Author Archives: Daddybean

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A camping we will go.

Well, new tent arrived today – the delivery driver had come in the morning when we were out, he came back around 4pm to get rid of the 2 big packages off of his van.The main unit is sitting pitched on the lawn at the moment.
Anyway, we of course need to give it a test run, and anyway, itching to get going with the first camp of the year.  We are planning to go away over the Mayday Bank holiday weekend, probably up to the North Norfolk coast. Maybe stay at Stiffkey (where we camped last year) – on the coast, but right by the salt marsh  – fun for exploring though, so quite  a walk from the sea, esp. when the tide is out. Nice smallish, quiet site, nothing fancy but decent washing facilities. . Or maybe  Deepdale.

Anyone wants to join us, that’d be nice :-)

Honey, I Set Fire to the Cake

While i was at Rainbows, H was at home with BB making her birthday cake (me and the girls were going to make it this morning, but it didn’t happen) we were going to make a marble cake, which after BB saying she wanted to make two cakes, they ended up doing.

Looks rather like a volcano to me.

Anyway, after dinner me and the girls were doing the candles etc. on the cake. we were going to make the digits 39, but BB was helping, so we decided just to put as many candles as we had on.

35 Candles

I lit them, it all looked good:

All Alight

and then the of half the candles which we had lit first had ot so hot from all the candles being together they were melting and collapsing, which ten set fie to the ruff round the cake :lol: all rather entertaining.

Opps, too hot.

So, we had cake with added wax decorations

A bit of extra decoration

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Just another Tuesday

Morning, off to the Library. SB on her inline skates, BB on scooter. So took much longer given SB’s skating speed at the moment. BB very funny, she is very much into mad scootering at the moment. Zooming along shouting madly, she was scootering along, going ‘look I can steer’ when she crashed straight into a telegraph pole :lol:

Library, storytime for BB – SB sits and reads other things now, a bit of craft sticking making tulip pictures. which BB insisted we bring home and put up over the cooker taking down old artwork. Finding some more books – SB brought home 9!! Mr Men books. I told her she would have to read them all herself as i wasn’t going to read them (really dislike the Mr Men books), a bit of nattering and home.

Met Trish, other HE mum and child C in library, and they came back a bit later for coffee/lunch and playing. Trying to play indoors didn’t quite work, but decamping to the garden and the sun was much more successful.

After they’d departed they made birthday cards for Helen, and wrapped presents. SB had to go over the road and buy some more wrapping paper. except for crossing the road (which she can do fine at the zebra crossing, but just likes you to watch her in case she isn’t sure about it) she manages such shopping trips OK. BB stuck a strip of paper together and wrapped it up to make what was apparently a fish for Mummy.

SB got on with some more Getty and Dubay handwriting, followed by some maths. Stuff on money (Dollars and Cents – it’s Singapore maths, but it’s all decimal so she’s happy with that) all pretty easy stuff. Was a litle stuck on what writing say 65c in Dollars meant and why it was $0.65 – she got the hang of it though. Though I mad a bad job of trying to explain decimal points. which reminded me we need to do stuff stuff on fractions reallys.
Meanwhile BB played one of those impenetrable 3yo kiddie games with a seemingly random selection of objects, in this case something like a teaspoon, a plastic dinosaur, a plastic tub, a pair of nail clippers and wooden lolly stick.

I did stuff like get dinner going, hanging up washing etc.

Sat and read a bit (of one of the numerous new Book People books) of a book about Rainforests, which some how involved a conversation on rabbits eating their own poo :? They then sat and read some of their library books before dinner.

And breathe…..

Someone pass me a handy wall.

Butterbean’s replacement Leappad arrived (seller just sent a whole replacement one in the end, works fine), so get that sorted out, SB get’s out hers, offers to use the starter book on hers as well so that they can do the same one together. But BB doesn’t seem interested in that and just faffs about, so SB, get’s out other ones to do.

At which point of course BB wants the book SB has and then just spends time annoying SB (BB has plenty of books for hers, SB gave her some of old er simpler ones).

Move onto baking cakes, as SB needs to take cake/biscuits/fruit etc. to share at Rainbows camp. She wanted to make the Choc Spread Cake. decide we’ll make two, so BB gets one of her own to make and we have one here to eat. Does not of course stop the bickering or BB doing things deliberately to annoy SB or (things I’ve asked her not to do (dip finger in choc spread, lick, repeat. or brush all the spilt flour, sugar etc. onto the floor)
Just about made it to the end of baking without banishing them both from the kitchen 8O. Licking of bowls and spoons was only allowed on pain of death if there was arguing.

I’ve made coffee and sent them upstairs to get dressed (or at least quiet). I need five minutes peace :-)

Here be dragons.

Well, seems almost as likley.

R, Stringbean’s Rainbows friend is round for a playdate. She didn’t want to go and play in the garden becuase she was worried that a volcano would erupt in the garden :? :-) :roll:
SB, ever the pragmatist, response was :” Welll, even if we stay in the house we would still all die” :lol:

Well, I was wrong….

Ok, that’s not exactly an unusual occurence… ;-)

But we were fully expecting much wailing from BB over her loss of night time milk, but  she has been fine about it.

I explained that we were going to be stopping and she seemed happy about it, the first couple of times she did ask for some milk, but when I said there was none she was pretty happy with that.

However there has been a knock on effect.  Typically if she woke say around 5-6 am she would have some more milk,  and then doze back off again. But now she is waking up and basically staying awake :-(

Now you’ve done it.

See Michelle, all that talk of tents started us looking on the web, now we are off thinking again about replacing our existing Kyham with Rigipod one (like Merry’s) – old remaining stock is being sold  off much cheaper

I do wonder if there was some flaw (not that I can see anything major in the ones I’ve seen) with them though as they stopped them after a year and went back to the more normal designs, or maybe they just weren’t popular enough with customers, or too expensive to make?