Author Archives: Daddybean

Toys and Forces (aka – Oh Look, I Actually Blogged… !)

Went to a local Home Ed group meet up at a local museum on the theme of toys and forces.

Just about got there in time. Even though we seemed to be doing ok (why did I waste time making them lunch? – BB ate a packet of crisps and 3 Clementines, SB 1/4 of sandwich and crsips) to start with, but then realised I had to get out some cash from the PO as we didn’t have enough to pay for session, then he car was low on petrol and the little light came on, pulled into a garage which had all pumps locked – could have put a sign up. So carried on up the A1 and had done 20 miles on the light by the time I bought petrol – (wonder how mcuh it will do once the low petrol light comes on, think I’ve done about 20 before).

Bought £10 of petrol as in a hurry – depressing how little petrol that is nowadays – the little light came back on again on the way home.

Then there was the stuck in a queue geting into town , and the going wrong etc. Did just make it in time though.

Girls enjoyed the session. A couple of little explanatory bits from one of the museums staff – first on Issac Newton the tale of the apple and gravity and his three laws of motion. She demonstrated the Newtons Cradle, SB got the wrong answer when asked about what would happen when one ball dropped, but got the principle once she saw it and got another harder question right (what happens if you release three balls to hit the two remaining balls), which I was impressed with.

There was also a good demo of the one with a small and large ball – how to make the small ball bounce higher than on it’s own. You hold a small ball and a large ball so the small ball is on top of the large one. Drop them together. The large ball hits the ground , bounces back and of course hits against the smaller balls. The small ball bounces back up much higher than when dropped by itself, the large ball doesn’t bounce back up so much. She also gave an excellent explanation (the energy from the large ball gets transferred to the small ball ) when we were talking about this at the dinner table later. Well I do tend to fall into scool teacher questioning/ explaining mode when in such situations
There was also a demo of spinning aback up water around so that the water doesn’t fall out – how to tip up the bucket and not have the water fall out was the question.


But mostly we played with the various exhibits about different aspects of forces – pushing , pulling, pressure, levers, magnetism, pulleys, friction etc. Not really anything new as such to SB – but she enjoyed it as she was hoping there would be some levers (she means hands on exhibit type things) And good reminders about things she already knows such as using pulleys to make lifting things easier
IMG_1688 So we played with levers

IMG_1701 Explored friction

IMG_1692 Floating and upthrust

IMG_1694 Pulled pulleys

IMG_1704 Pulled and pushed and squeezed and stretched

IMG_1711 Mass and Gravity

IMG_1706 What metals are magnetic
IMG_1703 And explored Newtons Cradle.

Didn’t manage to quite do everything before we went off for the second part of the session where we made a cardboard version of push pull toy. We me and SB did, BB cut up the card board into lots of bits (not all just random, she did cut out a chick, and cut nicely along some of the straight lines).

IMG_1713 IMG_1712

We had packed lunch there – chatted with a mum about a going to school conundrum (glad we don’t have those), a bit more of play then headed off. I got lost going through the shopping centre back to the car, came out the wrong exit and had to walk ages round it to the car park.

We popped into Merry’s on the way back for a short stop – I returned back of bits that had been left in France, checked up on a toy farm she is getting in for my Mum and Dad for BB’s birthday and I had much needed cup of tea (first one since breakfast, I was gasping), I had a nice little natter with Merry while she shooed children back to play. Though SB said later, when asked if she had a good play ‘No, because they were all arguing about what to do’ :-8

I haven’t seen the Puddles for a while so that was nice

Timed leaving just right, got home just in time to drop of BB with Helen, and pick up ballet stuff to take SB to ballet. Whilst SB at ballet, BB and Helen baked a nice cake and did a jigsaw I think. I drank more tea.

Once SB home there was some ‘TV’ watching (is watching downloaded TV programs on the computer watching TV or watching the computer? ) – the obligatory Numberjacks and then followed by Roar. A quick Pasta dinner, with BB being awkward (no – TINY one when the forkful too big) about eating it, but still eating it all in the end. Not sure what SB and Helen did while I put BB to bed. But I dozed off on the sofa while Helen did the SB bed time ooops…

So should really be in bed now I guess.

Some things you just can’t let go.

A job I’ve been putting off for many months at the very least, is sorting through the extremely large pile of kiddies clothes we have collected over the last 6 years. They were mostly sorted out before we moved, but BB of course has been through a lot of them since then, and there were a lot that had got mixed up during that time, or SB has been through since we moved.

But one, it was raining today so couldn’t work outside, two, I want to take some down for my cousins baby. So I bit the bullet. It has taken me literally hours, though bar some putting into bags, and a heap of socks and odd gloves etc. it is all sorted now.

I’m not especially attached to kiddies clothes etc. , but a few items I just couldn’t put in the passing on pile. One of them was a cardigan knitted by my Aunty Barbara when SB was baby She has suffered with dreadful polymyalgia for some years now – she had it then when SB was little, though nowhere so bad as now, and there was still hope they would be able to treat it successfully. It must have been an effort for to have knitted this cardigan.

But most of all for me is a little fleecy oversuit, hat and blanket set that we bought for SB before she was born. Seen here being worn by BB at our first Melrose in Feb 2005:


I can remember buying it, we’d gone out a couple of months before she was due to Mothercare for a big shop for stuff (odd in instself now, surely we’d do it online now?). They had this little set, it looked so cute, we succumbed to buying it (we didn’t buy many clothes for her, got given loads). The blanket at least, was used to when SB came home  from hospital – it was cold, it’s been snowing, she was so wrapped up you could hardly see a baby :-). I can remember taking her out dressed up in it to our favourite park in Leeds. I can’t part with it yet – soppy and daft I know.
I think it in some way sums up all that excitement and anticipation of planning for the approaching birth of your first child, and those first few month with the new baby. And  the memories of those happy times.

Enagage Brain Journalist

A bit of aimless web browsing with my morning cuppa, seeing as Butterbean is working on yesterdays time.

Came across this article from the Observer – Cheap Green Solutions for Heating Your house (ok in the interiors sections, so expect style over substance….) Such an uncritical piece of drivel. And i’ll ignore the fact that most of it has got nothing to do with heating your home.
Most annoying bit, about wood burning stoves:

But if you’re really concerned about your carbon footprint, look for stoves featuring a smoke-less CleanBurn system in which the gases created when fuel is burnt are circulated back into the stove and burnt off

No, it won’t have any affect on your carbon footprint at all – grrr. Whatever the stove does with Carbon monoxide etc. produced you can’t escape from producing Carbon Dioxide, it’s very simple chemistry.

Double Glaze Your Windows

Well it certainly doesn’t come under the cheap heading. Unless your windows need replacing anyway, it’s not cost effective and will have lots of embedded energy from manufacture etc.

Next floors:

According to Lorna Haigh from Alternative Flooring, wool is the best option for people looking for maximum warmth and practicality since it insulates, feels soft underfoot and is easy to clean.

Well, yes I’m sure Lorna would, but is she talking sense journalist or just marking guff?

Ranty, ranty rant :-)

Feel better now :-)

Not made your bed yet?

Now this is the sort of important news we like:
Don’t make that bed – it’s bad for you :-) 

Another little Step on the Way to Indepedndence

Monday we had a HE group trip to a local fruit farm, before we left Stringbean had a phone call from one of her friends who wanted to make sure they synchronized outfits :-) They both have the same stripy purple outfit from H&M. I think it’s probably the first time she has ever had a phone call to herself from one of her friends. I was highly amused by it. didn’t manage to get a piccie of them together though
Anyway the trip was fun. kids enjoyed it and I learnt a few things as well.

Rode around the farm in trailers towed by tractors

Our Transport

The farmer told us about the history of the orchards, the different fruits they grow (they are trying out Apricots), why the newer trees are much smaller than the old ones etcIntroduction to the Farm

Picked and munched on apples

Expectant Faces watch an Apple Being PolishedBB MunchingApple Picking

Learnt about grafting different apples onto another tree

Explaining Grafting

Had a look at how they grade the apples

The Apple Grading Machine

And at the juice bottling

Juice Bottling

There were some enthusiatic helpers :-)

Lots More Helping Hands

Some went off to the playground afterwards, we headed home with the Deep Enders and plied Katy with tea :-) whilst kids ran around and played.

Helen came home, then Deep Enders left, SB went to Ballet class, girls made get well cards for Nanny S, SB I think beat Helen at Landlock whilst I put BB to bed.

Tuesday – Library day, normal finding books, reading them, chasing up kids etc. Iyt was raining so they wanted to get kitted up in their full Muddypuddles outfits. BB quite comical as hers much too big for her (it’s meant to be a 2-3 but they are sized very big – SB still managed to wear it earlier this year – though a bit small for her by then…) so we probably took longer for them to get dressed up than walking round to the library :roll:

SB chose, for the first time to sit out the Storytime story bit and read by herself (but then the stories are aimed at 2-3 yo) – did the colouring though :-) home via the shops.

A lovely bit of quiet whilst they sat on the floor in the playroom reading, and I hid in the kitchen for 20 minutes with a cup of coffee.

On the topic of SB’s reading, it really is zooming along. She got a Rainbows Fairies book out on Saturday, she wasn’t sure about it as she had found them a little bit hard when she had them before a month to two ago. She read the one on Saturday straight through in the afternoon. So we had a couple more of those, and i managed to convince her to try a few books from the Junior Fiction shelf, rather than the simpler ones.

Tuesday afternoon, was lunch, a bit of playing followed by maths and handwriting (it’s really easy multiplication and division but she likes to do it so leaving her be to finish it off), cook dinner for later, try and find out about some Gymnastics classes for SB and she got a book out about Gymnastics and was doing lots of moves out of there. There is a very good Gymnastics club nearby (-ish) but it’s popular and has a longish waiting list. Emailed about a couple of other possibilities as well.

Then the swimming lesson routine, followed by dinner and bedtime. BB didn’t want to go to sleep, and took ages, by which time I was feeling tired/rubbish as the cold/lurgy kicked in, so it was TV and then a (for me) early bed

Come Back Tooth Fairy

We’ve had classic Stringbean wailing session tonight.

She lost another tooth yesterday. Toothfairy came last night and everyone was happy.

H put her to bed, and there has been a big wailing session because she has decided she wants her teeth back (all of the ones she has lost…) so she has left some moolah out for the Tooth Fairy.

Hope the TF is placated, do they do returns?

A Small Insight into the Mind of a 2 Year Old

BB painted this yesterday, whilst SB was out. It is a painting of toilet. The black blog bottom left was firstly a poo, then it became apparently a dead mouse with one leg…..

BB's Toilet Painting

Time and Motion.

Where does it go?  the time that is. OK i know I’m an expert at frittering it away, but I find it somewhat annoying when I’m not and it still goes and disappears on me. I think I need to do a  time and motion study to see where it has all gone during the day.

BTW, H pinched most of the piccies for her post below, So I’ll refer you there for illustration :-)

As soon as H was off to work, girls watched a couple of Numberjacks episodes – BB is a real addict for these at the moment. Then it was into the bath to clean up from the camping weekend – They’d been out for the count when we got back Sunday night.  Then it was off to the shop for bread and milk and home for breakfast.

After breakie the girls made cards for their cousin E’s birthday (a day late  – ooops…). We couldn’t find any colored card, so made a another trip out to the (relatively recently opened and quite useful) stationery shop for supplies. BB insisted we needed glitter, so we bought some probably expensive glitter from there as well.

Home for productive card making. SB had plan to make a Dorothy from the Wiggles from instructions in one of the kiddie magazines around here. She did really well, I showed her how to trace using some greaseproof paper and give her a bit of help with that and some cutting out. Other than that she sat  and did it all herself – spending ages working on it – basically the rest of the morning. Did some  lovely and careful small writing in it and addressed the envelope nicely as well. BB had fun with the glitter :-). and then spent ages organising things out of the camping food box. She is very much into organising and sorting things out at the moment.

BB couldn’t quite wait for lunch though :-) :

IMG_9752 IMG_9754

After lunch and a bit of running around and playing nosily SB did some maths while BB spent ages making patterns with the Cuisenaire rods. And then Helen came home, then after bit it was time for Ballet. While  SB out at Ballet, H and BB made some biscuits.

After ballet, SB did violin lesson with H whilst I got dinner. After dinner, with BB off to bed H and SB played some maths card games 

Tuesday was basically a reading day. After breakfast, rereading the library books before we took them back. Off (early for once) to the library for storytime – SB did a fruity wordsearch and made a fruity picture. Eventually prised them out of the library, home to finish off some of the camping Bourbon biscuits and read the new books before we had lunch. After lunch I chased them out of the kitchen whilst I tidied up a bit. SB was going to come back and do maths, but she settled down with books again on the sofa – spent about another 1 /1/2 hours solidly working her way through the books.

BB played happily for ages with the dolls house and the ‘people’  – she is very much into playing these sorts of games as well at the moment. Somehow the rest of the afternoon disappeared in maths, cooking tea etc. before going out to swimming lessons.

After lesson and dinner, whilst I was putting BB to bed (H still marooned at work) SB (unasked) emptied the dishwasher and put it all away, and washed up the plated and cutlery from dinner. So I let her stay up a bit longer and watch some TV. By the time she was settled in bed H was on her way home and it was time ti flop into our various heaps.

Our New Classroom

Our New Classroom

Don’t Forget The Bacon !

No, we  haven’t suddenly turned carnivorous, this has been Butterbean’s saying of the week, they got it from the eponymously named book that we had from the library recently. So she has been running around shouting this a lot :-)

Last couple of days they have been staying at my Mum and Dads, while I attacked a bit more of the arched window. Thursday they went to Mount Fitchet Castle, which was rather drier than when we were there last year.

Friday I think they just pottered about at their house. SB never had the chance for this at BB’s age, as they were all to far away. They do both enjoy going to stay there.
Rest of week, Tuesday is library day, so much reading of old books before we go. Made masks at Storytime:

sb monkey mask

Then home to read the new stash of books:

lots of library  books

followed by a  bit of tandem Starfalling:

they heart starfall

After lunch, and bit of playing in the garden, Maths and Getty Dubay and then time to get going for swimming lesson, with a short play at the park in between.

Wednesday, umm….  There was some Maths and Getty Dubay, and Education city and maybe some other computery things in the morning, we did something else as well, which eludes me right now – I read something to SB. Afternoon seems to have disappeared. More reading though:

weird reading position

- Helen was back home from work by then. Until I took SB out for her Rainbows boat trip. She had a good time, hooked up with another girl there, R and they were getting on like a house on fire according to her mum who had gone on the boat as well. They had a bit more of a run around while we chatted until SB hit her head on a wall :roll: :roll: and we left wailing…. We will hopefully arrange a playdate soon. While we were out BB and Helen made another Chocolate Spread Cake:

IMG_9271look at my licky fingersyummy choc spread cake

A couple of snippets from Monday:

BB helped make scrambled egg:

cracking cooking

They made this construction from chairs in the kitchen. It is apparently some sort of cot/bed/desk/sofa thing, with built in drinks thing for the baby:
