Category Archives: Dance/drama

Today – I still won’t get round to blogging about Melrose!

Busy day here today. Sb decided she would have a hair braid for everything she did today, and ended up with 6. She finished yesterdays MPH 1B so got the first. We then did bean and pasta collages. BB did 2 in dramtic style, and SB did 1 of a ghost BB [?] and 1 of a tree in a garden. we did liberally sprinkle glue and beans around the kitchen as well. (second)
So a change of venue whilst I tidied up. SB read a charlie and lola book, BB and I did some gears [oogly googly] whilst listening to Yo Yo Ma play Bach. then Sb did some explode the code 4 – we haven’t done any for a while, so she had got out of practice, but I think her reading skills have consolidated a bit, so time to carry on. (third)

We had lunch [home grown sprouting brocolli - it also makes pH water], and BB keen to watch telly, so I put on an usbourne first french video. [feeling mean] but BB loved the singing, and Sb remembered some of the colours from education city. (fourth).

Back into the playroom for some fun altogether, and BB chose the language baby einstein and kleine hippo’s for background noise [not so relaxing] she has worked out that if you press the space bar it stops and starts – hmmm. We then painted a plate for Grandad’s birthday, but BB wan’t so keen, so we did kid k’nex whilst SB did the painting. (fifth)

We were going to do some violin, but BB didn’t give us a chance, and chris was working in the garden, so not available for distraction. We did all go out into the garden, and looked at the ice in the pond and waterbuts, and where the wendy house is going to be. The girls rampaged around outside for a bit longer, so I started making the curry for dinner and uploading photos [half of which didn't so will restart them!]

They were freezing when they came in, so wrapped up in duvets in front of bob the builder – BB fell asleep – aaargh, which is why she is still up. SB did some education city (sixth)- a bit of english, a fair bit of science and a bit of french. its quite clear from the activity tracker that she does the maths and science the most. it has been a good buy so far. Then mooched around nick jr and poisson rouge. We tried to wake up BB to no avail, so she had a 4 hour sleep.

We had a fuss about ballet clothes. Her dance teacher says the character skirt is too long [it is, but mainly because chris measured her incorrectly before it was bought!] so I have had to elasticate it [it was velcro, but her teacher doesn't like velcro] and top hem it [otherwise ruins the ribbons] and also tighten the belt thing of her leotard. there was a debate about whether you sewed it on to the leotard – hope not. Ballet sewing annoys me. why can’t the belt be integral to the leotard? why isn’t the elastic on the shoes? why doen’t they age size clothes rather than ths 0 and 2 business? Anyway, she put on a happy dance show afterwards.
SB read half the ORT Viking adventure tonight as part of our bedtime routine. She loves reading, and is getting steadilly more fluent. I do like the ORT books.

BB has been singing to me. she can do the abcd part of the alphabet song, bob the builder and twinkle twinkle on loop for over half an hour!

Going back a bit further – the weekend!

Friday post Melrose we went to stay with Jax and Tim. Mainly because they had purchased a teapot on our behalf, so we felt suitably beholden!! [well, ok, they are good company too] A delighted SB and Big played castles with each other until they were bundled into bath and bed. this time they slept! We adults had a Chinese and a modicum of wine!

On our way there we had stopped with friends in Leeds [S and T and baby W [nearly 2]] which was lovely. we had been reprimanded on blog about failing to visit last year, so thought we should make sure we did, and were well rewarded with good company, babies playing and tea from a teapot. rather foolishly, we drove home via our leeds house and I cried. SB recognised Molly and Terry net door’s house, but not ours. my lovely shed was still there. sob sob.

So to Saturday, and luckilly we were going to the wedding in stages, so Jax’s lot could have mayhem getting ready in the morning, and us over lunchtime. My lovely top didn’t fit, and I didn’t like the other one, so I was rather boringly dressed! Since tim put a few piccies on his ‘pute at lunchtime, i had a look at Kirsty being ravishing, and James looking quite sedate [for a change] lovely. We all enjoyed meeting up with lots of old friends, some we had just parted from, but some not seen for ages. The children turned into a pack instantly and lots of games went on – mostly of the running about variety! plentiful good food [always important!] and a fantastic ceilidh, luckilly for Kirsty there were lots of home educators to dance and cause consternation for the caller [i am thinking particularly of Ros's man-stomp impression, and Nic doing a saturday night fever routine - priceless] We mostly made it up TBH, and half the time she forgot to call. The children had a wail of a time [sometimes literally].


Went back to jax and Tim’s with K’s satnav. hmm, it only kicked in after 20 mins, when we had eventually found the motorway – not best impressed! children fell into bed in nanoseconds, and we adults didn’t – ho hum!

Still, we breakfasted early, said goodbye to the teapot and satnavved all the way to K’s for a 6 year old’s party. i was majorly impressed and amazed by the stash of crafts. BB fell in love with the big mouses [guinea pigs!] and fish, and we hardly saw the girls. We adults chatted, and there was a lovely local home educator there with her 3.

SO an easy drive home. Apparently claire from the monkey house saw chris at a service station – should have said hello! And we saw the beautiful moon. SB very excited because when she chose to play the ‘mists of time’ game it did get all misty. chris less impressed by her magic skills.

I will add photos btw – chris is being ruthless [roofless?] with them at the moment.

quick post

chris has gone to bed very early the last 2 nights as he has a cough and not feeling brill. This means that on Thurs, very little happened while I was a t work. BB went to gym, and SB said hello to all the girls as they passed her, and did a bit of colouring, rather than anything else. I don’t think they did anything when they got home – she has played on the poisson rouge site alot. Then she had ballet. SB wants to restart gym classes.
SO today, before I went to work, I put some singapore maths on the table and getty and dubay and explode the code. SHe did do some maths, looked at a free horrible science cd rom with chris and she and BB did some glass bottle[ok plastic] painting from a kit, which they both enjoyed, and since there are a few of them, those with imminent birthdays may be blessed by a hand decorated gift! They did do something else, I am sure?

OUr singapore 2 books arrived from half moon – hooray, and excellent service. Also arrived was a cheap farm through time from ebay, so we looked at half of that when I got home. Sb also read to me another ORT book – she really is getting far more fluent, and sounding out far less words. she even made a creditable stab at ‘sympathetically’.

She also did a bit of the science leappad on how the body works, or where food goes or something! Then BB got a bit territorial, so they switched to mother goose. BB has lost the only book for her little leappad, so disaster! ‘it is actually mine’ all over the place. [i have a little sister, she is small and funny]
SB’s gone to bed listening to horrible romans – which she can pretty much quote. I have been busy on call, and may get another call shortly, so can’t bake cake, and put off doing anyhting sensible. T-bird may be ready for Melrose, but with Chris under the weather, we haven’t even started. Oh, and the new top i bought from ebay and got sent to Jax is going to be too small! [aargh]

Anyway, tomorrow SB has to make 2 birthday cards, we have to shop for monday food, pack and well maybe tidy a bit?

Edit by Chris:

It’s not so much the cough, that’s been hanging around for a few weeks now, and is probably gradually wearing off. mostly it is just annoying, esp. when I want to get to sleep. On Thursday, some other lurgy came along as I felt pretty dreadful no energy and awful back and muscle aches While I was at toddler gym thing,? i had to sit down on the mats becuase of my back – but then I felt just like lying down on the mats and going back to sleep 8-).


We managed to do? Tesco visit, via Tesco’s cafe for a top up breakfast for the girls. But i had to abandon it partway through, as i felt so bad, once we got home BB was asleep, so I collapsed on the sofa with BB, whilst SB amused herself – playing,? ‘putering, looking at a couple of books, not sure exactly.

They insisted that i give them lunch by about 3 ;-) – not really sure what else happened until ballet lesson, which I would probably have given up on but she missed last weeks due to the power cut, and will miss next weeks due to our Melrose camp.

Fed them (and us)? pretty dreadful looking dinner of pizza from the shop and baked pots. It was quite a relief to get BB into bed, as then I could just lie down and go to sleep – bliss – I was out by 9? pm

Friday was better, except I still had dreadful backache,and needed to endlessly rest it, and had to avoid picking up BB if i could.

Helen’s pretty much covered it i think – no i don’t think we did anything much else Helen, though there was fair bit of playing in between, and we did managed to clear the pre-Melrose washing backlog But her maths session did start at about 12.20. encompass lunch, and BB’s entire nap until 3 :roll: She just seems to get endlessly distracted :-)The CD ROM was one of the Free Kellogg’s ones, not bad, but it doesn’t have any sort of narration of the text, so SB needed my assistance to read and navigate it. I did have to chase them out of the kitchen after they managed to un-zero my scales twice helping measuring out for the flapjacks.

Again it was just bliss to collapse into bed with BB :-)

today, not so bad, backache still there but reducing, not feeling as washed out as I did yesterday?

On the 7th day of christmas

We fell off schedule [rough as it is], as my parents arrived at lunchtime, and I though they were coming eve, and a text at their halfway point had me scurrying around!

SO Chris took SB to shop for my pressie, and a few other things, and BB and I made some more scones at home together. It was really nice to have the chance to do that 1:1, and we both enjoyed it.

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We then played games with little tykes people [unfortunate name] until my parents arrived, and BB went into a paroxysm of mad joy! lovely having Mum and Dad here, and Christmas now upon us. Did mean that i didn’t take SB to see a film this pm, which had been the plan. But as I hadn’t said that to SB, there was no harm done, and she and BB went suitably loopy for my parents approval!

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We took a bit of redirection, and made chocolate icing and iced and decorated a lovely yule log. I cheated and bought the roll inside from the bakery. It is an arctic yule log – though as SB pointed out, it has polar bears and penguins. I then tipped too much icing sugar on it to my Mum and Chris’s merriment – so I growled at them. Its snowy in the arctic!
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SB read a level 7 ORT book to my mum, a bit of stumbling as we haven’t read much for a fortnight, and this was a new [to us] book. But still, was happy to do it, and Mum a good encourager. We did some positive home-ed discussion.

BB was flagging at 4, so had a bath, and then made it until 8, even cuddled up watching beauty and the beast [free from the mail].

I have finished wrapping presents – always a good moment! Though SB crept down the stairs just at the point we were discussing the bits you don’t want overheard about the machinery of Christmas, so I am hoping that either not heard, or doesn’t make a difference. I went up to explain she needed to tell us she was moving, as she might overhear Christmas secrets, so the next time she told us. [insomnia again poor thing]

Anyway, with visitors – especially ones that don’t understand the lure of the blog!, blogging service may be interrupted . So Happy Christmas everyone.

On the 3rd day of christmas

we went to CHEF Christmas party. SO lots of fun and making things, singing carols, [playing, eating – all in no particular order!

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Got home late and adjusted SB’s character skirt for her to twirl about in, then had roaring fire and watched some History of Britan [or whatever its called] with Alan Titchmarsh – SB really enjoyed it.

Read some of the cutaway transport book to SB, and then mostly chilled and wrapped a few presents, listened to chtismas songs etc.

muddling along

Well, I am anyway. Perhaps in common with a number of others on this blogring Chrsitmas has snuck up on me. I have a craft cupboard full of good intentions. We do have trees up, and SB has done lots of Xmas cards – even if not posted [first 2 handed out today though] and I am mostly done on pressies. no cooking/baking preparation. House a mess.

I have also been letting the side down with spending so much time at work. 2-3 days a week I don’t make it home in time to see SB, which makes me feel very dislocated from family life.

I have been appraised – and passed. Wait to see how job planning going for next year [AKA how many hours they think they can wrangle out of me for nothing]. I just missed being excellent enough for an excellence award – but a miss is as good as a mile [or something?], so feeling grumpy.

SO onto better things. BB is weaned, and failry happily. A couple of feeds snuck at Barbara’s but none other now for a month. Kind of sad and kind of happy, but def right! She is a total cutie, and talks beautiful toddler talk, and has wierd dancing shuffle runs and mooch walks that she does to show her mood – saying OTay as she goes off to do something. Still very edible.

SB has been reading more, and enjoying a number of books from the library – including a good transport Xray book, and ocean book and archaeoloogy book. should have done another story in while the bear sleeps tonight, but she preferred the xray transport as a bedtime story! She’s enjoyed watching robin Hood as well as various of the David Attenborough natural history DVD’s. I need to spend more time with her, as I also miss our reading and craft sessions. She had her dancing thing last before week – which I did manage to get back for [terrible temporary camera!]

today we went to Merry’s. I am glad she lives relatively close, and we really should see each other more – maybe when I am made redundant or summat… instant disappearance of SB with the older girls. Fran tried to encourage them to put on a show, but SB and Amelie weren’t being very thespian! They then all disappeared off pretty much for the whole day. SB did look gorgeous in Fran’s skating outfit though. BB and Josie mostly played together – though BB did terrorize her a bit – she is obviously getting a nasty habit of face scratching – not often, last infact with R at Barbara’s. mostly over a Dora laptop though!

Merry and I gossiped a lot, Looked forward to Melrose and did a bit of fimo – Merry made a very beautiful statuette and I did some fiddly angels that fell apart in backing and made me stroppy! The bordeaux red in the classic range is a perfect angel colour. Merry intervention and they are now hanging on our Xmas tree! [they look rather brill actually on the tree, the white one looks best, we used superglue with no ill effects]

oh, Chris went out and did his usual timewarp thing, but did return with camera. Didn’t get the paper i asked him too though! oh we got SB’s mug back, and it looks lovely [from that painting place] and SB’s choice of colours works really well.

Anyway, thanks Merry for a lovely day. Everyone should have a fimo angel or 2 on their tree, and listening to carols is good for lifting the mood! [as well as spending the day with friends]. I am now going to watch telly and make a few angels. I am sure I have bought this colour, so will search it out!

A breather

for me anyway. I have been working hard. I have my yearly appraisal tomorrow, so have been busy finding excellence in everything I do – always a hideous prospect – and filling in huge pointless forms – even worse. I guess the forms are pointful to SOMEone to say I have been duly processed for another year. I still have about 4 hours of finishing some online learning module, and somemore form to do.

Our local hospital is still up for grabs. Due to politics, they aren’t likely to shut it, but are doing the death by a thousand cuts option – i guess oping we all leave without being paid redundancy money. Think again! I have earmarked that money.

Anyway, in case chris doesn’t blog, they went to CHEF sports and played on Monday. We have done loads more Cnristmas cards monday eve and lots of education city, read the usboune starting point science under the earth.

Not entirely sure what they did on Tues as I got home at nearly 11.

SO today I had a lie in. When I got up, SB was helping Chris with the washing, and BB and I did painting – she is very keen on painting. I will pop here before I forget that one of her newer tunes is the Hallelujah chorus from the Messiah. very funny. She loves painting and her talking is getting more and more obvious – except when she has a strop. SHe has rather enjoyed the whole idea of advent calendars – she has a chocolate one and a sticker one. She’s not so keen on the waiting for it idea though.

SB also joined us painting, then we did an usbourne puzzle book – school before she moved onto general playing and building things with BB. BB and I read all the red nose readers as she is very fond of them. Ahe has obviously remembered her birthday as sang the first line of happy birthday fairly interminably when she saw the birthday cake.
SB did some more education city – definitely something that she is much more keen on this year, whilst BB and I looked at pictures and messed around. Some lunch was had, and I was rung 3 times by work – sigh.

After lunch we did one of those science test-tubes you can uy in tescos. we did the gravity one which was fun. SB had a good memory for gravity and its effects, and we talked about defying gravity and ways to do it. thrust/lift/ energy etc. the popper was fun, though BB lost it. Our staircase was perfect for throwing the parachutist down the gap and seeing it work. Also good for the experiment was seeing what might happen if BB packed your parachute. The extra boingy ball kept all 4 of us amused. A quick revision of the key ideas and how flight worked and then we went to the next activity prepared fby chris

Which was mincemeat making. Lots of raisins scattered across the kitchen. BB mostly played games scooping the nutmeg around in a bowl. Smelled gorgeous. has to settle overnight [a delia recipe] and then jarred ready for when we make mince pies.

A calm down reading roman gods in story of the world leading into a discussion of the planets again, and ranking them to likely gravity. The a day late we started the barefoot books while the bear sleeps. Chris also picked up something called christmas soup for the soul, with a small story for each day of advent, and we started to catch up.

The girls had a wild bath with the jacuzzi bit on and then have done a dancing show, eaten curry for tea [tea was running late] and now BB has done some more sticking Xmas cards. SB is still eating – she is very slow at eating! Bed any second now. Am contemplating reading The Hobbit as a bedtime story now she has finished Charlie and the chocolate factory. [BB shrieking that she 'Hadding a bath' - as in she has already had it] . yep bedtime. just finished in time!

raterh cutely BB has been singing a Josie song – as in for josie i think! SB said we were supposed to be sharing pomegranates, so that is what all 3 of us are doing before bed. really juicy pomegranate too

i hate laptops

when they flick screens for some unknown reason and you lose your whole blog post! It will consequently be very short.

Edu – SB very into Education City, on a trial, but will finally convert to the realy think this time – if anyone has a code they wish us to use, let us know. she is level 1+ for the english as 2 is a bit hard, and level 2+ for the maths. at least this time you are allowed to have different levels as this has been something that has put me off in the past.

we have played with the nursery bit with BB too, though won’t be buying it as a lot for nursery rhymes.

BB has been desperately under the weather for past few days, and last night and today def ill – nurofen/calpol the works. I weaned her this weak – actually without much trauma in the end – so suffering pangs of my faultiness about it as she no longer has my antibodies.

Other than that she has enjoyed playing with her birthday presents a lot, and playdough [which she does whilst SB fimos] SB fimo-ed today a lovely angel. i forgot to add any holes to hang on xmas tree so it may be a cake decoration

SB and i did lots of reading today with BB semi flaked on my lap [wanting to watch her bring me back on a loop - so we need to video her doing something else!], we story of the worlded the romans, read some ORT and usbourne farmyard books, she did lots of colouring and EC.
We were going to make a pegdoll fairy/angel, but BB wasn’t well enough to let us do it without her, and not sick enough to ignore us doing it with her IYSWIM

SB has enjoyed playing with my mum this weekend as well, and they enjoyed wathcing strictly come dancing together, amd planet earth. what a good mix! SB has been doing a lot of ‘interpretive dance’ about the place, and suddenly informed me their ballet uniform has changed to a lilac one with a ribbon belt? Why don’t the teachers let us know these things, as she saysd she is the only one still in the old uniform. and we need a character skirt as they no longer wear the blue polka dot one – sigh!

oh well, she has enjoyed some ‘trials of life’ as well today. SO although I feel I have mostly held a grumpy sick 2 year old, I guess we have done HE as well. SB has been very good at fetching things so i don’t have to jiggle bb too much. what a fantastic older sister she is.

weekend home-ed

we’ve had a good weekend here, with lots of home ed activity – maths, reading, piano, story of the world, hama and fimo.

SB made a particularly good fimo baby and fimo teddy holding their arms out to each other. If I had a camera…

the new webland and BBC Jam both got quite a good runaround. we must move up to the 5-7, and consider subscribing to education city now.

BB had her first haircut – I trimmed her fringe, and it looks much better now she can see again.

Both girls had great fun running madly between the different windows to try and get the best view of everybodies fireworks. the rich houses the otherside of the church put on a particularly good display last night.

BB was taught how to say open sesame, and has ejoyed that. Her language is lovely at the moment. I do love this age.

We had a very long philosophical discussion starting from the ‘lord of the dance’ hymn. She still thinks its a settee though. Actually it carried on from earlier discussions about greek gods from story of the world. Her religion still appears to be fairies. I don’t think she has quite got the concept, particularly as she coudn’t understand why the Christian God doesn’t have a name. [? Dwayne?] as the greek ones did. Pointing out there was lots of them, so they needed their own didn’t cut the mustard.

BB and SB have played beautifully together most of the weekend without too much fuss.

umm, there were a few things I wanted to blog, and have lost them. Maybe when I remember?

Sister Ed and Little Firefly

A couple of days ago, Stringbean was sitting at the table, with Butterbean. SB was teaching BB about numbers. She wrote down the numbers on a piece of paper, and showed them to BB and went through them telling her they were numbers. Oddly BB seemed to take it in, when I pointed to words and numbers in a book, she said yes and no when asked if they were numbers at the appropriate points. Or was it just a fluke?

Other than that, what else, some more maths – she has done some MPH stuff on weighing and mass, and multiplication. We have eased off on Explode the Code, as it seems to be going ahead of her a bit now, so we are concentrating more on a bit more reading, seeing as she seems to have moved on to actually reading things. She picks up (very) simple books and can read them, and is reading all sorts of other things, so we think she might appriciate a bit more focus on it – we do have some books we have stashed away for her to read herself, so time probably to break out some of those.

Spent rather to much time yesterday morning watching kiddy TV, I got bogged down it fiddling with the wireless network. The wireless AP fell onto the floor and something inside got dislodged. Tracked that down and sorted that, but then got bogged down with getting it all up and running again. I hate wireless networking – it can work fine for ages, and then it decides to not work. And the AP struggles at times with all our solid walls etc. to give coverage over our house, at the moment it has been relocated until I can rejig the network wiring feeding the old box currently in the sitting room feeding downloaded stuff to the TV. so now if you wear the wrong shirt or something the wireless just gives up. Pah! And (while I’m at it) our ISP is giving us a pants ADSL service at the moment…..

She watched some of the Walking with Beasts DVD as well yesterday.

Today was library/storytime day. BB insistent that she take her Muddlepuddle bookbag with her – dragging it along behind her :-) Afterwards, coffe, some reading of library books, lunch, BB and SB played for bit mostly making patterns with cuisenaire rods. My mum and dad came round, SB showed off her firefly costume, did some maths and then we headed off to the Puddle, where a very excited BB is going out Trick or Treating with Merry and the girls, followed by a sleepover – first time at someone else’s other than my parents. We are going over to pick her up tomorrow. All the girls were so excited, we were engulfed by a gaggle of noisy excited children (including an unsurprisingly naked Josie :roll:) as soon as we got there, and they seemed to spend the next hour crashing noisly about the place :-)

I got in touble for saying I was coming home and then spending and hour (oops…) drinking tea and chatting with Max though….

And here is our little Firefly. Would probably been better if we’d cleared the wooden train track out of the way first…..
