, though BB grumped some more about this ‘I’m too tired, I can’t do it, I need help’  wail, gnash, to which my reponse is to wave the mythical bin bag at her :-) They got it a bit tidy and then watched a bit more Jane and the Dragon, which seems to eb the favourite at the moment, before SB’s swiming lesson. It’s a pain goign out then (the lesson is at 5.30 as it makes for a long day, but at least BB doesn’t fall asleep so eaily now on the way to or fromas she did last year. We watched SB a bit – she is getting better at her strokes, did some good back stroke. Then BB enterntained herself by jumping around on the floor tiles from one red tile to another (mostly creamy tiles with some reddish ones).

Fell asleep when putting BB to bed and only woke up when Helen had got home from workand came up with Sb for her to go to bed. Ooops !

Pirate lost and found

Actually, a pretty small haul, and mostly knew whose things were.

But there is a light blue cool bag that no one has claimed yet – anyone?

Spam induced upgrade

Tim kindly pointed out that our blog had been hacked – lots of the posts contain a whole load of hidden links to other sites at the end of the post.

Anyway, it has been running on a very old version (2.0 – ooopps!) for much to long (kept meaning to sort out another template to go with the upgrade) so this inspired a quick upgrade (not so quick, some odd problem with the config.php file seemed to be causing blank screens – spent much too much time sorting that out).

There were various issues with the old one (which continued even after I moved the install from the old host) so I did a clean install of 2.6.1 rather upgarde over the old one – hence the reversion to the default template. Think I might just dump a few ok looking ones in here and play around with them on on off.

The spam links are still in most of the posts – will ponder easiest way to remove them. Hoping that it’s recent and so I can revert to a recent backup.

clan gathering


Originally uploaded by Scrumbledelicious

was rather lovely.

Feeling happier today.

SB went off for her 2nd day of her Musical Theatre week. She was a bit weepy about it again, esp. with Helen in the morning, but then got herself organised, did her own packed lunch and went and found her old jazz shoes from when she did Stagecoach to take with her. I said I would wait at th place for a bit before I left her. Excuse to sit on a  sofa and read a book for  1/2 an hour anyway :-)
So seemed much happier today with it. not really much sitting about time it sounds like, so that  maybe suited her more. Sounds like they were moslty doing singing and  doing sticking – presumably for scenery or something. Said she didn’t get to talk to people much, but that was becuase there wasn’t much time except lunch, though she said she did try to say hello to some of them.. I’m wondering if the whole worrying thing was more to do with her being left  than anything else? Since hurting her foot she still doesn’t like being left around the house for long without knowing where you are.

So I think we have got over that one. There was a sweet stall with sweets in jars which every since buying some at FoH she has liked the idea of. So we bought some sweets there afterwards (oh, and popped into Adams to get her more knickers and ended up with more leggings as well.. ). i’d said she could ahve her choice of dinner tonight, and she’d said chips, Ginger beer (fizzy drinks being a very, very occasional treat in our house for her) and Ice Cream. Though she spotted a Watermelon so wanted that instead :-)

Other than that, my parents have been around again  – helping sort out pre-family party on Saturday. (Helen’s parents coming later today – coming early so they can help out prepare – do you think they are trying to tell us something ;-) ) So they have been doing useful things about the place, while entertaining BB as well. When I came back she was hiding in a  box on the lawn being a Bunny Rabit in it’s burrow :-)

I’ve got  dining table covered with sorted out crap to rehome, and the hallway has managed to fill up with stuff again – when Kirsty came down a  couple of weeks ago I’d just given it a good sort out :-(

Had me morning tea, time to do a few things

someone else had a haircut

someone else had a haircut

Originally uploaded by Scrumbledelicious

short haired girl

enough photos!

Originally uploaded by Scrumbledelicious