Category Archives: geography

In fear of hibernation!

So we have done multiple postings today. TBH, home ed has meandered on, but I feel we aren’t quite getting it right. This might be more that I am not getting it right, as I have let my life get unbalanced recently. However, I don’t do unbalanced for very long :grin: , so time to rebalance and get my ‘carpe diem’ motto back in action. SO I have.

On the home ed front, we have been getting into a habit of a bit of explode the code, and a bit of singapore maths near every day, just 2-4 sides depending on mood. This is working well. Explode the code has been good for us, as SB was adamant she couldn’t read, and actually still thinks she can’t, and wasn’t going to try. Explode the code has never been reading to her, so has never hit the can’t read so won’t button. However, now she can read the singpore maths instructions, words all over the place to make sure I am telling the truth – sigh! but very excitingly for her, she read one of the usbourne young readers on pirates and an oxford magic key on robin hood with barely any stumbling or help. So thanks Merry for the introduction to ExTC!!!

We’ve done a fair bit of bobbing back and forth on history. She likes books about Henry VIII, and Elizabeth I. We have also carried on reading about ancient greeks, minoans and the legends and myths from these cultures. Some nipping to Roman times, 1066 and the mediaeval times [well, Robin Hood myths mostly] to fit with various history re-enactment outings we have done, and also with the street through… and city through time books. I really like the Story of the World text and activity, as it breaks things up into SB chunks. We get pictures from DK eyewitness books and the Usbourne ancient civilisations book. i don’t imagine SB will remember great chunks, but she does enjoy it, and weird facts pop out all the time. Today we were doing Medea and Persia in SoTW, and she i quite good at paraphrasing, but also seeing stories are similar – particularly the abandon your baby one, as she thought it was going to be about Perseus.

I haven’t got to grips with regular music lessons [piano or violin] – which is very bad of me, since it is a passion! We listen to classic fm alot, and SB tries to describe the type of music. today one of the planets came on, so I said it was the planet. Initially she said she could hear the words jupiter, but then decided it had to be about Uranus or Pluto as it sounded so cold and far away. I was impressed [and it was Uranus]. We do do alot of singing, and she makes up music for her dances, so I will just put it in my list of thinks to get into the habit of!

Another thing in my blogroll of shame is languages. I really mus just get bottom in motion and sort this out! Still very tempted by Rosetta stone. Merry suggested I should relook at education city – as something computer oriented may overide my inertia!!

Geography is covered well at the moment – possibly driven by the mediteranean history we are doing, but also by gettting a free globe ball from the kids national geographic subscription [we are awaiting our first magazine] . We also watch are fair number of the David attenborough DVD’s, and this covers natural history and geography regularly. Must look up what this evenings one was, but essentially it was about volcanos. SOmething SB quite keen on.

Science is mostly from books – the why does… and the usbourne ones get a regular reading. We have looked at caterpillar lifecycles on the brassicas this summer. Unfortunately BB likes feeding the ‘snakes’ to the goldfish, so they don’t really get to complete the cycle. Also the free fish are rather good. It would be better if we actually knew what they were. Linked to a photo on the rare offchance anyone might hazard a guess! but we have done crystal experiments, talked A LOT about dinosaurs [and the 2 have played games with the cheap ones from tesco], and thought more about surface tension and sound and light rays in a number of ways.

SB has dance and swimming lessons, puts on countless dance shows for me and is still keen that we find her football lessons. i can’t believe that she won’t just wail… We still aren’t at the top of the rainbows waiting list, so at this rate we will be starting with brownies! She’s going to more CHEF and PBEO group meets, which is good.

Crafts are never underrepresented! Today we have drawn and coloured with SoTW, a birthdaycard for my niece as well as various other pictures. We also try to regularly bake or be involved in food prep. today we tried that choc spread cake again, but using oil to see if it could be adapted – no! but its still edible.

We are also spending alot of time outside, to get the most of the last of the good weather. We are still harvesting bits and bobs from the garden, and SB and BB love the swings and climbing frame and slide. Actually the most amazing harvest has to be the carrots, as i thought we had smothered them in weeds months ago, but they aare doing well! The butternut squash also a surprise last minute success. We have just started harvesting the grapes too – yummy!

if all this sounds rather busy, it has to be said that SB plays for the majority of the time, hearing me read to her is never turned down, she chooses the books on the whole. We play set, uno, made up princesses/queens/roman slaves etc etc regularly [I wonder what the people in the pub think!!]

BB is adorable. Mostly speaks in full sentences, with one comprehendable word embedded in it. She dances, sings, draws [on absolutely everything - the menace] and likes to copy SB in everything she does. BB and SB usually play reasonably well together, with dollies, lego, happy street and outside. BB not good at recognising when SB not in a sharing mood – and both give no quarter! Weaning is not progressing, though BB usually play feeds now, which is a nuisance, and I presume territory marking! So I am trying to develop other 1:1 times with reading, doing jigsaws etc, and sharing SB’s activities [not altogether impressing SB] so that it becomes less necessary to play bf acrobatics.

So, I guess in summary I am enjoying my children more again. I can’t altogether switch off work and the worries, but I am doing better at not letting it get between me and my family. Hopefully this will in turn reassure them, so SB less waily, and BB less feedy in time.

oh, and I rather liked those Gressenhall piccies K. hmm, I wonder about going tomorrow???


well, my Mum and Dad are having a party here at the weekend. this means they are trying to make my house look presentable! So far, Mum has spent all day on just 2 rooms! i should have invited Ros and Joyce next week!!!! Dad is in the garden.

BB has spent today eating, running and shouting wildly, doing lots of pegboards and dance mat. I’ve read her lots of books, we have had roust about games and she has done some fun blox playing. She is adding new words all the time, but I am glad of apple and banana, as it doesn’t make it appear that we only feed her sugar!

SB has done halving and doubling maths today in a picked up workbook, some explode the code and 3 chapters of Story of the world – cretans and early greeks, followed by MoRE myths and legends. We also did some of the activity sheets. SB spontaneously put a ‘line with levels’ up the side to help me direct her on the map to the key cities! Not grid referencing yet! the maze was a hit, and she enjoyed the colouring in. Also quite a few board games and fun blox. lots of running about too. We made a Dundee cake together – well, actually SB did most of it, so fingers crossed. It doesn’t seem to have risen much though, and I’m sure the last one did. Oh well. Its for the party. Will make and decorate a sponge cake to go with it.

very long catch up

about me – well still waiting, have offered up 10% paycut [yes another one!] and awaiting outcome.

SB this week has had a lot of fun playing with cousin Oren, including a fun visit to Hunstanton with grandparents and funfair adventure. Oren was here today as going back to France tomorrow.

We have been less match and sorty – though some going on! But I have read loads of books on history, geography, science, lots of chats and discussions and geomagging and brainbox electronics. We have also baked!

BB getting alot more words. She is very clear over some directions – like get up and move it!! She can shout ‘thumb out’ at SB [which causes a riot!] and lots of other small words appear to be peppered in her still largely incomprehensible [but long!] sentences. She is gettng good at shape sorting, and having a bash at pegboards – but not so good at rotation! She is a know-no-fear climber – loves steps of any kind! A passion second only to that for ‘bicbic, coctut, cake, fapjak’

SO to the weekend – a really fab time at SOTP. they have a great camping field, lovely atmosphere and a good guest list, so that we were too busy wathicng children having fun and nattering rather than taking pictures!!! one of the good things about having met each other a number of times before, is that I no longer am concerned about either of my childs little foibles [wailing/eating everythng in sight] and their responses to other children’s foibles, so it is far more relaxing, and this seeing them used to each othr and adapting, and occaissional nudging into better behaviour [after all, lord of the flies is better as a book than in real life!], should help SB avoid the social pariah trap that I didn’t if things didn’t go my way, or I didn’t ‘get’ the game.

Mmmm to food – pancakes was inspired! Was that a standard pancake mixture or a slightly thicker one? We have gazillions of guests this weekend, so thought i might copy!

ANyway, many thanks to the hosts, hope chaos has been magically transformed back to the oasis of tranquility! lovely seeing everyone. oh, I want one of these for xmas!

IMG 7458 IMG 7479 The usual suspects! playing against Mummy!

oh, and after lots of meddling, I still can’t get flickrbadge to work properly! link to my set.

Romp through the week.

Well, I am at work, and there is a hiatus until I am actually required.

So, CHEF sprts day on Tuesday was good. The children really enjoyed it, and we met Amanda in the flesh, who has already blogged the sports day, and also Katy and children [do you like links or not Katy/Bob?]. I was feeling rough as had been on call, got migraine and obviously not at my best mood-wise anyway. however, the children had such a blast, the sports day was really good? with egg and spoon, sack race, and lots of team races. SB was convinced she had won every race [OK, she said winned!]. BB carried on on escapologist front, and raided everyone’s fruit. We cooled off afterwards in the pools. SB ran around with her friends, and BB took the oportunity to float and investigate getting about in the water. I chatted with Katy in the shade with our toes in the water – bliss. Probably the best place to be on such a warm day. More photos on the flickr set

actually realised?I had saved this not posted, and noticed chris has done it too!Still at work, so will continue! Actually have done a lot of playing with SB and BB in the evenings, and read lots of books. I love BB’s surprised face!

BB is saying lots of words now, and trying really hard to copy lots of words. particular skill at words like biscuit and flapjack are noted! She loves manipulating lego – and also the wacky wigglers – getting things to fit together and pull apart, and can work out how to make it join. Lots of dancing and singing too. Dheloves playing with SB, and always tries to get a lookin. still adamantly breastfed!

SB and I have also read lots of books – about egyptians, space, why is series, greek myths and legends?and general reading books. Our caterpillar life cycle experiment is doing well, with the cabbage white caterpillars hatching out – hopefully chris today has found a better container, and less pongy brassica leaves! We made a mean gears wacky wiggler, with SB designing it, and me helping when required [and BB deconstructing too!], chatted in the thunderstorm outside [sorry Merry] about thunder and lightening, how it works, where not to be when it strikes, electrical conductance etc etc. We have also done a lot of dressing up play – pricesses, pirates and doctors and generally had fun. She has also been very proud of the match and sort she has done this week and the jump ahead year 1. When we chat, she does have a good memory of many snippets of info – all I could ask for really.

Sadly I have beena t work since 5am, but hoping to go home soon! [though still on call]

Bare Necessities

we have been singing this a lot, as SB has been enjoying the audio CD from the times [well, we didn't get the times, but got this from ebay]

anyway, I should be writing a talk – and am on slide 30 [don't you pity them!] so am doing some diversionary activities and blogging.

hideously hot today and massive migraine.

Chris and little beans went to CHEF rainforest day today – and I am sure he will blog. they did pick up a rather lovely physics kit, which I did with SB in the early evening. SO this evening we learnt how to show air was there, rather than there being nothing. Of course, i am not suggesting SB has proved this to herself, but shew a grasp of the idea and did a bit of preding. The measuring the air bit didn’t work – I didn’t really imagine it would!

SOme playing in the garden together, and little toe radio while eating tea. both have taken ages to fall asleep, but have finally.

Better go back to my talk

quick today

at the moment I am trying to seize the moment with the girls, and banish the dark side as it were.

so today we watched some cbeebies together, played imagination stuff, geomagged, read books – SB read 2 red nose readers and an apple tree farm with a bit of help. i then read why the sea is salty, and we discussed beaches and seasides. SHe then spent a while on jump ahead maths while I played allsorts of toddler things with BB.

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when bB slept, Chris set up and experiment for SB, and we watched how cooling gas in a glass makes the water level rise – well I’ll show a picture. We used the DK picturepedia explanation of molecules – really good – to help her understand what was happening, and she enacted molecules in various states!!

science - molecules!

BB and SB have both made plaster of paris foot and handprints [well, C and B's respectively at Kessingland were so good!]

When BB woke up, we did a great deal of sorting out of the hayloft, as someone locally is putting a few boxes of hers in there. If my future becomes less than pleasant, I guess we could rent that space for storage… BB played in the car, and I rescued my box – see previous post!

we played outside a bit, and then listed to little toe whilst eating tea, and discussed real vs totally made up stories.

Arrr beee chur be durrp

And so says Butterbean, or some such thing anyway, endlessy throughout the day. I love toddler pre-speech (well more than the odd real word) babble, it seems so full of meaning for them – as they point and wave at something, or give you something and then chatter away. No doubt about when she want’s you to read a book as she plonks it on your lap and says ‘book’ repeatedly :-) Her fave as the moment is Ten Little Ladybirds which she seems to BE endlessy dragging around, followed by That’s not my dinosaur . We were reading this earlier this morning and she was rather cutely getting my hand and putting it onto the textured bits to feel them :-)

Monday we went to the monthly sports session for one of the Home Ed groups, which Stringbean seems to enjoy. It’s only an hour, and starts at 9.30, which given it’s a fair journey for us, means a prompt start, but just about made it in time. We never leave in hurry though, SB likes to have play afterwards with other children, and i’m happy to sit and drink tea and natter so it makes the journey sem more worthwile anyway. So by the time we got back home, stopping for a bit of shopping) and had lunch and BB had settled down for her nap it was well into the afternoon.

Can’t really remember what else we did then – SB did some of the old DK World Explorer CDROM we have ‘New Version two – fully updated for 1998…….’, She needs a bit of help with where the places she needs to look for are, so it is probbaly helping her learn the continents etc.

Sspent some time in the garden, SB investigated the pond with a net we found – she was trying to catch the ‘pond monster’,

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but when Helen got home from work she came bearing gifts of a couple of water pistols, so we all had good fun trying them out in the garden in the sun.

Licensed to Squirt? IMG 5138

Had the Panner that SB and Helen made for tea in a curry. It wasn’t quite firm enough to fry, as it just melted and started to stick tot he pan, but was nice pooped intot he curry at the end, though did start to fall part then. Probably need to be pressed with a lot more pressure to make it firmer.
Yesterday was an long one for all concerned, SB was awake, waking up Helen before 5 am, BB was awake again (after waking at 3 ish) at about 5.30, neither really went back to sleep and me and the girls were all up early. Not good start when you are going to have a long day and possibly night at work :-(

Did mean i had two lots of washing on the line by about 8 though.

Library day/storytime today, so morning passed in breakfast, some reading of the library books some tidying up, watching a bit of the kiddies Springwatch on CBeebies. Off to the library – they both took Teddies there for soem reason, so both looked cute/funny carrying these teddies up the road, nice that BB is giood enough at walking places now that she can just trot along with us and doesn’t need a carry (to short a journey for the pushchair). Tried to get soem books out for Helen, but not sure how successful that was really, at the same time BB was going round pulling books of shelves (just such a handy height you know…) and re-arranging them. SB wanted to choose a couple of books, so not quite sure what she choose or on what criterion.

After that, lunch – including more Little Toe Radio Show, napping BB, some Explode the Code, some more of the World Explorer CD, I’d cooked loads of beans earlier, so made some up into a nice Bean Salad to go with dinner later. finally managed to get the playroom back into some sort of order, havng been a mess for days, read some of the library books, played out side for a bit, went to swimming lessons

(via a shop, got to the checkout and didn’t ahve my cards, so could only pay for little bit of what I’d got….. Very grumpy woman had to take all my stuff off and put in a trolley to put back on the shelves- yeah like I really wanted to waste my time getting a load of stuff and then not being able to buy it….)

- SB insisted that we watch the circuit trainers for bit afterwards – not sure why they are so interesting, home again, dinner finshed and eaten. I dozed off when putting each of the children to bed, and was dozing off again when H finally got home at about 10.30 :-(. so evening was a bit of right off.

So of course we went to bed at about 1am….


they woke up early – far too early! luckilly they then went to sleep fro 2 more hours, so 8 when I got up.

we have had a very full day. the only non-autonomous things were cookie making and watching sound of music – neither were at all resisted!! Trouble is, we did so much today, that there is a real problem in recall!

Anyway, SB has been very keen on learning more about space. So we read a DK picurepaedia book and then started painting a picture of the solar system – we have done the sun, complete with solar flares and some constellations. when it is dry, we will stick on some planets. SB pretty clued up about the solar system, various star types, rockets and astronauts. however a bit unsure about the various unmanned missions, as not sure that remote control would work. [she could have a point, thinking of mars!]

IMG 4721 IMG 4719 edited-3

BB also keen to paint, and did a lovely daub picture – she concentrated very hard, and didn’t make too much mess either! It was great having them painting together.

Back into play mode, adn SB insistent she wanted to play Jojo in numberland – so worked her way with ease through first CD whilst I played with BB.

BB and I read, had more fun with those Ideal blox from Merry, played with teddy and dollies etc. BB jabbers away non-stop. it sounds more like words now – though not my lnaguage yet! She has been rather fascinated by our hama window decoration, and worked out that if she moved a chair from the playroom to the window she could finally reach. She was careful though, and didn’t pull any off.

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A quick lunch and BB fell asleep. I had promised SB we would start to put together her roman villa, so we started taht. I had thought she would get fed up very quickly, but actually we did a fair bit. we read and chatted about the accompanying book about roman life as we went. The house lararium we decided was dedicated to Minerva – goddess of crafts amongst other things. Actually, it highlighted how much SB has picked up about ancient greece from reading around the myths and legends. I failed to find a suitable alternative goddess to Hestia for us, in the books, but now looking it up, it is Vesta, of vestal virgins fame! Hmm, her feast day is coming up. This comparative religions lark!

IMG 4755

when she looked flagging, we moved on to hama a flower for Aunty Margaret’s birthday. [more of Merry's goods!!] We were going to play the piano, but instead SB started excavating out a pretend triops fossil [that tesco's dinosaur tube]. we msut get some replacement triops eggs [unfortunately chris spilled the last lot all over the floor, though they hadn’t hatched - actually does anyone know how long they usually take to hatch, and if we can just use pond water, or need to get a new nutrient bag as well?]

IMG 4779 edited-1

BB woke up, so some playing upstairs with happy street – and SB joined us when she had lost interest in teh excavating. it was time to offer the baking cookies. Somehow we muddled through – BB loved making them! S’s mixture was ‘interesting’ so I added flour until it felt more reasonable! They were topped with smarties, and the girls ate the spares. [where is Sam when we have cookies?]

IMG 4786 ?IMG 4780
SB went back to jojo, doing the second CD all through – multiplication and division. Although we have done grouping and sharing as mental maths, she’s not seen it written, so I did have to do a bit of helping. However, the easiest level seemed pretty much right for her. i just had to occasisionally remind her of the signs.

More general messing about type playing, imagining allsorts, and arbitrating between BB and SB as the inevitable ‘mine’ war hotted up. Honestly, SB winds up BB on purpose. I think this might been the greenest phase she has been through. We do our best to treat diferent but equally -IYSWIM – and explain what is funny in an 18 monther is not in a 5 [when it is plain naughty] – yep, a difficult concept. I suppose BB is going through a rapid grow and develop phase and their relationship has to adjust too.

Ah well, tea of noodle, veg and seaweed soup, listening to little toe show and then settled down to the first part of sound of music. BB was slow to fall asleep tonight, but SB out like a light. She needed to be as took a long time last night – though she does now enjoy the 5 children and it story CD [partly as the phoenix one has been on little toe]

What we didn’t do was any gardening – wail so far behind!! but the weather was awful – even hail, thunder and lightening. The good thing is though, that there will be frost. And its been so long since we planted anything that I’d have prob planted out all the tender things as well ‘while I’m at it’ hopefully we will get a lot of things in this weekend. today [and working the weekend] has left me fair worn out. Must have a shower, as have paint in my hair.

Simple Sunday again

Had a lovely day. My lovely sister got up early and cleaned the kitchen – yay! the children all played nicely together, a bit of dashing outside, but rainy. They watched some more blue planet, and went finally mid afternoon.

SB then did the yoga video 2ce [thanks again Katy], and since SB was still asleep, we played games of set until she had woken up. We don’t play competitively yet, just take turns, but she doesn’t ail to spot one now, and is starting to be fussy about ‘what kind’ of set she wants! She had wanted to do some more electric circuits, but i couldn’t find those, and education city, but we have run out of free trial!

instead she made some more dream avatars, while I got BB up. they played bounce over mujmy and the bed and general rough and tumble for a bit [chris dug up some weeds in the rain, and had a shower to warm up!] . SB read me some say the sounds ladybirds books – she was very impressed, as was I, even though the imp and troll story must be one of the most phenomenally tedious I have ever read!.

BB practiced saying book to me, and brought me a fair few to read whilst SB played with the lego – so we did turn and turn about of lap and book or lego. i read SB some dr seuss. So BB gradually getting the hang of speech. [shoes, mummy, daddy and book are the clearest]

Rather hysterical was the pre and post bath olympics that SB and BB had, running the upstairs circuit again and again [naked as a nod to ancient greece!] while I counted, and SB tried to beat her own time. BB just chuckled madly. At bedtime Sb insisted on an encyclopaedia as bedtime story – so we did various pages of ‘C’ . We are so behind with piccies that I shall do some flickring.

Sorry we couldn’t go to Fran’s party – so happy birthday Fran.

a few SB-isms

we were watching the planets DVD and the asteroid crater in Arizona -

“is that where all the dinosaurs were standing when they became extinct? Had they all gone there to eat something nice, or asleep?” Hmm, perhaps not quite got that image right then!

or about her tooth that fell out today

how will the seed bunny know it is out? [i am wondering what to say at this point] i imagine he got an email [!!!!]”

Poor lass though, BB gave her a shocking bite. BB also deliberately bit me for her evening feed – right Chris, here she is for a bottle!

I also had to soothe hurt feelings, as at the end of home-ed group, one of her friends Mum’s invited the other little girl and her mum to their house for a play. SB asked if she could come to, and was told no. Fair enough obviously as this was an adult invite with children as it were, but SB thought she wasn’t wanted, especially as she has been before.

We had a lovely weekend though, and did lots of playing in the garden and with her dolls house and her paper dress me dolls. SB and BB playing nicely together – some squabbling over the fun blox!, we all having fun. Read lots of books – the DK encyclopaedia, and childrens history book about middle ages, some singapore maths [oops, we left the book in the rain, but it has recovered!] And more playing with the electric circuit. Also she has progressed onto the cbbc website – though some of the games there are, well!!! We looked at flowers outside, played botanist explorers [amongst others] [she was very bossy, and me 'n BB poddled along behind!] picking a few, and then she has made a picture with them that we are pressing. We have also started off a second hand triops kit. It had run out of nutrients, and we are using pond water – lets see if that works. Some cbeebies watched, and also DVD of life of mammals – SB really into these DVD’s at the moment. She was also particularly proud to swing like Violet [some hero worship going on there]- hanging by her knees from the trapeze bar thing. Thankyou Violet! Some hama beading, and I think we have had a very full Home-ed autonomous weekend!

I love home-ed. Still wish I did more of it though. Have at least finished my talk.