Category Archives: literacy


Not sure if I’m going to write a huge amount! We had a great week in Okehampton – thanks Sarah for arranging it. Got to chill and chat with people i just don’t see enough. Slightly more tricky due to broken arm, but hey, amongst friends!

Highlights: has to be BB walking! SB picking up with her friends with great ease. Pennywell. Good food and drink. SB hugely excited to meet Father Christmas.

Lowlights: broken arm. long painful journey, SB being sick!

Credit due: Sarah – for alsorts. Alison and Sarah for being commis chefs, and Jax for being my sous chef for the curry! Ady – for lots of things! Kirsty for remembering my books – thankyou. [that map one is really good!] ‘Tilda for her creche idea!

home-ed moments: well apart from the socialisation, drama re-enactments, story telling, crafts etc, I have enjoyed SB’s determination to count to 100 [can get to 59 now], and managing to write I luv uu [sic] in a card for me.

calming down

chris much better. i’m not, but really expected!
we are hoping to set off tomorrow – and i have packed [very slowly!] the clothes.
will text if we don’t.
i have loads of ebay bids on dressing up clothes, and will see if i have won any on return – chris laughingly thinks i will win the lot, but not wiht my max bid!! prob none.
BB well and jolly, and SB hasn’t caught anything

Actually done a fair bit of home ed stuff – lots of reading, story books, books on engines – plus ad hoc experimenting!] Hama beads, mental maths. lots of role play, sindy playing, lego playing. Some christmas cards – not too glittery actually!

Mistakenly looked at finances after an im with Jax – so back into depressed mode! But decided to ignore until after Xmas, and just be prudent until then – apart from an increase [dramatic] in the alcohol budget.

We unfortunately missed SB’s last stagecoach show, as I broke my arm the week before, we weren’t told, hadn’t been the week before that as Nic visiting, so this week she was taken by grandparents, who stayed to watch it. I’m less upset than I thought I would be – prob because the grand scheme of things problems are a bit large at the moment. SB did us at least 6 ballet shows to make up!

BB a treasure also, very happy laughing and cruising around. [shouting!] only the odd unaided step though. May bring her walker toy with us. Sh’es got great dimples.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Down but not out

l feel issue ridden, but not a good time.
BB still dread-ful with purulent eyes.
-*also helping me to typ++e ++++++++a+t th+e- moment – mainly the plus sign, you will have noticed.
lots of sleeping and milk.

SB did 4 pages explode the code with nanny, lots of sindy playing. drove me wild with her bouncing on the spacehopper – only suppose to be done in corridor, but knocked my arm. bowled bb over and final straw my much needed cup of tea. and with it my patience,
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [bb again]
cue totalmayhem and appaling cheekiness and strops. finally settled with sitting beside me quietly for 3 mins, doing an errand [getting bb's cardi], a hug and some tears. she was an angel for the resr of the day. odd. need to get this under control, as cheekiness horrid.

lots of book reading [mostly reading books, included ulysses, a+--nd caught mum to giggle at goriness. She learnt it in latin!], lego and the spent over an hour on a maths cdrom dad brought. we aLso did come german

dad nearly finished pink bedroom, and chris has managed to help a bit.

my arm killing me, if anything worse as had to keep BB ok, as unwell she is not into mummy substitutes.

Some ed achieved

yesterday we did a hama spiral glaxay [rofl], some addition and takeaway with beads, and read many books including the buddhist tales from barefoot.

Today we did 4 pages explode the code, 4 pages singapore maths, making letters with maxi hama, christmas cards – stamps and sitckers – for the early HE list. A sudoku grid. Nanny took her to the park to wear her out [failure]

BB has dreadful conjunctivitis, but is trying to be a gorgeous smily star anyway. She got to push the dollies pushchair today – what a big girl! A few single steps, and finally got the swapping hand on hidden thing gag!

Bleurgh and double bluergh

Me and Helen still feeling very bluergh, helen more so since she has had a migraine and had to drag herself off to work this morning. i’ve had dradful strwaming cold, and a real lack of energy for very long. BB was awake bright and early,so much so that after he breakfast she had fallen asleep in her high chair before Helen had gone to work.

I was up to do the story time at the library today. Had the stories organised but had a craft activity to sort out – so spent some time this morning cutting up bits of paper etc. After much geeing-up SB finally got her clothes on. Ddi the story time and it all went fine. Time we got home it was time for lunch, BB to have a nap and me to collapse on the sofa for an hour or so while SB watched a video, I was sitting at the table trying to read her some books and just kept falling asleep. It was lovely just lying there dozing quietly. Though felt slighlty guilty as Helen at work and wouldn’t have the chance for dozes, but potentially I had to be able to going with the kids til bedtime – so get it while you can I guess.

It revoved me a bit for the rest of the afternoon, mostly spent doing easy going stuff like reading numerous books (just how many Mr Men books did she get from the library, watching her and BB play together, playing with BB etc.. but it was to get to bath and bedtime, and me and H will son be goign as well i think. hopefully, tomorrow we will both feel a bit better. The house is disater zone, but I’m very much at that – ‘i just want to have lie down’ stage. Bit much that we have both been hit with the bug at the same time though, we usually manage to stagger it bit.

Ballet Day

Well, The usual night [sigh] but with much less screaming, since as I wasn’t working today, I was quite happy to do endless amounts of feeding [?] Got a lie in though.

Went downstairs and immediately was pressganged into cuisinaire rod patterns. Thankyou Merry for showing me new ways to spend money, so have looked at icthus website. Not actually parted with money, as waiting until next paycheck.

I then read some of my least favourite books – the Mr men series. Argh – Mr chatterbox is even dense text [I paraphrased!]. The we looked at crusades in the DK History really interesting bits, as SB really likes the bloody bits in history.

from there we moved on to Hama, and did another star, and a face – Nanna and grandad F had arrived by then, so did the face with SB, and thought it was a great idea. Chris – in his infinite wisdom – mentioned some of the shaped boards SB has for Xmas – sigh. What do you do with men like that?

Lunch and then we went into cambridge for the Moscow City Ballet. We parked and road, and neither of has been in central cambridge before – looks really nice, and as the park and ride so easy, am tempted to do it again. BB left with Chris’ parents. Lots of little girls in their angelina finest – SB insisted on the bridesmaids dress, and I thought great, another outing for it!! She looked gorgeous [biased mother alert!], and lots of people thought so too, and asked her if she was a ballerina, so she did the wooing thing [rofl]. The ballet was good. [heresy, but its not really my thing, and I never did the wanting to be one phase] A bit long really – Tchaikovsky Sleeping beauty. Interest was maintained for 2/3 of the time, which I actually thought was rather good. I did encourage though with whispered explanations, questions and what do you think when her prefidget signs showed up, and also allowed her a bit more wriggle latitude – it was a matinee, and the seat behind me was empty, and I had told the lady next to me and behind where SB should have been to indicate if she was getting to much! They didn’t seem to mind when she occasionnaly popped up to do a few of the ballet moves [I think I may have heard a giggle!]. Whens she was really flagging, she decided to do sums – I kid you not, there in the ballet we are doing whispered sums using fingers and toes!! She is variably correct when going over the 10, but enjoys trying to keep all the numbers in order. We rode back to the car on the top of the bus at the front – which she loved.

Back at home we went to the chippie for tea, and SB then played with her Europe Jigsaw, getting very good at the more obvious countries, and making chris’ parents guess which ones they were. We then played with the alphabet bingo we had from sonlight. i read a few more books, and that was our day done and dusted.

Although i haven’t mentioned BB much, we had a good play in the morning and again in the evening, and she was a good girl for nanna and grandad. Lets hope she sleeps!

yay, weekend’s here

but sb not asleep.

Beans had fun at muddlepuddle and then afterwards round at Merry’s. Chris will no doubt blog or edit.

When we all got in, we actually did a lot. I told some stories and then SB and I played a geography game followed by hungry hippos and number 1o number bonds. BB was potterng around playing with musical toys. We then had a lot of fun all together, taking it in turns which child to throw/jiggle and swing.

SB then wanted to write a letter to her friend R in Leeds, and aso drew her a picture. Oh, and she also drew the beans we have growing and their roots – which are the first things to appear. 1 has a long root, one a tiny blip and the other nothing.

No wonder bedtime was so late and she is still awake! I am shatterd as a long and hard week at work. B edtime soon methinks!


what I forgot to blog, is on tues SB inisted that they buy some flowers for me!! Lovely. Isn’t it great to have someone who will buy you flowers.

full on day at work [so drinking last of limoncino] however, have come home, ate Chris’s yummy tea [must try Sarahs aubergine and chickpea recipe], read 2 chapters of story of the world, played ta with BB and tickle games, SB has read a red nose reader to me. SB has been to nursery and ballet today and has proudly shown off some of her nursery artwork. they are now in bath. I should be helping, but have used up the last of my energy with that short burst on getting home.

We are going with SB to bolshoi ballet next Wed to see sleeping beauty – so thats great. Have had to turn down an invitation to meet the Princess royal – tough call [??].

feel sad over the denmise of Muddlepuddle lists, however the early years should arise like a phoenix. Also, as Merry says, the camps and friendships go on. Thanks Muddlepuddle for setting us on the path of home edding.

The pressure is on

i’ve got to try and blog in the time it takes SB and BB to have their bath – 5 or 10 mins probably!! i’m going out to night, so dressed up, and having a nice meal.

BB a disaster last night, and thought I’d managed a lie in when I got up – 8:30!! Oh well.

Spontaneous learning pre breakfast when SB brought out some getty and dubay to do. practised the V mainly. I would help if she didn’t go off in the wrong direction to start with. We drew as many v things as we could think of. Moved on to drawing and then colouring in the Pudsey bear for nursery. She did a really good drawing – so will flickr it [surprise]. She also wrote her name nicely on the bottom, and then had a dicky fit that her middle name didn’t fit, so turned over the paper and wrote her first 2 names – mirror writing! Even with taking a picture of them both, she just couldn’t see that they were any different. hmm.

After breakfast she watched a Hoobs video, and we did a lot of playing with BB. BB is enjoying trying out the shape sorter – unfortunately the technique of ramming with as much force as possible in nearest hole is not particularly successful, but she was happy with the ‘if you don’t succeed, stuff it through the door at the side’!

While BB was supposed sleeping, Chris and SB made the Xmas cake [and its still cooking!] BB woke up fairly instantly, and squiggled about in the pantry. [SB is down from the bath, naked and soaking- 8 minutes]

I went outside to take some sunny pictures – mainly of pond reflections and fish, and was soon joined by both SB and BB. SB dancing around being a pond fairy, and BB catching up with Josie in the ‘I can now throw myself in’ stakes [she didn't]. SB and I discussed pond reflections, mirrors etc, and what happened when the fish popped up – which the fish did a fair bit as SB threw in about 2 weeks worth of food. So we went back in and had lunch.

More playing with both SB and BB – side by side, as SB didn’t want BB to actually play with her as she was in a convoluted imagination game with elephant finger puppet cat and eagle. BB and I played hammering and beads mostly, and a fair bit of Ta. BB fell asleep, and I read a number of story books to SB, and she read outloud 2 spot books – with assistance on the longer words. We also read the first people by Usborne. Otherwise for maths we have talked about shapes and patterning, and done some counting and finger adding and taking away.

Whilst I cooked tea – nothing exciting, just pasta – SB wrote a letter to Nanny and drew a boat – a normal one on one side, and then turned over to draw an egyption one. It did look a bit like a felucca too. We played memory cards and my bastardised happy families rummy. BB was generally jolly and babbled and fiddled about.

SB now making patterns with the connect 4. Time to feed BB and then go!

A wooing we shall go.

Well Stringbean anyway, though of course Butterbean does her ‘Smiley chuckle-y baby’ thing to anyone who looks at her for more than a few microseconds :-) On Monday it was the lady in the farm shop, yesterday it was various people – the ‘library ladies’, the lady in the dance shop, in Woolies, in the cafe, in Waitrose…… I think its’ the confident way that she starts up chatting to people, and telling them something in that ‘well it’s important to me so you must be interested’ kind of 4 year old way, and she si always really polite whenever she asks for anything when we are out and about.

So the lady in the dance shop was regaled with tales as soon as we walked in about how Daddy (? !) lost her ballet sock, bemoaning how she had got cold legs in the wind to the assistant in Mackays when we went in to buy some emergency tights, the checkout girl in Superdrug got run down on BB’s teeth as we got toothbrush for her in there. The woman in Wololies got all sorts of things, mostly about her new wellies and how they matched her umbrella, how she wanted a ‘Princess dress’ she saw the various dressing up dresses and has always coveted the Patch of Puddles gilrs for theirs :-). In the cafe she really politly asked for a cake and glass of milk, as well as regaling them with tales of new wellies, toothbrushes, SB being asleep ( ‘ she likes to wake up at night’…)

Ah well it makes out and abouting entertaining.

So what else happened in the last couple of days. Mornings at the moment seem to start for SB with a bit of Cindy/Barbie and dolls house playing, really is into hat at the moment. Need to relocate the Cindy box somewhere else in the room as it is near the door and the entrance just gets littered with Cindy bits. Looked at couple of her science books and made a ‘tin can telephone’, talkeda bit about how the sound travels from one to the other. She had the idea that the sound would travel down the middle of the sting like pipe, but said that wouldn’t work as there was no hole. So we played about a bit and talked about sounds being made / transmitted by vibrations. Sat a read a few of the Usborne Farmyard Tales books, where she made a good stab at quite a few of the words. She doesn’t seem that bothered heself about reading stuff, but if you ask her to do bit she normally likes to have a go. She seems to be in that ‘on the cusp’ of it point at the moment. Did some easy stuff and some writing in one of her workbooky things

After lunch we made a trip out to a local ‘Farm shop’. It’s not really a farm shop – it’s located at local plant nursery. The greenbrocers in the village shut earlier in the summer and then this place opened -possibly in response – they seem to have aqquired the old till from the GG. So far seem ok, I did get some dodgy chestnuts from there last week so she knocked a bit of the bill yesterday.

So we hit the road in the ‘Bean mobile’ – the tandem with trailer attached for BB out the village one way for the Fruit stall at the orchard, where they have good variety of apples, quite a few old ones, that you don’t see often and if you do tend to be expensive, then back through the village to the aforsaid farm shop. Where SB chatted to the lady about BB, insisted we buy things like parsnips and green apples (made a change from today when she kept on about sweets at every turn) and generally did the charming thing. Cycled back home, a tad cold by then, but just enough pedalling to blow out the cobwebs, and SB absolutley loves going out on the tandem.

Home for tea, warming up, a few books and then SB hit the CBeebies website until Helen came back from work (and a rather horrible ‘quick’ visit to Tescos on the way home)

Helen made a nice Beetroot Rissoto for tea (she had it in a restaurant once), SB turned nose up at first, but then ate it all once she was fed it :rolls:


‘Library day’, which somehow, after we have breakfasted, dressed, located all the books, faffed about etc. always seems to take up the morning until it’s time to go out. SB did the aforesaid wooing, listened to story time (much the biggest there now as all the others her age are now in school). BB sat and watched/listened for quite a bit as well, had to be prised, along with couple of other girls from the sticking and colouring afterwards :-)

Home, BB to nap, reading library books with SB, lunch out for the above shopping and wooing which took up the rest of the day. Noticed that SB can spend ages looking at books etc. by herself, I do wonder if she is trying to read some of the words to herself? but probably not :-) Had mean to make the Christmas cake but didn’t get round to it. It takes about 4 hours to cook so one for the morning I think.