and SB has 4 gcse this year, BB doesn’t like going out much [we are going to have to work on that!] and I have non bloggable worries to worry about! so am being rather less than grgarious. I actually think i should do something about that, but I havent as yet.
so i will just blog about weds4ed, which was lovely, as B brought her daughter R and frenchE with her, and since they are schooled we dont get to see them so much. we had a great day. the sun was out, k did a discussion on andy goldsworthy and his art. it reminded me of DH and i in northumberland after we had seen an andy goldsworthy exhibition – must have been at the yorkshire sculpture park – and we were imitating this. The kids did a wonderful job of recreating some ideas in the garden.
B did maths with the ones working towards gcse maths. SB is really enjoying doing maths with B, and also has already looked at the videos linked.
science was a biology recap, but i realsied as i was doing it htat perhaps i need to go back further in time with the recap! we were looking at seeds, storage of energy as starch and then conversion into sugars when germinated. the experiment didnt work with the big kids [doing the gcse] but perfectly with the younger ones. sigh! however, we did talk about a lot of concpets, so hopefully the talking, especially about why things might not work, will be useful
bean seeds: sprouted sugar; sprouted starch; unsprouted sugar; unsprouted starch
rice grains: sprouted starch; sprouted sugar; unsprouted starch; unsprouted sugar
we all know i love multicoloured experiments pretty cool hey!
we finished the day with some minecrafters, some [including me and k] on the wii doing winter olympics [we were a bit hopeless!] and SB and J did some of a biol paper together – i think it is more fun doing some of these things together. J corrects SB’s appalling spelling as they go!
lovely day