Category Archives: Stringbean’s HE

Chupa Chups Science

Much faffing about (plus my watch being 10 minutes slow for some reason) saw us get to the  library a bit late for story time, but they sat and did the crafty bit (which is always a bit simple for SB – it’s aimed at pre-schoolers, but she likes doing it so waht the heck). Spent quite  a while there sitting on the floor reading books to Butterbean whilst Stringbean read an Usborne Puzzle book. The  ‘library ladies’ got slighty flummoxed by the computer again whilst checking out the books, it beeped and said that one of the books was already checked out to us and couldn’t be renewed (which it wasn’t, we’ve never had it out I’m sure anyway). They peered and ummed and ahhed a bit, I suggested that maybe there had just been a slip on the scanner or something and it had got checked out twice. Anyway after a bit more peering and clicking it was checked out. I always do have the urge though to walk round and just sya look ‘click this, or that or whatever’. But it’s run by volunteers, so we just smile and get mildy entertained by it all

Headed home, with BB wailing most of the way, though I’ve forgotten  what the issue was. BB had come up with an idea for an experiment, seeing if a lollipop dissolves. Not yet having lollipops, SB started off with her own idea for seeing  if sugar dissolved in different things. So her and BB got different things – juices, coke, veg oil, washing up liquid etc. to dissolve it in. They moved onto salt, and then a Sodium Percarbonate (‘oxygen’) bleach powder. They enjoyed seeing what happened, coke fizzing, things going murky, thre bleach powder in washing up liquid interested SB most, it made a thick gel, which thrn turned foamy (presumably as Oxygen was released) hey spent a fun half hour or so fiddling about.


OK,what's next?


I do get the urge to take control and direct these sort of things – to do a ‘proper’ experiment. The science teacher in me I guess, but did manage to let them get on with it. SB does have a goode idea about how to control an experiment – a ‘fair test’ as they tend to call it in the school science books. Things like using the same amount of liquids, only changing one thing at a time etc. but at times like this she just gets distractedby the fun of it all :-)

Had lunch of beans on toast, whch prompted another fuss from BB as it wasn’t Tomato soup :roll: Eventually ate the beans, but wouldn’t eat the bread becuase it wasn’t white bread. Told her she wouldn’t have afternoon snacks unless she ate it. She stuck to her guns and had nothing else until about 4 pm when she realised that she wouldn’t get flapjack at SB’s swimming lesson unless she ate it, so it soon went :-)

After lunch we went and bought Chupa Chups lollies for the experiment – shop assitant was a bit bemused when we said they weren’t for eating but for a science experiment.  SB realised that they weren’t all the same flavour, and that might affect things, but we carried on anyway as we had them now.

Set them up 2 lollies each, one in boiling water, one in cold water and left them to see what would happen. Not surprisingly the ones in hot water dissolved first, SB was correct to worry about the different flavours, the Coke flavour one dissolved noticeably faster than the Fruit/Cream flavour one. They were interested by the way a coloured layer formed near the bottom of the jar. And excessively pleased when I let them finsish off by eating  the last bit of the lollies in cold water :-)


Ready to go.


Going - Hot water on the left.



Comparing Progress


Gone - Hot water on right here


End result - Cold water


End Result - Hot Water


BB surprised me a bit by showing how well she can copy words. Sometimes we forget she is almost 4.


I’d said we could go up the road on the skates, where there is a gently sloping cul-de-sac that SB likes to skate down, we got ready, and then as soon as we were ready to go out it started raining :-( (and then rained for the rest of the day really)In the rest of the afternoon SB did some handwriting, some Singapore maths, and read some of Penrose the Mathematical Cat. She read a couple of her library books as well.They attempted to tidy the playroom, though BB grumped some more about this ‘I’m too tired, I can’t do it, I need help’  wail, gnash, to which my reponse is to wave the mythical bin bag at her :-) They got it a bit tidy and then watched a bit more Jane and the Dragon, which seems to eb the favourite at the moment, before SB’s swiming lesson. It’s a pain goign out then (the lesson is at 5.30 as it makes for a long day, but at least BB doesn’t fall asleep so eaily now on the way to or fromas she did last year. We watched SB a bit – she is getting better at her strokes, did some good back stroke. Then BB enterntained herself by jumping around on the floor tiles from one red tile to another (mostly creamy tiles with some reddish ones).

Fell asleep when putting BB to bed and only woke up when Helen had got home from workand came up with Sb for her to go to bed. Ooops !

i-viking we will go

i’ve been working, but chris and the girls have been busy busy. a visit to nots and tots at one of our not so close HE groups. picked up our suma order from Katy – pleased so see that it is enormous, as it was expensive! Also pleased that chris left in the dried mango slices – yum yum. SB put out that she didn;t finish the science experiment on heat loss as she had to go to the dentist. SB was fine at the dentist, and was oK with the discussion that her front teeth stick out and will need some work when she is older. [aargh to thumb sucking, if i could go back in time i would be there with the dummy] bB wouldn’t open her mouth. she decided she only will when she is f and bigger :roll: for an overwhelmingly confident bean she is remarkably scaredy about these type of out of family/friend things.

in the afternoon, SB did maths, handwriting, piano and violin - she is def motivated at the moment! When i got home they were recreating the heat loss experiment. weirdly paper did best, our socks obviously not v good!! BB and i had lots of stories from library books, and she played chase the A through the book.  SB did some more of our viking brooch craft, and also made a paper kit viking ship i picked up from greece some time ago. SB particularly likes the idea of i-viking as a phrase! She amazed me by saying that she knew how the vikings and normandy tied up, and telling chris about it. it is in SOtW, but i don’t test recall, and make no significance to remembering, and i get a sad thrill about things remembered! We did some french altogether, with SB snuggled on my lap.

I really like an SB snuggle, and I don’t get one so often any more [oK. i still get lots, but i like LOTS] and i had a distinct moment of looking at her and seeing the lovely, charming older girl looking back at me. i cherish every second, because one day this older girl is going to leave home! i am not sure that we do the best that we can all the time, and i know my parenting and ed could be better, but i think we try hard, and love well. Though she is still emotionally up and down, i hope that this gorgeous and sensitive child is being done the best by that we possibly can. ah, i had a real mummy moment!

whilst bB went to bed, it was games time, and SB did some of the horrible histories viking sticker book with me and then chose a multiplication game. we read a bit more of the second roman mysteries book and did a made up story.

odin’s day

we are being reasonably productive at the moment. yesterday the girls had a library morning, making owls and listening to owl stories, and SB has read loads of her library books. she also did some piano and handwriting. She learnt she had got a place at gym – woohoo, and also went to the first swimming of term, she is now at level 7, so v happy.

today SB did some violin and piano. we are trying to do 15 minutes more regularly, but this is v variable! SHe has done maths and spellings as well. from the box books she chose some of the viking stories [we have viking fact and fiction, volcano fact and fiction and weather fact in there at the mo]. We also did the first chapter of minimus, realising we have forgotten too much of our sketchy latin!

BB has also done lots of letterland books [ iread them and we play search for the main letter of the book] as well as counting and jigsaws. She also played on starfall.

we all made castles and other creations out of wooden bricks for a while, and played outside for a bit too, and i read a french book with them both.

SB has done some education city science, and bB loads of the jump ahead starting maths. i was desperate to do something crafty, so eventually enticed them away with air drying clay. BB made snowmen and SB the start of the viking badges in the hundred history projects book. They both wanted to be facepainted, so i did that, but soon they wanted it off as they said it was itchy.

SB did a chromatography experiment with felt tips to see what hidden colours were there after initially identifying the pen that had made the ‘test’ chromatogram. she really loved doing this, and i think plans to do loads more. i think we might then have a go with 2 way chromatography on the ones that didn’t split well and use alcohol as the other solvent [though we don't have pure ethanol!] and perhaps see what might happen with other solvents.

a quiet time with ‘how things work’ and ‘magic school bus’ and then a castle/fairy game before tea and bed. I have started shortening SB’s judo suit.

chris has had fun with a blocked drain, and sorting camping stuff for the weekend. i love camping!

after the excitement…

… comes the eating up of spare party food – never so enjoyable!! though katy’s cheese bread that i missed on the day has been wolfed down!

chris and the girls went shopping for some non party food, and also try out a different library. SB has done maths and handwriting, and we have printed out the first Dolch set of words for her to learn how to spell. Since they are allegedly common words, we thought we could start with those, especially since a lot of them are easy!

both girls have done a lot of playing with shops today, and also castle stuff, and also being puppy dogs. SB has bee doing a lot of french knitting, and made BB a bracelet, and also some painting of kits and bB has made pompom creatures.

When i got home we did some french altogether – BB ‘woofed’ her responses – hmm. We read some viking stories, a section of SoTW and did recorder practice. Bit of playing outside, and a game of SET. BB also did some blowing on the recorder.

i am STILL flickring. i will delete duplicate photos when up i think.

getting excited!

i like parties, even if they are a bit hard work to organise – and a bit worrying when one essential piece of craft equipment hasn’t arrived yet!

felt lurgified but better, so went to work, and realised i had used up all my energy by lunchtime. luckilly it was a front loaded day, and i rearranged the pm things for next week, came home and snuggled on sofa with girls to read books. SB has a sort of tick box timetable again – she was nagging me! we then had to go through the blog to see what she could tick off for the week. it is simpler than the last one anyway. She had done maths and handwriting in the morning, and lots of reading. we did some recorder together.

then, having perked a bit, we did some baking – shortbread, and i also whizzed up some black cupcakes to decorate. cue mess everywhere. girls played alot with the castle.

so another rest, and i have done a bit more tidying, and plan to do a bit more baking tonight, and a bit more wood polishing [beeswax]

busy bees

we have been very busy today. i had a lie in as still feeling bleurgh, but medication overcomes all eventually! SB was v industrious, and did her maths [woohoo, she can finally reliably tell the time, so she is due a watch], handwriting [still getty and dubay] and piano practice before i got up.

i got up at 10, because that is when the amazon parcel arrived. the girls were falling over themselves desperate for me to open it! it had 2 french/english story books, SB’s recorder books and 2 michael morpurgo books – beowulf [which we will save as a bedtime book, we are currently on the second roman mystery, and chris on the first narnia] and blodin the beast. Oh i also bought a pompeii book to go with the current theme on a different bloggers recommendation, and we enjoyed that.

SO today has been rather book oriented! I read the blodin and pompeii book to the girls, we did the red riding hood with cd [but prefer me to do it] and sb read me some of a volcano fact book we have. both girls read a pirate flap book we have as well. BB did some maths and some letters. SHe also did ‘extra’ french, as she insisted on doing the maths counting in french.

All this took the morning, and a late lunch and then a bit of the afternoon. we went outside to run about, play football etc, and then returned in for a snack.

At this point the enormity of the total tipness of the house, and the imminent guest situation turned me into a bit of a panic, so i reorganised the bookcases in the playroom [why i couldn't just lump the books on i don't know] and also we sorted the child ‘bits’ – you know, fimo art blobs, broken hama, numerous tiny plastic tat animals etc. the girls found homes for them all :roll: . i realised i was getting snappy, so told sb to choose some music – and we had a french cd [rofl!] but i calmed down, and we have done not a bad job! i have also polished some of the staircase woodwork. i hasten to add that this house is actually not going to live up to many peoples idea of tidy, but it will at least have somewhere to place feet!!

BB did maths jump ahead, and SB whichever jump ahead she has got to, then they both argued over who could practice recorder with me first and def couldn’t under any circumstances be doing it together. it was sb’s turn to ‘win’ a nonwinnable situation, not that it made her happier. but once we had settled down to it, it was fine. some magic school bus to watch, and a treat of curry take-away for all our hard work.

RSPB walk

yesterday morning we whipped through music practices, read some french book and did some maths before lunch :wink: SB had found zoombinis cd and working through that – bit of deja vu having only just read t-birds post!

in the afternoon we did our monthly rspb walk with the manor borns – after i had had i minor strop that chris hadn’t packed my fleece – we were obviously speaking in different languages to each other again! but the weather was lovely, so no fleece required. the girls all greated each other enthusiastically, and we were on and running. we did the quarry path – as i think it is all of our favourites, but especially BB, who did us proud in walking and running. it really was a joy of a walk, good friends and happy children.

back to their house for dinner – yummy – and more children playing fun.

today i have had some lurgy, so had a sick day. i hate sick days, as i have to make up all the work at a later date, and some work is particularly challenging to retimetable. but i wasn’t safe to practice as it were. today i slept till lunchtime, had 3 hours up – bb insisted on doing reading, maths, piano and violin with me!! SB was less speedy, and did french , maths and a lot of reading of asterix! we then all did a craft kit that both girls enjoyed painting and decorating wooden bugs. SB should have done some music but i ran out of effort. she is currently watching roar.

i went back to bed as she had her gym taster session – which hopefully will give her a gym place this year. i have now got up – sort of, as horizantal on sofa instead.

not quite a timetable

and not quite not! SB and I have been having quite a chat about HE and what she fancies adding in. she is going to carry on with maths and handwriting [she likes maths, and is pleased about how her handwriting is improving] she wants to do better at spelling – possibly encouraged by us! so we are going to start with the common words, and perhaps get a dictionary for spellings. She prefers piano to the violin, so we are going to do more piano practice, and just chug abit on the back burner with violin. We are going to do more french. she is quite enthused about french at the moment, and BB is keen too. I think our book reading works well, and trying out conversations, so we will hopefully build on that – and i have put in an order!

we are still hoping to do lots of science experiments, and keep trying for one chapter a week of SoTW. the ‘box book’ idea is still good, and i really need one of those book displays to put a selection on to catch her fancy! we are enjoying reading the roman mysteries, and think we might have another go at some latin in a mild way, and since we are on vesuvius, have a bit of reading about volcano’s [and BB can do the volcano experiment again!]

so it sounds like a plan. not sure where we will go with it, but it is fun setting out!

there and back again – SOTP

firstly thanks to the SOTP family for a lovely weekend at their house. good friends, good food and happy children. we took loads of photos, and will no doubt flickr them. thanks also for giving us a room in the house. although i am sure our tent would have been fine [it proved itself later in the week] i think to have put tents up and down in adverse conditions more than once would have made the week seem stressful! sorry for those whose tents came down in the night though…

Had a lovely time chatting, and meeting up with the wellyboots family for the first time, as well as much loved old friends. SB and BB had great fun as well. glad to see that SB happy with her friends and reasonably confident after a few major wobbles since her accident. there were loads of games going on, and the rainy weather didn’t seem to hold things back. BB was charming and adorable nearly all the time! i loved her attachment to her capri sun DS. i also like the video of her grape eating on flickr. she repeated the trick more wildy several times whilst we were camping!

talked books – always a good subject, and came away with some to read. always good! some interesting talks on new atheism. which to me seems currently to be a particularly rude and brattish way of thinking – i think i perhaps am not  keen supporter of anything new [think new labour!] if this is going to be the face of atheism, i will be an agnostic [preferably of the old variety!!] you can’t do much exciting with people hedging their bets.

we decamped [well, ok not quite] as we had a schedule to keep on the sunday and went to catch the ferry to Arran. i am considering here what exactly to say about the holiday. i might facebook [as tim says its my go on scrabulous] and come back to post again.

Feeling happier today.

SB went off for her 2nd day of her Musical Theatre week. She was a bit weepy about it again, esp. with Helen in the morning, but then got herself organised, did her own packed lunch and went and found her old jazz shoes from when she did Stagecoach to take with her. I said I would wait at th place for a bit before I left her. Excuse to sit on a  sofa and read a book for  1/2 an hour anyway :-)
So seemed much happier today with it. not really much sitting about time it sounds like, so that  maybe suited her more. Sounds like they were moslty doing singing and  doing sticking – presumably for scenery or something. Said she didn’t get to talk to people much, but that was becuase there wasn’t much time except lunch, though she said she did try to say hello to some of them.. I’m wondering if the whole worrying thing was more to do with her being left  than anything else? Since hurting her foot she still doesn’t like being left around the house for long without knowing where you are.

So I think we have got over that one. There was a sweet stall with sweets in jars which every since buying some at FoH she has liked the idea of. So we bought some sweets there afterwards (oh, and popped into Adams to get her more knickers and ended up with more leggings as well.. ). i’d said she could ahve her choice of dinner tonight, and she’d said chips, Ginger beer (fizzy drinks being a very, very occasional treat in our house for her) and Ice Cream. Though she spotted a Watermelon so wanted that instead :-)

Other than that, my parents have been around again  – helping sort out pre-family party on Saturday. (Helen’s parents coming later today – coming early so they can help out prepare – do you think they are trying to tell us something ;-) ) So they have been doing useful things about the place, while entertaining BB as well. When I came back she was hiding in a  box on the lawn being a Bunny Rabit in it’s burrow :-)

I’ve got  dining table covered with sorted out crap to rehome, and the hallway has managed to fill up with stuff again – when Kirsty came down a  couple of weeks ago I’d just given it a good sort out :-(

Had me morning tea, time to do a few things