Category Archives: Stringbean

Sporty Monday

A local HE group is having a monthly ‘sports’ session, we didn’t go last month as SB was ill but made it this time. Though a 9.30 start and a 40 min journey meant getting going in the morning. BB helped by getting me up before 6 am ;-)

Basically it is a ‘teacher’ doing various games etc. using balls, hoops, skittles etc. and lost of running about. SB enjoyed it, BB kept wanting to join in – running and chasing games are her favourites. Though SB also wanted to join in the older session (nominally 7yo, but some were younger i think) afterwards as well as she liked the look of the netball. Spent another hour afterwards while she played with various children and I drank tea, chatted etc. You know the score. Someone we’ve met a few times is moving from their house to buy a boat (with a ‘little bit of?? land attached’ ) sound that was interesting to chat about.

Their headed up your way Merry, so will likley appear at local stuff there.

Headed off eventually. Rain put paid to vague ideas I had of? bit of? walk somewhere. We headed of homewards, via a bit of shopping . Looking for? wholefood shop, since we don’t have? a decent one in the nearer towns (H&B is not a decent wholefood shop…. In fact it seems to be all pills and potions moslty nowadays). anyway, found a different one than the one I was looking for, so stocked up on a few things, and? nice bit of halva for an evening treat. SB entertained/or was enterntained, i’m not sure which, by the man up packing various boxes of stock as she peered at what he had and nattered away. I over heard her counting up in 2′s as well. It was a rather wholesome wholefood shop, which was rather nice, not haveing been in one sicne we moved house really. I took the oppurtunity to peruse the rack of green/right on publications that they had and was left feeling somewhat? unfaithful to? a former self as I was for? moment or two back? 15-20 years ago (that long), shopping in wholesome shops, persuing similar magazines. I used to be? a pretty strict vegan, among other things, which has gone by the way side, that former self did try to care about things, even? if as is the way of things it was naive at times. I’m not sure the current self really does care much any more.

Still raingin, som popped into a cafe, for a ‘pretty cheap, but shouldn’y have really’ lunch (but the plan of something sat on the grass was out due to rain), and Beans were getting hungry. SB wooed the counter staff buy asking for? a straw in the most polite-est way possible. Then via a chinese grocers for some noodles. Spent some time just persuing the various options as this was new experince for SB as opposed to the standard Sharwoods ones from the supermarket. she then just went around the shop going, what’s this what’s that at the various interesting things in jars and tins and packages. I resisted the urge to buy various interesting things.

Then home to playing, Mummy home from work time, and dinner.? Stir fry with the aforesaid noodles, we also had? a bit of Arame with it(it’s a dried Japanse seaweed in case you wondered). SB was intrigued when she relaised it was proper seawed, not the fried cabbage called seaweed that chinese retaurants do. She gamley tried some at dinner time as well. She professed not to like it – but it’s not really at it’s best eaten by itself, but she was munching in with vegetables a bit later, she just didn’t want to be seen liking it :-)

Before bed we watched another epsiode of the DVD of the ‘Life of Mammals’ (it was meant to be half, but I dozed off…).? SB has really got into all these sort of things since she watched the recent Planet Earth series so we are working our way through various ones. Have watched some of the Blue Planet as well – from which she has remembered among othe things that the Blue Whale is the biggest animal that ever lived, and also that there are lots of recently discovered things deep in the ocean, also is very taken with the idea that there might be somethign even bigger lurking in the depths.

Then a quick ‘Thomas’? story (the originals – not the modern pap) for bedtime

Enjoying more sun.

Both girls were still alseep when Helen left for work, which is unsual, but it didn’t last for long. Butterbean was soon up and causing havoc. SB soon got up as well, but she stayed upstairs for? while playing with the Happy Street which has been out on her floor all week sicne the party last weekend.

When she came down the first thing she wanted to do was ice the carrot cake we made on tuesday.? So she produced yet another tastefully decorated cake…


She was going to do a rainbow cake at one point. Whilst this was all going on BB spent sometime standing on a chair playing witht he cutlery and reorganising the contents. Outside for a bit, to hang up some washing . BB likes to help with this now, it’s a shame that she driops half the things on the ground when giving them to me. But she doesn’t like it if she seems me takign the stuff, she shouts at me very loud (she does? alot of shouting at the moment – whenever she wants something, something is wrong etc., it’s all a bit tiresome TBH). Pottered around for? bit looking at things, then back indoors. Girls leggoed for? bit while I did something or other, tidied breakfast things, more washjing on etc. I expect.

Back outside again, sat and read for bit whilst we ate some fruit, girls ran about, played on swings etc.. Strawberry plants were delivered today and the bit of ground they are goign in needed a bit of sorting, so I got on with that, SB sat and did some of the Singapore Maths, Thinking Skills 1A book, moslty adding up up to 20. They had some problems where you had one number and the answer, and had to find the missing number. She was complaing about this, so I showed her? how to take away the number from the answer to get the missing number. BB moslty clambered about on her climbing frame.

Then lunch, after which BB fell asleep in her seat.

Me and SB went back outside, finshed doing the bed for the Strawberries, SB moslty played around the garden doing one game or another. She seems to be really just enjoying the warm weather and being able to be running about in it. Had a bit of a conversation about what a weed is,? why we sometimes grow ‘weeds’ and other times don’t want them.. By which time it was time to get up BB who was still asleep.

So sat and cuddled? sleepy baby, whilst reading somemore to SB, looking at some books again on space stuff. . Tiem to get dinner ready, whilst I was doing that, SB did some more Explode the Code. Made? a bit of? fuss at first then got into it, and then did loads, about 7 pages I think as she decided she wants to catch Sam up, who is on the next book (book 3). So she did that until dinner time.

Over dinner we listened to more Little Toe Radio Show, she is funy, such a visual 21st century child. She likes to listen to it with ‘patterns’ (visualisations from the player ) and sits thee staring at the computer screen wayching the pattern :-) BB is so good at picking up on Helen’s voice. She was in the bath when Helen came home, but still heard here voice down stairs and started shouting and saying ‘Ma Ma’ and pointing :-) She was very cute this evening mimicing Helen doing ‘Woo, Woo, Woo’ sounds with her hand over here mouth

Phew! What a scorcher :-)

Well it was relativley here today, really hot day. Which had SB complaining when I made her take a fleece out with us when we went out this morning. SB part did jigsaw over breakfast. Went to a local HE group meeting today. Theme was Africa, with some Africa inspired crafty things.

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As usual it was down to line getting us out of the door, but we got there in time.

SB made a necklace, with beads made from rolled up sheets of paper glued together ,

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she then spent quite sometime making a painted on ‘leather’ picture which we put into a frame (hers is on the left)

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Though she did need assitance, in particular with the frame. They were very effective.

She then did a little bit of weaving with reeds/rushes:

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By the end of that it was time to have some lunch, which this time I was more organised with – though BB at some point had found someone half eaten pitta bread and helped herself to that :-) While all this was goign on, when not nicking others food BB poddled about, did bit of drawing, and kept trying to disappearr into the great blue yonder.

After the group we went down to the playground with soem others, SB complained of it being hot – it was. BB kept trying to climb up the climbing frames, and we bumped into the biggest three girls from the Puddle being given some relief from the stresses of house moving by Aunty Kate. SB was pleased as she got an Icecream out of it from AK :-)

Home, SB rather dozey, read ‘Where’s Wally ‘ to her, out to ballet lesson, back home, dinner, tears, when somehow I had BB on my lap, arm round her, cup of tea in other hand, she somehow lurched back over my arm, I couldn’t catch her and she hit her head hard on the door behind :-( big egg on her head but otherwise ok. not the best end to the day.

Party Time

Yesterday we had Stringbean’s party, the excuse being her offically home educated status this term. Day started with scurrying around, stocking up at the supermarket, organising stuff, tidying, vacuuming etc. dunno why really, given the chaos that would later ensue ;-)

Soon from all points of the compass (well 3 of them, anyway, given that we live on the eastern side of the country….) friends arrived, bearing children, food and of course alcohol.

Amd jolly lovely it was too , the kids ran around and played, in the garden, in the playroom, in the bedroom, so that the grown-ups could moslty sit around and chat, catch up, eat drink etc. and that was it really, we all spent a number of hours haveing a thoroughly lovely time. Last ones heading home left at about 10 30pm or so, though we weren’t really late to bed. THe last children SB and her friend Big didn’t go to bed until about 12 though, but they were having such a lovley time palying together it seemed shame to disturb them.

This morning we sat around, had breakfast, more playing, more tea/coffee drinking, chatting, families gradually headed off home. We waved a last goodbye to the making it up team after lunch (eating our way through some of the leftovers….) and then spent the rest of the day relaxing moslty. SB, was flagging somewhat and watched video’s/TV before dinner and an earlyish bedtime. A bit of tidying up – things are moslty back to normal, well at least no more disorganised than it normally is – finished the day, and then we’ve just blobbed around. Dinner was more leftovers :-)

So, thankyou to all those who came and made it such a lovley day, we missed those of you who couldn’t make it, I loved seeing all the kids milling about and playing together, and seeing everypne having a good time. I’m glad I’d got the swings together as they were popular with the children. This is such a good house for having parties in, lots of space inside and out – so it’s good to share it.
Here is to the next time.

Helen is currently flickring our photos as I post, so they should soon appear. Though I think this one from Mazportico sums up the day really:

Shorts snap

May 2004:

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April 2006:

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Good value those shorts :-)

Where are we?

Seem to have lost things a bit re blogging lately – a lack of inspiration? various concerns/stresses here re work finances, house never seems to progress beyond the slighty less disorganised state etc. even when an effort to knock some things into shape is made. Kids seem to be in a getting to bed bit too late mode at the moment – not enough evening time. A short update.

Yesterday Elinor’s Nanny, (Helens Mum) called in for a day, so she was much enjoyed. At the moment that’s about all I have in my brain about yesterday. Hmm, there was some maths and some more Explode the Code, she made a Hama flower for Little Nanny.

Today there was some more Hama-ing- SB did another butterfly, she carefully matched the pattern on both wings so we had bit of a discussion about symmetry. Might intoduce bit of stuff about that next week. BB was stacking the big Duplo bits carefully on top of each other, they both played nicely together with Lego/Duplo. SB did some maths – easy stuff really, but she wanted to finish off the book. We tried to amke some inroads into the enormous backlog of washed clothes around the place – the problem when you ahev blitz on the dirty pile…..

Played outside for bit. BB is desperate to be able to climb up onto the large climbing frame.

Went shopping for few bits, dragged the swings we got secondhand in Leeds before we moved and have yet to be reassembled (needs various rusty bolts replacing) out and now have bits all over the lawn. Try to get it together for tomorrow.

Ballet class this afternoon.

Trying to get head/house organised for the’ SB Offically HE party’ party on Saturday and failing somewhat. Ah well whatever state the house is in on Saturday morning, but Saturday afternoon, 28 children will returned it to it’s normal entropic state no doubt …….

I did manage to upset SB a bit, when she thought I said we might send her to school :roll: She was calling her party her ‘Home Ed Birthday Party’, so we ended up talking about why we were having the party, talked about the law saying that at her age she has to offically ‘be educated’, that most children go to school, etc. she got the wrong end of the stick somewhat and seemed ‘But I don’t want to go to school’ . I do wonder what she imagines school is like. We don’t really talk about it much, if it comes up we talk about it, but we don’t say a lot of negative things about school.

Help -we’re trapped!

After Helen’s exhaust falling off episode last week, I had to take the car off to Kwik fit for a new one. My mum came round to look after the kids to save them being dragged around with me.. I had an ok time – off to the garage, had a bit of wait – once I would have been ‘grr!’ now UI just enjoy the chance to sit and read the paper for 45 minutes uninteruppted – i was quite sad when the chap said it was done ;-)

Went off to do a bit of shoppign as well, a little while alter there was phone call from my mum, they were all shut in the playroom! The handle came off the outside of the door a week or so ago. I was waiting to get some new screws since it didn’t seem to have any, other the one I could find – coincidentally I had just got some when my mum rang me. THe metal rod that goes through the door, ahd of course come out and was sitting in the playroom. Of course my mum shut the door….. soemtie later they tried to open it and were trapped – so I had to cut short my shopping.

Whiel I was out they seemd to have fun. SB and Nanna did some more patterns on a couple of T shirts wuith her ‘Puff up paints’, BB did some ‘drawing’, some general playing, some reading etc. more playing after I’d freed them and we had lunch etc. SB did read one of here Red Nose Readers to Nanna, – other than couple of odd words she can pretty much do these now. We played a game where SB was apost man and briought lots of presents, seem to eb an excuse to empty out BB’s toy box….

Whilst I took Nanna home, she did some maths of some sort – ordinal numbers apparently from singapore maths 1a thinking skills. She also did some drawing of farm animals from a how to draw farm animals books, and also spent some time looking for OS symbols on some maps. Before bed whilst palyiong on the floor with SB and BB I managed to hit SB’s head on the door whilst ‘messing her about’- got a nice egg. Didn’t stop her coming back for more though after about 5 minutes. BB is so funny, we were on the floor playing about, she comes trotting across the room, shouting and then flops down on top of you. When she does it to SB she looks like a minature Big Daddy doing a ‘belly splash’ :-)

SB is getting into the Little Toe Radio Show on a whim, as the laptop was on the table (not having DAB radio or dig TV – anyway – listening when you want is much easier), I put it on last Thursday while we had dinner, she sat listening too it silenty almost for the whole hour. So we have been listening to that a bit which she is enjoying. She listend to bit this afternoon, what was funny was that becuase she wasn’t doing anything else she sat on the chair in front of the computer and looked up at the screen, even though it wans’t really doing anything.

Augmenting Reality

Well, don’t we all feel like our reality could feel like augmenting sometimes? Seems a bit of posh term for it, but me and SB spent a fair while after lunch playing with this trial on BBC Jam which we came across yesterday.You need to sign up for it, and be accepeted to get the username and passoword. Though by the looks of it they are generic ones that everyone gets.

It is very much trial stuff at the moment, a bit crude and clunky, and the interactive bits sometimes don’t work that well, but it was enterntaining and you can imagine some good possibilities once it gets more refined.

Basically, what you have is simple story, that you read/listen to. Interspesed are little scenes where you use the printed materials to produce animated 3D characters on screen. You print out sheets of paper, with simple little block patterns printed on them. each one correpsonds to a specific charatcer/object , when put in front of the webcam, the software produces a 3D image on screen, by moving the printed image around, you can move the image on screen, rotate it etc. simple little actions/animations can be triggered etc.? Worth a play, other than bit of fiddling about to get the webcam to work with it, it worked fine, though it is little camera on stalk, pluged into the laptopo and could done with being mounted higher..

Other than that, we didn’t do much this morning really, moslty pottering around, waiting for Helen to go of to her conference for a couple of days. BB insisted on getting up at about 7.30 after I gave in, and then fell asleep again in her high chair about 9 grr! Did some reading with SB, a couple of Red nose Readers, some Cbeebies. SB and BB played soem chasing games together, BB kept wanting to unload the dishwasher. By bedtime I was glad once they were both settled – BB took a while as she slept a bit too long while we were augmented.

Relaxed with a beer and The Apprentice? Quite enjoyed this one, I loved the way Ruth just basically ignored the lads in her team and just went and got on with it. Poor old Tuan, just never had it in him, he was going to have to go, though I can’t see Syed making it – to inconsitent. i wonder who would ahve gone if it had been the other team, which it could easily have been it was so close.

Relocation, relocation, relocation.

Relocation being the phase Butterbean is now in.? She is endlessy finding things, picking them up, investigating them dropping them all over the place, emptying things….. You know it is.? I’d forgotten tiresome it is to have them endlessy scattering stuff about. and I suspect with Stringbeans stuff all around there is much more for her to scatter. But she is just so cute at the moment as well, so she gets away with it :-) She is very much in the midst of the learning stuff everyday phase as well, so all the time you can almost see her learning about the world.

Anyway, apologies to those wondering where we have been – we have been away at Helen’s parents over Easter. We had? a lovely time. SB spent ages playing with her cousin M, they get on so well. BB had fun ‘Rarring’ around with everyone and trying to join in with the bigger ones. I got to read lots of the paper. We all had good time. Though as we ended up going on Friday morning we got stuck in lots of slow/non-moving traffic on the M25.

Back home BB was up woth me this morning by 6.30 so we had? a good start. She almost dragged me out into the garden after breakfast . She went and got her wellies, and shouted at me until i put thme on her, then wandered off to find her coat, got me to put that on, then pulled at me to come and pointed at my coat on the hanger -? knows what she wants that girl :-) She loves getting outside. whenever the door is open, whoosh – she is off. We spent ages outside in the garden while she pottered an explored. she particularly likes finding the odd bowls/buckets of water around to investigate. She helped me hamg out the washing too – picking up the clothes out of the basket and giving them to me – she is growing up and developing so fast. Rather nice pottering around in the early-ish morning sun
Eventually went back in – I think she was getting too cold once she got wet.

after that the day got? bit frustrating actually, one of those days where time seems to disappear and it seems hard to get into things. SB got up her and BB played together for? bit, more breakfast, Sb did some maths ( a bit more of of carrying on from last week) – she asked why she didn’t get a holiday like the school children :-) When I pointed out that at school she would have to sit still at a desk fro a lot of the time, she’d have to do what she was told? most of the time etc. etc. she seemd to think the amount of? ‘work’ she has? to do isn’t so bad :-)? She did? bit of hama beading, started with? star board, she was working on a pattwer, wwhen she discovered sh could make a hexagon pattern ‘inside’ it as well, which she thought was exciting. After lucnch she spent ages on the BBC Jam site, be better when they get some more content, but she was happy.

Had to go out to get a Freecycled stereo/CD player thing, and to the farm shop for veggies, where SB did her cute, helplful, chatty girl thing.? Forget what else, but Sb watched? a bit of the Clangers DVD. Which did spark a conversation about Earth, the Universe, about he concept of ‘sky’ as SB had the idea about earth being ‘ in the sky’, though she also has the idea tht the ‘sky ‘ is all around the earth. Bit of a tricky concept sky really. We all spent some more time out in the garden, i did a couple of jobs, B got wet again.? SB triesd climbing in roller skates. BB sulked cos she could climb on the climbing frame. Then we had dinner and then tidied the playroom beforw Helen arrived homwe (rather late)

Wil try and get up todate with flickr? soon, but Helen away from tomorrow to Friday

In and out

Both Beans slept all night in their own beds, which was rather nice :-) First bit of the morning was housework time – various bits a bit of a disaster zone. So I got on with that , SB started off with a bit of CBeebies. Apparently her favourite show is Lazy Town – she likes the girl – Stephanie – the main character with the pink hair :-) It’s a bit of an odd show it seems to me, but then I’ve just seen that it’s made by an Icelandic company – everything out of Iceland seems a bit weird.

Once BB was up she did some more Hama whilst having breakfast. BB has got very good at using spoon to feed herself, so does seem to actually eat stuff like Weetabix, which she used to turn her nose up at. After breakie managed to tidy vacuum around/asisted by children. got fed up again by all the random ‘stuff’ that collect on the flat surfaces in the hallway – we’ve 2 radiator covers, a shelf, a couple of small tables and a shoe cabinet, so there is plenty of scope for stuff to collect – I just went around with a carrier bag and put everything in it that didn’t belong. I think I’m going to make a weekly habit of it. Either eventually,most of our belonging will be in carrier bags , or it’ll have to be be put back in the right place.

Sat and played for a little bit whilst waiting the arrival of the chap from the council. Just clarifying whether we would need to apply for Listed building consent for the repairs we need to do to the conservatory various bits of rotten timber and repainting – a good summer project.

Then it was off to Nanny and Grandad’s. Pick up a couple of Easter Eggs, return the computer I had been tinkering with for my mum. SB ice some little cakes, played bingo game with Nanny, read some books, played for ages with the farm. She likes that becuase she doesn’t have that at home. They are all our old plastic farm animals, tractors etc. from when we were kids. I got the ‘pute back up and running, went to the Builders Merchants with my Dad (so he could put some timber on the roof bars on our car) Had lunch – with BB being a total pickle/PITA becuase she wasn’t strapped into a chair at all. BB failed to go to sleep – so was grumpy later on. SB got a little daytime fix of CBeebies on they Sky TV – which she always thinks is such a treat :-) Came home.

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Both Beans of course fell asleep straight away almost. When we got home BB was a pain becuase she didn’t want to be put down and sleep, nor did she want to be awake. SB just slept away in here dead frog postion but I could really get her awake whilst BB was being a pain. Rescued by the arrival home of Helen. Surprisingly, whilst not in bed early, both Beans did get to sleep at a reasonable time, considering the long ‘nap’ at the wrong time.

I was reading a post by Doc about goal setting, which has got me thinking about our broader educational goals, but that can wait for anothe post (as it happens I got to that post via Becky at Farm School who has a Homeschooling Country Fair – becuase of the Home School Blogger boycott)