Category Archives: Stringbean

The long and the short of it.

Bwahh! just shut the wrong window – goodbye post….. Luckily it wasn’t too much written.

Took the tandem out with the trailer as well for it’s first run as a full rig – ‘The Beanmobile’ :-) To nursery and to ballet class – a few car-replacement miles to justify it’s purchase.Stringbean thought it was great having Butterbean as well. Lovely Autumn morning to be pottling along. SB seems much happier now about going off on her own into things. She’s happy now to run off to get cuddle from ‘her’ nursery nurse, always used to like me to stay for bit first, and goes off into ballet without a second thought. Good to see, as she was always happy to do this, but the move left her seemingly much less confident. Excited to have all the gear for her ballet class, though ‘Bad Daddy’ forgot to sew the little bits of elastic onto her shoes, but they stayed on fine. Quite why the teacher wants skirts above the knee when the skirts in the shop all seem to be longer than that I don’t know….. bit more sewing to be done eventually I guess. Supposed to have little basket as well. Outfit is mostly in blue though, I’m sure there are ploenty of disappointed little girls who would have preferred all pink :-)

She of course looks just so cute :-) in the outfit. Piccies will soon be on Flickr.

That’s about it for interesting things from today, a bit of mising catchup from Tuesday:

Morning started unsually with bit of TV – she asked to watch some TV, and had managed to pick the time when CBeebies starts on BBC2, so got to watch a bit of that first, prised her away for breakfast by promising to video a bit.

Breakfast was followed by finding library books, getting dressed etc. – always seems to be plaver when we want to get out, then she wants to take her dolly pushchair as we almost ready to go out :roll: , Amble round to library, drop off the books for checking back in, settle down for story time – BB seemed quite attentive as well. Then probably SB’s favourite bit of the colouring and glueing and sticking – it was a mermaid so she was happy with that. She is always the last to finish as she always wants to do two…..

Bit of a chat afterwards about HE and stuff, given pointer to a dance shop in local town, so planned a visit to finish kitting SB out with her ballet kit. home to give BB some milk whence she promptly fell asleep and slept for about 3 hours :-) – she had had very bad night – a lot of crying – I’d ended up taking her into another room, but she still continued for bit. So me and SB had peaceful time, reading some of her library books, having lunch, watching the bit of recorded Cbeebies – Balamory, hanging out washing, whilst SB ‘helps’ – eventually decided she would be the ‘peg giver girl’ and clambers on the climbing frame – latest trick seem to be to climb along the top of the ‘jungle run’ handlebars with a foot on each one.

Main thing is that we finally started on doing something with the ‘Muddlepuddle postcards’ (a bunch of children on the Muddlepuddle email list sent postcards to each other) Pinned the map to the board, joined postacrds to location with some red wool. It’s looking very good, but still not finished as we ran out of pins – ands while we must have loads, they haven’t surfaced from the boxes yet. SB got very good at stringing the wool, tying knots and cutting it. Will do a piccie when it’s finished. However the list contained 28 other families we only seem to have 20 recieved – is it time to ‘name and shame’…?

Somewhere onong the way, SB disappeared upstairs to play with her dollies for bit, while I was on the telephone, so I left her to it to grab a bit of valuable ‘me’ time for a bit of quiet reading of the Grauniad and drinking of tea. Helen was due back from work pretty late, and a bit of kid free time is very good for keeping things on an even keel later on.

Once BB (eventually) woke it was some quick late lunch and then we whizzed off to do some shopping. Dance shop was tedious, becuase all the new classes have started and we caught the after school ‘rush’ – well it’s atiny shop, so only afew customers, but only one salesperson, so it wasn’t goign very quickly. So we had to wait what seemed like forever. SB – and BB were good though waiting so long. SB pleased to have the gear now. Popped into closing down baby shop and bought a couple of fleecy winter hats for the girls each for ?1.50 each – SB talked me into buying this fluffy plastic Tiara thing as well……

Time for quick hit on Waitrose and then home for dinner. SB was fine really, but did come out rather to often with ‘can we have’, ‘I want these not those’ etc. I was flaggin g a bit, so came out with the old chestnut ‘ I’ve just spent loads buying you your dance stuff, I don’t want to hear anymore I want’s or we will take it back’ :-) – one of those ‘did I really say that’ moments…… Ok empty threat , but it had the desired effect :-)

Home for dinner, a bit later than normal, and BB seemed starving, she wolfed it down and was making a fuss > Helen didn’t get home until about 8 – 8.30, so SB pleased to still be up when she got home, so she had bit of late bed time. BB of course was just happy for some proper nosh. Spagehtti and sauce from a jar (Lloyd Grossman, rather nice actually) was just about all I could manage to get for tea for us by then.

Just call me Angelina

Nursery day today. Increasingly find us getting to Thursday and thinking that it is getting in the way of all the other things we could be doing. Though of course the plan is that I am at work on those days, hasn’t quite worked out like that yet though.

Afterwards took Stringbean to her first Ballet class lesson. It’s in the village which is nice, as often for us now things are elsewhere and need travelling to.

She has wanted to do ballet for it seems like ever (she said to me on the way there that she had wanted to do it in Mummies tummy). most of the other girls going there already had there leotards and their little skirts.and shoes, so she was a bit disappointed that she doesn’t have hers yet, but they had a leotard that she could borrow. Didn’t get to watch it sadly, but they did all look so cute :-)

Seemed to enjoy it, though seemed a little disappointed as ‘they didn’t do any ballet’, which I assume means they didn’t do any twirling around, dancing etc. – more simple movement stuff. did enjoy telling us how they all got to pretend to be a ballon going pop.

We are continuing with Stagecoach for bit, but will drop it, maybe after Christmas as more things come on stream – she has enjoyed it, and it’s an area that is diffcult/impossible to cover well at home, but it’s expensive and it really messes up the weekend as it takes out Saturday morning every week (it’s a 20 mile round trip). I think it is maybe something to come back to when she is older if she really shows an interest in this area. But once she is 5 in Feb she can start proper swimming lessons – she has managed to swim a width of the pool now and that was the deal :-) They do do stuff for under 5′s but it seems more playing, confidence stuff etc. and she is well beyond that, also Rainbows, and if I can find one a Gymnastics class (there is special Gymnastics place , but nearer would eb nice – and there is a fair waiting list for the proper classes it seems.. plus various HE stuff as well. It should keep us all busy.

On return from Ballet, I gave the kids their tea and heaed straight for the bath as Helen is normally back later today. Once out of the bath she was home and BB could feed (priorities…) and SB could play with her. Not entirely sure what was going on all the time, SB mostly scampering around with no clothes on as far as I could see. She did play a nice ‘Hide something under the cups’ game with BB.

A few future thoughts are forming. We have accquired quite a bit of stuff now – esp. books (moslty thanks to a bit of an Ebay frenzy on Helen’s part, plus a bit of Barefoot books, Redhouse, Sonlight) We could open a DK/Usborne library I think :-) – as well as general history/science/geography type things, we have Singapore/Miquon maths, Explode the Code, various phonics reading stuff, Getty & Dubay handwriting, Sonlight Timeline stuff. We want to put together a box of sciency stuff we looked at so that when something comes up we can have a go at it there and then. a lot is general household stuff, but somethings will need buying. We were looking at the science kits Sarah has mentioned before I seem to remember. And I’ve got a couple of years worth of Krampf emails stashed away.

So plenty of things. I need to spend sometime sat down looking at and thinking a bit about it, and I sense a plan for aiming at a modicum of mild structure coming over me. Nothing to intense – one of the reason for HE is that I think school starts being too academic too early, and I am a bit Charlotte Mason-y at times. But there are areas SB enjoys such as the maths ‘match and sort’ workbooks and related mathsy stuff in general, she is gradually getting a grasp of reading, she loves trying to write things down, she loves looking at books about various periods in history. I’d like to organise things so that we can easily do bits of stuff, do Getty & Dubay regularly, try to bring bit of structure to the way we approach the maths (the ‘pick a page, any page’ approach of SB is falling down more frequently as she progresses and the concepts get a little ‘harder’.

An area I think is suffering is that of ‘nature study’ – we do do various of bits of this as it comes up., looking at beasties etc. But I was concious when down in Somerset when out walking together that we don’t seem to have done much of that recently, since we moved. When in Leeds we had Country park we used to visit, and some local woods that we often used to walk round – with some excellent big rocks for SB to clamber on. Don’t seem to ahve done much of that, TBH, though we live in village now, I don’t think I fihdn the countryside very inspiring round here to get out exploring. Must make more effort. Though even our garden itself is a good resource.

And ther are things like churches and graveyards, that SB seems very interested in for some reason, and maps – which she seems to have really got the hang of conceptually which are jsut asking to be picked up on whille the iron is hot.

So a bit of a plan is needed me thinks. There are also domestic aspects to this, as too often the house gets to much of a tip, esp. the kitchen – I find it hard to concentrate on playing/doing HE stuff wetc. witht he kids when it is too much of disaster zone. Need to work on it staying tidier. more organised.

Haven’t Flickr-ered for a few days, something very amiss there……

2 day catch – up

Suffering from ‘Bloggers Brain’ – as in I can’t remember what we did yesterday to blog it …..

I know we went shopping in the afternoon, Stringbean was very good, went to couple of shops and got some veggies from a market stall (3 caulis for 50p – bargain….) – helps out by counting out the requiste number of lemons or whatever – she always wants to buy lemons for some reason. Excellent help in Waitrose, they have small kiddie trolleys (proper trolleys, not those stupid ride in car type things), she pushed this around carefully while I had Butterbean in the buggy, carefully stacked everything in there as we went round, didn’t crash into anyone. This was quick in and out shop so not enough time to get bored and grumpy for either of them. Came home to find H home so of course BB had good munch, SB wanted to play with mum, while I did housey things (cook dinner etc. Cauliflower cheese of course, which pleased SB as it’s one of her current favourites.). Roughly put up the Kyham to air has it was wet when we packed (disadvantage with something like the Kyham, can’t just hang it up to dry) and I remembered it was still in the roofbox festering.

The main thing I rememeber about the morning is that BB went to sleep about 3 times, but woke up after about 10 minutes or so each time so got quite grumpy and so spent a fair while cuddling her, some ‘matching and sorting’ went on as did some more colouring at some point, and we didn’t fiddle about with the tandem to attach the trailer so couldn’t try out that to go to the shops in (and in fact went about 2-3 hours later than intended….) All in all it was bit of bitty unsatisfying day, to much mess around from the holiday still etc.

Today (Tuesday)

Read a chunk of the Osburne TimeTraveller Omnibus on Romans with SB over breakfast time, along with the associated little diversions of conversation that crop up. after getting dressed, pottering about erc. then found the library books (now I can look them up on the ‘puter to see which ones we have out I’m nuch better at getting them all back). Ambled round to the library, ‘Storytime’ has started up again so we sat and listened to that, did a bit of colouring and sticking to make sea horse for the undersea display before getting out some more books. Had couple of ‘going to school’ type conversations as of course various parenst kids have headed off this week. Responses to ‘We are home Edcucating’ were boringly uninterested

Had the though that things are bit like some sort of bad ’50s sci-fi, all the children once they reach a certain age, suddenly disappear from view – creepy :-)

Home again, home again to sit down to give BB some milk and settle her down for snoooze and the a good read with SB. After lunch she found the magnetic Jiglets from when we moved and we played with them on the fridge. A slight confusion with the way words go. On the Zebra the word ran from the animals tail to it’s head, when she did fox it was the other way round, but she still did the word the same way so it was back to front , took a bit of convincing that words always go left to right :-) A bit more dot-to-dotting and colouring (she is really into both at the moment) and maths workbooky stuff – she has a great collection of felt tips, most of which were cheap or free and are frankly rubbish, they run out in no time and clutter the place up, so finally convinced her to throw away any that have dried up and we will by a set or two of decent ones. (There are couple of Berol ones around whihc have been around for ages and are still going strong) while we played with BB then headed outside into the garden.

SB got most of the washing off the line for me (she stands on her little trampoline ), played in the still up tent, rolled around with BB, then when BB had another nap we went in and cooked tea. SB did a really good job of cutting up the tofu, carrots and cauliflower. H came home bit late as she was on call but just as were having dinner, so got to have it with us. Tidied up the playroom while dinner cooked, SB insisted I hoover soo that I could put the rug back down (wouldn’t countenance putting it back over the grub…) so it was softer for he ‘exercises’ – much jumping and twirling about, and seemi headover heels and handstands. Wa shoping to get her into soem sort of proper Gymnastics class, but haven’t managed to yet

After bath time was chatting with SB about HE and school, what she thought HE was, and what she thought school was like – no idea of course really – she did suggest we should ask M her cousin as he goes to school. Not sure what she thinks about it, but she is happy with telling everyone who asks she is not going to school and is being home educated, so we leave it at that, we don’t really mention school very often anyway, we don’t make big deal about it, just ignore it really. It’s just not part of our life.

We travelled a long way mentally in 2 years.

Indian Summer/ September Camp

agh, my presentation frozen – am i in autosave mode? dare i find out?

Anyway, will take this oportunity to blog – initialy sketchilly and to fill in.

miraculously left at 7.30 and a few traffic jams aside, made good progress. Stopped in a service station to find chris’s bumbag [with everything inside] precariously hanging to outside of car through SB’s imperfectly shut car door [Yep, gave him a hard time on a number of the issues raised]
tent up easily – poles are helpful here
SB helping was even helpful in places.
Lovely campsite
We then went for walk up onto quantocks – it was BB’s first bushbaby experience, and she seemed to like it. SB enjoyed the walk as well.

It was still reasonably warm at night – no need for fleece blankets etc. If mudpud does end up moving, this would be a good alternaive week? could have a rising 5′s not back to school barbie [katy's idea, though we couldn't make it]

Visited Crealy, and met up with the Screamteam and 2 red Boots. We were late, but they appeared unfazed. It really is a great place, but not able to forcibly move it to closer to home.
Lovely day and lovely company. the children played happily, and after a slightly shakey start, SB got the flow of things too. Kessie dog certainly a softie, and even I’m not afraid of her! Relaxed chat for adults, and lots of water playing for children. yep, it is going on flickr as I type!

met up with a uni friend, Shaula, who is the children’s godmother. We took the somerset steam railway to minehead, had a picnic on the prom and then a walk and play along the sands. Not such scorching weather – Sb disappointed not to swim. However, looked at what I confidently explained were lugworm holes [i hope] and drew and wrote in the sand.
chris for some reason put BB in bushbaby backwards – looked very odd, and turned her round again.
Shaula had come bearing gifts – both children delighted!
She had tea and gossip with us, as it is far too long since we have met ‘IRL’

this time a drive to exmoor and a couple of walks. around caractacus stone and tarr steps ancient clapper bridge. lovely day. tea shop lunch and chips at minhead prom for tea! SB a good walker now. didn’t moan too much that BB now has bushbaby! SB loves tree climbing too. Lots of roving HE – geography/maps contour lines, flooding, landscape reading, history, ancient technology, flora and fauna [caterpillars, pondskaters, sheep, ponies]

slow to pack up, and had been rain overnight. SB took almost the whole tent packing time to tidy a few books and toys. Had been goingto look at a local abbey and then moveout, but just got going earlier to meet up with pete ‘n kate in bristol. He was Chris’s friend at uni, she mine at school and uni, they met at our wedding…..
lovely to catch up again.

so all in all a chilled and sociable holiday.

Home ed taking place – lots of colouring, a fair bit of singapore maths. SB ‘read’ to herself a variety of red nose readers, and we read a lot of others together. We looked at her egyptian book , why it rains and a space book as well. ed on the hoof as above, also star spotting in the evening – mostly making up our own constellations. I think shaula read SB the whole child’s bible.


Stringbean : ‘I am a robot, I will exterviate you’
:-) :-)


Had another visit from the Patch of Puddles which was lovely. Though sadly Fran was not feeling very well and spent most of the time sitting, lying quietly which was a shame. But the rest of them all had a good time. This is a great house for having visitors, plenty of space inside and out for the kids to run about and play, plenty of space in side and out for the adults to sit and chat, drink tea, eat etc. :-) Day was lovley and hot and sunny, autumn will soon be on it’s way, so need to make the best of these.

I was out getting supplies when they arrived, apparently there was an odd little time on first arrival as Stringbean and the puddlers settled in with each other -SB not wanting to join in and play with them, which happened before, resolved by bringing out some new bits of Brio type train track . Not sure wat that is about exactly but by the time I arrived they were off and playing., flitted in and out of the house, playing upstairs, on the climbing frame, riding scooter, bikes etc. Didn’t really notice exactly what they were doing but they all seemed to be happy most of the time. Evidence of playing with old Cindy dolls on the landing, snippets of the typical ‘Do you want to be the baby, I’ll be mummy’ type conversations, and lost of running around, clambering about, whilst adults chatted and gossiped.

Had nice lunch, cooked the kids some pasta – mostly becuase we know they will all eat it, and it’s quick,. Served it to them on a table down the end of the garden well out of earshot ;-) Then did a pitta bread, hoummus, olives, salad, corn-on-cob type thing for the adults, plus the kids to eat bits of as they saw fit Sat muncing on this under the gazebo on the lawn whilst children swirled around us back and forth.

It’s great watching them all playing together, SB and Maddy in particular seem to get on well (nearest in ages of course). BB and Josie did the sitting, squirming (BB) and crawling (Josie) baby thing happily all day. We do feel that SB maybe misses out on playing with other kids a bit. In Leeds she had a circle of he friends from Helen’s ante-natal group that often met up most weeks,and tots club (with many of the same) etc.. We’ve not really managed to make any suitable contacts yet in the village, we did attend a few group things in the village, but moslty it was younger kids attending (not that SB seemed to mind), presumably the older ones were at nursey, playgroup etc. and of course lots will be going to school very soon. She doesn’t seem obviosluly bothered by this, but maybe she is too young to think about it. But she does love children visiting her,and when we go to the playground, she always likes it when ther are other cildren around who she can play with. And as a dad (since I’ve done most of it of course), it does seem a bit harder to link into the mum’s network sort of thing that groows aup aroubnd the variosu baby/toddler activities.We’ll see how things go I guess.

Anyway, we all decided to try and make the effort to get togther a bit more often. Will hopefully make the Peterborough Puddlers meeting on Friday

I would include some piccies , but of course H has gobbled up our flickr upload allowance for this month. So it will have to wait until tomorrow. She has only got a slighty twitchy mouse finger….

helen edit: it was a lovely day – sorry if i seemed vague at times, but getting too old for 24 hour shifts. SB had bee really excited by puddlers coming, but also very clingy when I got home – she really hates my 24 hour shifts, and wants to do everything with me the next day, which is lovely but I’m usually knackered.

Before the puddlers arrived, we talked about what she had done yesterday, read some of my history of england for children ebay purchase books [lovely!] – for once we read modern history, so first and second world wars, and related them directly to family members, which she grasped. Also discussed a bit why wars might happen. there was a cartoon piccie towards end of margaret thatcher and all SB could think about was what a fat head she had got – i think a bit of a lack of appreciation of artistic licence!

we did some more patterning with the connect 4, but the real business was trying on the rollerskates I got from the friends shop for ?1. these are the bees knees as far as she is concerned, and she skated all over the playroom, the corridors and outside. Only one egg on her forehead, and otherwise getting the knack – did have to put my foot down about wearing them on the climbing frame – particularly when the puddlers were here ‘but maddy said I could go down the slide fast’…..hmm!!!!

Chris has covered the puddlers – which was lovely, thanks for visiting. Need to contact Karen O in Northants too. [if you're reading....] We are hoping to catch 2 red boots next week when in somerset/devon camping [venue TBA!], and hopefully firming up a few open house visitors, so that’s good.

When puddlers left, a long cuddle, as SB very sad to see them go – so after a shaky start… next time must sort out icebreaker activity. May go to Merry’s next so she doesn’t have to do the trek. if Chris not working and avail to drive that would be fine – i just worry about driving long distances if been up hald the night. From october though, hopefully, it will be less likely to happen due to rota changes. Poor Merry had some maniac driver behind her on way here though.

Anyway, long cuddle and then SB did me lots of flowers with her spirograph, carefully writing hers and my names beside them as we love each other. She is just adorable. Since I had crashing migraine [combination of approaching storm, no sleep and stress] I was slightly out of it, but hopefully managed to get across how lovely it was. The I did crash and chris has done whole bedtime thing – i didn’t even feed BB [though I did lots in the day]

Massive storm – so migraine eased off, but still very muggy. really lovely and long phone call from a uni mate of mine, who we are also meeting up with next week. She is SB and BB’s godmother.

Summer’s still here.

Oh dear, dozed off on the sofa, now I’ve woken up I of course don’t feel ready to go to bed. So might as well do the blogging I meant to do earlier.

Beautiful sunny morning, both the girls were up with us before Helen had to head off to work, sadly for another 24 hours shift, see you in the morning love :-( Stringbean was keen to do ‘some making’ and keen to raid the craft cupboard. But agreed with my suggestion of breakfast first. So yet another bowl of Cocopops (she will need to go cold turkey when this box is finished) was consumed.

SB then launched into a pianting, cutting and sticking fest. Doing some painting in one of her colouring books, making another ‘robot’ out of an old egg box, and i’m not sure what else exactly as I was giving BB her breakkie, getting her changed etc. She was a bit disappointed to have put some purple glue on top , to be told that it would turn clear once it dried. She has got a lot better at at concieving a plan of action and carrying it out, she had described most of what she was going to do to make a robot before she started.

This seemed to take up the first part of the morning until BB went for her nap by 10am. Resisting the temptation to stay on the bed and listen to R4, I returned to SB and made coffee, she moved onto an old issue of one of the BBC kiddies magazines which she worked her way through, we read all the stories, the spot the differences, and various puzzzles, and then made the Dora game that was in part of it. Though we never got round to playing it.

BB woke up and while I got her and played with her a bit SB took herself off to the playroom and spent ages again playing with the Connect 4 making patterns witht he pieces. Then we tidied up the kitchen bit and had lunch. SB was very good at feeding BB her lunch while I got ours ready.

After lunch we headed into the garden, though it was so hot we decided it was best moslty just to flop. SB helped me concrete in the base for the whirlygig washing line (at last). By then we needed a nice cold drink, so cold iced drinks for us, while BB enjoyed playing and sucking on ice cubes. Had meant to shift the heaps of greenery left over from work at the weekend but decide to sit in the shade and read a few books , and play games with BB instead.

Ahh, BB calls, time for bed I guess, we did have good mathsy workbook session before bedtime though.

Ahh, Ribena….

Told Stringbean today that Mery and the girls should be coming round tomorrow. ‘Oh good’ she said, ‘I can tell them we have Ribena’………

Err, ok, must be an important topic……..

I love kids heads, sometimes you think you know what’s goign on in there and then other times you realise that they see the world in different way sometimes.

She obviously decided that it would be important to your crew that we have some Merry .

There and back again

Our flikr importr playing up – in fact sitting to the front of this posting, so I am just hoping the spelling etc better than usual.

Antoher parcel day from the great ebay book hunt – DK picturepedia set of 12 – fantabulous!! So we started with the dinosaur one straight away. Also the DK eyewitness native american.

We had a rush on to get out, as driving to Norfolk – never the easiest of destinations , to see little Nanny and Aunty Peggy. Aunty Margaret was also there. the drive wasn’t so bad – for a change. Little Nanny welcomed us at the door, and is walking ever so much better – even if mostly with a frame. She has lost over a stone in a month, and I didn’t have many empty cartons returned, so told her to do better for next time.

We had a nice time, it was raining, and SB really needed to rampage around, so i was a bit stressed, as Nanny’s house full of treasured fragile ornaments. Mostly kept under control with workbooks, reading and distraction, though a few words were had on and off. BB also a bit uneasy, so perhaps making me tighter with SB. She did showcase her new ability to pull herself up to her feet and look very smug.

Aunty Peggy and Uncle Robert came round. She is looking so different – steroid effect mostly, but also tremendously aged. She did well though, getting SB’s name right and BB and talking sensibly to them. You can see her body as giving up though, weeping sores up and down legs, and terribly bruised arms [again probably steroids]. Although she has brain mets, and they were obviously effecting her – as not the Aunty Peggy of 6 months ago, enough of her was the same so that I felt I could say a real goodbye in my heart to a woman I have seen as an extra grandparent all my life. It is hard to predict when the sands will have stopped flowing, but not long it seems. since my Aunt noticed a dramatic deterioration even from 2 weeks ago, i’m not going to kid myself that even if I get to see her again that she will be anywhere near herself. This really is a year of loss in our family, and I just don’t have my usual strength to manage. They [as in with Uncle Robert] popped by only briefly, and even that was a strain for her.

SB and Nanny enjoyed cutting up runners to go with the pasta bake I had brought for tea, Aunty Margaret played with BB, and I was domestic. It was nice seeing Aunty Margaret again, as we met so often in Leeds. Also nice seeing Nanny approaching her old self. Though she is obviously frail, and more frightened about the future. Managing for now, though I worry about the winter, and she doesn’t actually get out of the house.

Fantastic cloud formation on the way home. Poor photo as had to wait for a layby, and wasn’t as good by then.

Baaadd blogger me.

Esp bad as this started yesterday, but then I stopped to go to bed…… Can’t be bothered to edit it to reflect the correct tense though.

Helen was chatting to Jax on the phone earlier an complaining that she’s no idea what me and the girls are doing half the time becuase I’ve not been blogging – sorry, did someone mention something about talking… ;_) . I did find I was out of the blog reading/writing thing once we went to Copenhagen, so better write something……

So on to today. Well it rained most of the time it seemed, so little incentive to go out, so forgot to go and walk the short distance to get an appointment for SB to get her hair cut as it’s not been cut since before we moved and is annoying her (actually it’s ditto for me as well, but I don’t like ladies hairdressers , even when they say unisex ‘cos there is nothing else in the village, ‘proper’ barbers me). so a pottering sort of day really.

Once Helen was off to work and both girsl unusally were up and awake, we sat and generally played for a bit as BB wasn’t awake enough to be put down happily.

Headed off to the kitchen for breakfast, gave BB a couple of wooden spoons to entertain herself with, and so of course SB had to join in to. After her breakfast, feeling a bit crafty, SB dragged some bits out of the craft cupboard and started gluing and sticking. She found little Flower Fairies bag and wanted to decorate it for mummy. So she occupied herself for sometime with that, with just a bit of help now and again, mostly on strategic glue placement, while I continued with BB’s breakfast and mine, washed up and other kitcheny domestic tasks. The two Fairies on the bag are SB and BB apparently,and they are hiding. The craft table from the utility room is still out in the garden and hence was very wet so she did it on the kitchen table so we ended up with glitter etc. stuck to table as the newspaper had been forgotten. (re glitter, I bet the owners of our old house still vacuum up glitter …..)

Back of into the playroom where SB dragged out some books and ‘match and sort’ – aka workbooks of various sorts – moslty maths. We sat and did some reading, and various bits from the workbooks. she did quite few bits of various activities around of number bonds, more than/less than, simple subtraction and addition. She is pretty proficient at these now, what she doesn’t like is having to write down the numbers too much as she isn’t very good at that yet, though she can write them mostly pretty cleary if she wants to. Next step for numbers with her will probably be the whole tens/units thing. We come across it few times now. But it’s something she isn’t ready for yet.

When the postie came, laden down again with various Ebay parcels, – I bet she is glad we are near the start of her round :-) – she also brought a package for SB from my Mum and Dad. A magazine thing and a couple of quid to spend. Magazine kept her happy for ages. It came with little toy of a few little toy pigs and things which she played with on and off all day – including complicated game that lost me involving her little ‘Baby Annabel’ dolly. Spent a fair while reading the stories, helping her with the various puzzles etc. she did very well at writing the answers in on the little crossword thingy on the back. She does like writing, I think she is probably ready to be introduced to something bit structured regarding it, so just as well Helen has order Getty Dubay from Sonlight – by ‘slowpost’ so who knows when it will come. I’ve been pointing out the little arrows they often put on the outlined letters to indicate the way to draw them , and she does seem to finally be taking notice of them now, which will probably help her produce better formed letters.

Semmed to be some other things happening, but my mind is bit blank BB was of course around and joining in when when felt like it. Usualy when SB wanted to play with somethign without BB grabbing everything. She keeps on looking like she might crawl, but then just does the ‘extendable arm ‘ thing they do when they manage to reach all sort of things that you thought were out of reach. She also does the ‘how did they move over there – I never saw them move’ bottom shuffle thing that Josie was so good at. She loves standing though, nursey comemnted on it the other day. And likes now to walk bit if you hold her hand, I think she will be walker first like her big Sis at this rate. She does go backwards on her belly quite proficiently though. SB does love her to bits though and is generally so considerate of her, and loves to help wioth her. She does this shouting/screamy thing to her, which really gets on the parents nerves, esp. late on in the day, but BB loves it usually, bursting out in great smiles and chuckles, which of course just encourages SB……….

Helen came home so she had some time with the girls while I whatever boring doemstic tasks it was that I did.

Had pre-bedtime spurt of Miquon maths. SB had got it out earlier, but the childrens materials book is just a lot of pages of actvities with no explaination. some is obvious, some you aren’t sure quite what is expected. But The accompanying ‘Teacher guide’ thing has lots of explaination and suggestions etc. It’s approach in many ways seems quite different so this is useful. So I’d put it off earlier, but we went ahead this time and she did a few bits. It has some good things to do with using the Cuisinare rods. SB is really gettting the grasp of these now understanding how you can use them to represent a number, and how the different sizes relate to one another.Seemed a shame to stop her, but we did want her off to bed :-)

So, Tuesday

When Helen had gone to work BB was up but SB was still in bed, so me and BB had a nice bit of one to one time, and I could dangle her upside down (which she loves) and generally play around with her without Helen worrying that I am goign to drop her or hit her on the ceiling or some such. SB came down after abit, I think she’d been up in her room playing tea parties with her cuddlies, she brought basket of them down for her and BB to play with , ahhh :-) So we played for bit and then got around to breakfast eventually, having a bit of pop out the front to watch the workmen resurfacing the pavement. Intending to go to the library later we sorted out the books to take back/renew and actually picked a couple so we could get our first stickers etc. for the Reading Voyage thing (ermm we seem to have been a bit slow on the uptake her….) so of course we had to re read most of them. I tried to spark bit of dicussion as to why she liked some books rather than others, and what were the best bits, which was moderately successful, esp. the latter aspect. The Muddlepuddle bookbags have been successfukl anyway in helping keep out library books altogether. We actually managed to take all the books back in one go :-)

Anyway, it was sunny, SB was into workbook mode now, BB wanted milk, I wanted coffee. So we decamped outside with workbooks, milk, and a nice cafetiere of coffee and sat at the patio table. While BB fed and dozed off me and SB looked at the books. She had bought out the miqon one again, but the bits she wanted to do required me to explain some things to her and she didn’t really want that, so we did one of the other simpler more general maths type ones. She is getting the idea now of number lines. They had one of those in the book, went onto the discussion of numbers beyond 9, drifted into the ’10′s’ and counting up in tens. once we got to about 50- or 60 she was able to write down 70, 80 etc. herself. Showed her what 100 (and palyed around with the idea of it being called ‘ tenty’) and 200 was written like and then she could do the rest of the ’100′s. talked about how many noughts 1000, 100, 000, 1,000,000 etc. had which she found quite exciting. BB got packed of to the bedroom, and I wanted to sort outthe tomatoes in the greenhouse which have been neglected and look very unhappy. She was goign to help, but decidedd the GH was too hot, so got a cane and went to play. she was goign to be fishing, but I soon heard her ‘killing’ the towels hanging on the line…..

When she finsished her games she wanted me to do something wqith her, but i wanted to finsih, so she got a couple more workbooks :-) She went onto a couple of basic science and ‘opposites’ ones. Simple stuff really for her, but if she likes doing it fine by me. One spread was about animals living in different habitats – cold places and hot places, the cold palce had Polar bears, and Eskimo, seals and Penguins. Now this is a bit of thing of mine, so many kids books show penguins and polar bears together living in the same place [I assume dear readers that you all know they don't........ ;-) ] Now okay story books etc. I’ll let them off (grudgingly) but books which are supposed to be about ‘Science’ – Grrrrrrrr!!!!!! This idea is so prevaent that I find kids in a school of 11, 12, 13 etc. not realising this.

So anyway, we had bit of discussion about this, looked at the globe to see where the Arctic and Antarctic were etc. Short diversion into why they were the coldest bits (which no doubt lost her mostly, but I am endl;essy surprised by which bits stick, so persist in popping bits into the conversations.)and so why maybe the didn’t travel to the other poles etc.

So SB sat doing these while I finished in the GH and chopped down various bits of overgrown tree until BB woke up and called us to lunch :-) bit of blackhole here, as we didn’t get out to go to the library until getting on for 4 pm, but can’t quite think what happened in between. Did spend some time upstairs with BB rolling about sans nappy, while I put clean nappies and clothes away ‘ably assisted’?? by SB.

Nice visit to the library, renewed some books, got her Reading Voyage bits done, sat and read a few things, enterntained people by being dressed in her fairy outfit :-) got some new books. Came home via the church yard so had to stop and read lots of grave stones and the hairdressers to make an appointment for SB who hasn’t had a cut since before we moved. Home to make a rather nice cous cous thing (SB loves cous cous) for dinner, SB did a good job of cutting up the Runner Beans. Helen home a lateish as usual for Tuesday, more ebay parcels to open. A nice DK game which they played a couple of times while I finished diner preps.

BB was with me in the kitchen on the floor while I did this, she started off miles away from the the ‘to compost’ bucket but unoticed by me shuffled across and started rummaging. When I noticed she had a n apricot that had started to rot in one hand stuffed in her mouth and a bit of green potatoes in the other.

Dinner, small people to sleep, coffee, ahhh………

Some thoughts/ponderings are bobbing around in my head, but that will have to wait.

A few piccies (not esp. good) are of course on flickr