Category Archives: socialisation

Toys and Forces (aka – Oh Look, I Actually Blogged… !)

Went to a local Home Ed group meet up at a local museum on the theme of toys and forces.

Just about got there in time. Even though we seemed to be doing ok (why did I waste time making them lunch? – BB ate a packet of crisps and 3 Clementines, SB 1/4 of sandwich and crsips) to start with, but then realised I had to get out some cash from the PO as we didn’t have enough to pay for session, then he car was low on petrol and the little light came on, pulled into a garage which had all pumps locked – could have put a sign up. So carried on up the A1 and had done 20 miles on the light by the time I bought petrol – (wonder how mcuh it will do once the low petrol light comes on, think I’ve done about 20 before).

Bought £10 of petrol as in a hurry – depressing how little petrol that is nowadays – the little light came back on again on the way home.

Then there was the stuck in a queue geting into town , and the going wrong etc. Did just make it in time though.

Girls enjoyed the session. A couple of little explanatory bits from one of the museums staff – first on Issac Newton the tale of the apple and gravity and his three laws of motion. She demonstrated the Newtons Cradle, SB got the wrong answer when asked about what would happen when one ball dropped, but got the principle once she saw it and got another harder question right (what happens if you release three balls to hit the two remaining balls), which I was impressed with.

There was also a good demo of the one with a small and large ball – how to make the small ball bounce higher than on it’s own. You hold a small ball and a large ball so the small ball is on top of the large one. Drop them together. The large ball hits the ground , bounces back and of course hits against the smaller balls. The small ball bounces back up much higher than when dropped by itself, the large ball doesn’t bounce back up so much. She also gave an excellent explanation (the energy from the large ball gets transferred to the small ball ) when we were talking about this at the dinner table later. Well I do tend to fall into scool teacher questioning/ explaining mode when in such situations
There was also a demo of spinning aback up water around so that the water doesn’t fall out – how to tip up the bucket and not have the water fall out was the question.


But mostly we played with the various exhibits about different aspects of forces – pushing , pulling, pressure, levers, magnetism, pulleys, friction etc. Not really anything new as such to SB – but she enjoyed it as she was hoping there would be some levers (she means hands on exhibit type things) And good reminders about things she already knows such as using pulleys to make lifting things easier
IMG_1688 So we played with levers

IMG_1701 Explored friction

IMG_1692 Floating and upthrust

IMG_1694 Pulled pulleys

IMG_1704 Pulled and pushed and squeezed and stretched

IMG_1711 Mass and Gravity

IMG_1706 What metals are magnetic
IMG_1703 And explored Newtons Cradle.

Didn’t manage to quite do everything before we went off for the second part of the session where we made a cardboard version of push pull toy. We me and SB did, BB cut up the card board into lots of bits (not all just random, she did cut out a chick, and cut nicely along some of the straight lines).

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We had packed lunch there – chatted with a mum about a going to school conundrum (glad we don’t have those), a bit more of play then headed off. I got lost going through the shopping centre back to the car, came out the wrong exit and had to walk ages round it to the car park.

We popped into Merry’s on the way back for a short stop – I returned back of bits that had been left in France, checked up on a toy farm she is getting in for my Mum and Dad for BB’s birthday and I had much needed cup of tea (first one since breakfast, I was gasping), I had a nice little natter with Merry while she shooed children back to play. Though SB said later, when asked if she had a good play ‘No, because they were all arguing about what to do’ :-8

I haven’t seen the Puddles for a while so that was nice

Timed leaving just right, got home just in time to drop of BB with Helen, and pick up ballet stuff to take SB to ballet. Whilst SB at ballet, BB and Helen baked a nice cake and did a jigsaw I think. I drank more tea.

Once SB home there was some ‘TV’ watching (is watching downloaded TV programs on the computer watching TV or watching the computer? ) – the obligatory Numberjacks and then followed by Roar. A quick Pasta dinner, with BB being awkward (no – TINY one when the forkful too big) about eating it, but still eating it all in the end. Not sure what SB and Helen did while I put BB to bed. But I dozed off on the sofa while Helen did the SB bed time ooops…

So should really be in bed now I guess.

DS camp?

I wasn’t there for very long, but DSing was a prominent feature of camp. It didn’t impede playing, cooperativeness or socialisation for those worrying about it – as it was prominently as social event! [other similar photos from others on flickr]
DS again!

DS enclave
We very greatfully received our ds from the monkey house a while back – and SB has made champion efforts with nintendogs and less so with shamu. i have tried out the animal crossing to see if she would get much from it. hmm to whether she could reallly play it without me yet, but she might get it for her birthday. However, in the 3 week tryout, I have obviously become an expert – so gave E a tutorial – rofl! Mind you, teaching E suggested that although SB can read fine, she would find ‘the point’ a bit too obtuse too [mind you, not sure if she would care?].

What other games are out there that are a bit animal crossingy but perhaps a bit more obvious in what you are supposed to actually DO! Any advice greatfully received! Something that they can wifi at camp perhaps as well?? theres a zoo tycoon ds – and I know Monster apparently likes whatever game console thingy he plays it on – would that be a good option?

There and back again

After [for me] and all to brief dose of Nic camps, we came back with an easy drive and at the lunch stop, chris read his texts, and the local friend had asked for a playdate today or tomorrow. Since SB and her get on like a house on fire, we are both keen to encourage this as often as possible! So since I knew I would be ‘slow’ on Sat [and I am] we chose the Friday. She finishes school at 15:30, and we got back 5 mins later! So a quick into playing mode.

Actually SB did very well, as she could have been ‘camped out’ But her and R couldn’t quite make up the same story to do with the castle and knights, so I intervened, and we played continuo – which we all enjoyed. I did the adding up for R, and SB showed off! SO we then moved onto fimo. R has never done any before, so I helped her work out how to do a zebra – and she did that, and then a kitten in a basket. Baked it and then she could take it her [parents v interested in fimo, and gave them the webdetails of a reputable local supplier - rofl!]

SO we took her home 3hours later and then relaxed in their entirely fabtastic house with wine and crisps having a good natter, whilst the girls were altogether better at playing together with pollypockets! finally coming home nearing 10 – thus no flickr or blogging as once girls asleep, chris and i relaxed with QI and a drink of coffee – i neither managed to watch or drink!

Chris cooking a parental pick me up for lunch [high in carbs!]

Sussex Nic Camp

I only made the last day – but it was lovely, and I saw the caberet, got to the beach and shared in C’s birthday party and lots of late night gossip. Sure Chris might blog more – errm, well not sure exactly! Both girls also had a great time, so thanks Nic for organising. Will wade through the 6 billion photos to flicker 10% [rofl!!]

Oh, and I will u-tube the okeycokey [spontaneously childled] and stick in here too!

PS I have been a bit lazy with the flickr tags – not entirely accurate – so feel free to add or subtract your tag if it annoys!!

relatives and raptors

mum has retired to bed early as exhausted – so are we all. I a even more in awe of the home educators who are trotting about gaily. We have had 2 days of trotting about and I am exhausted!

Yesterday I took mum and the girls to visit Little Nanny. We had a lovely day, the girls reading books [SB a DK one and a book house one about big cats and grasslands respectively, and BB on apple tree farm] and playing games with the Nanny’s [rummy, patience and whos who] whilst I tried to make sure my mum didn’t do any helping [as post op] and little nanny was sorted out for food etc. And the girls didn’t spread chocolate everywhere… SB also did a piano practice after tea – entirely unsolicited! BB did both piano and violin – very cute.

IMG_0518 IMG_0514

today, BB and SB made a card for Chris’s Uncle Robert who had a 70th birthday party today [one of the 2 birthday parties we didn't attend today] My parents were invited to both of them, and orignally i was going to Josies, but Mum was worn out after cambridge followed by little nanny and had a lie in [for her] and felt in need of TLC.


TLC duly given whilst SB did maths and writing, and BB also did some maths – counting and making numberjack buddy blocks. Mum’s raised eyebrows over the term was neatly shown when SB continued to call them bloody box. SB read mum a book about why we eat, and discussed healthy eating whilst eating more of the trick or treat spoils – rofl.


mum felt more chipper after lunch, and the girls needed a run. Dad also here, but has been doing our garden – it looks fantastic. He is so helpful. And no, he doesn’t have to do it, I tell him this repeatedly, but also that he is my hero for ignoring me – mixed messages! Anyway, he had had enough, so we all piled out to the Raptor centre [apart from Chris, who had had enough with windows, and puled off down to his uncle robert's birthday - his uncle robert is not v well]

We enjoyed looking at the rescued birds, alot of them were in Harry potter movies, so had their star portraits – SB wondered if Harry Potter was about owls then – bless. Nearly ready I think to start on Harry Potter. Then there was the flying display, which was fab. The main man doing it was very knowledgeable, obviously loved the birds, and talked both top them and us. I loved the owls best. The audience got to stroke the 2 owls – BB and SB very keen to do so. lots of discussion round them, and a trip to the shop, where they each got a flier for 40p – bargain!!


IMG_0639 IMG_0635

there is also a craft shop on site – a bit deadly, but SB noticed they had a small haberdashery [we had been discussing haberdasheries, and their decline, so yes, she does know the word!] so I bought her some headed pins, she also noticed Mum looking over some leather purses, and asked me if we could get one for her for Xmas – so a little pantomime, of me telling SB to ask mum what she would look for in a good purse, and a good colour – ie mum picked one out more or less – and then we bought it! SB very proud to have chosen it – my credit card slightly more surprised! [I also bought an Xmas tree dec for me, and one for SB and BB's tree]

Home, and I made enchilladas for tea – yummy. Girls flew their flyers – nearly confiscated them at one point mind you! SOme numberjacks, game playing and BB to bed, SB watched various fireworks going off and then played more card games before her bedtime.

I am knackered, Mum already in bed. I’m waiting for Chris though, so he doesn’t come in to a dark house – hurry up sweetheart!


I am just not so good at this time of year. I get grumpy for no apparent reason, decided that I am crap at everything I do [well, even crapper than I normally rate myself] and just fid it hard to shift. Thinking about whether those lights actually work, whether i should get one – what a lot of money! and whether it is because I am actually just crap. This time of year is a big reflection time, so will be putting up something home-eddy at some point! [not a surprise announcement of schooling!]

This week may have gone more sadly/badly because of the death of my godfather, but I have been crap and morose at work as well as home, and it just isn’t on. Work is not a place that accepts [or should accept] anything less than as near perfection as manageable, so feeling that let things down there a bit too.

SO at home, chris and the girls done lots of shopping trips as far as I can see! we had that lovely day at Michelles, and SB also has had a lovely playdate with Rainbows R. oh, the girls had a midweek swim, which they both enjoyed too.

I was at home thurs, but not sure what we did at all, apart from Chris took the girls shopping. SB did some maths, something on the web, we watched some downloads?? Nope, no idea – should have blogged! oh, a lot of playing with the castle! Oh, and the lego. Bit of a little house on the prairie revival as well.

Today both girls have spent a fair bit of time on the computer – poisson rouge and starfall for BB with a bit of rainforest maths, and education city and rainforest maths for SB. SB and I read the fall of the romans in story of the world, and then some more about atilla the hun in raiders and invaders – and discussed why both books might have what might be ‘key facts’ different. The some looking at their internet links – which were poor. luckilly Sarah blogged, so we snitched some of her roman links instead. might look up the usborne ones- must be some quicklinks on their site.

Starfall Education city - maths

SB did some running and sports with Chris in the garden – new trainer/running shoes from la redoute which she isn’t sure whether she likes. BB and I have had lots of snuggles and silly play. SB took herself to the piano to do some practice – asked me to help when her new piece has made her move her hands – cue much panic! do I play the note they’ve written or the finger number? both dear, you have to move your fingers – aargh.

i had set up some pots of glue, assorted bits to stick on and some pringles tubes in the kitchen for them to fiddle with. SO they did that for a bit. SB got glue all over a new dress, despite me begging her to take it off and minor scene about that with me stumping off into garden – just as she spills it everywhere.


SB and BB rather nicely playing together – BB is doing match and sort with lego with SB! Dinner ready. off I shoot.


Back again. SB fancies watching robin hood, so we will do that. Chris has downloaded torchwood as we have run out of regenesis. Enjoying that too. they do like filming the girls bottom in tight jeans! That isn’t exactly the bit I watch for though!

relaxes on the sofa

woke up with an appalling migraine. bugger. supposed to be driving off to Michelle’s [a reasonable drive]. swigs loads of tablets, gets chris to text, finally feels vaguely human and off we trot.

we had a fab day. shame merry couldn’t join because of Josie being unwell – hope she is soon entirely perky, and the bug doesn’t go round the family.

SB, Chloe and BB all played together beautifully all day. No contretemps at all. even with BB – ok, so there was 2 or 3 pouty moments with B, but that was it. I loved playing labyrinth, and will have to look out for it – what a great board game. I was the only loser. Girls did lots of imaginitive play, and also choreographed a dance show for us.


I remembered to take pictures of their hama window display, and when I flickr I will put here, as i think all similar windows should have one.

amazing hama windows amazing hama window

Michelle and I chattered, more or less uninterrupted- until the labyrinth game, which we played too [aren't I relieved it was Michelle who knocked all the tiles over not BB!!], and so it was very late we left. She was far too soft on Chris, as I have brought back a cake – though he had popped to bakery anyway and bought one! The window is finished on the filling in front, so now for some new glass and putty.

Will add photos at some point!


Madly Socialising

Somewhat late in blogging myself! pots and kettles from Chris!

Wed we went to the first Latinetc group meeting. A few local home ed families are getting together to look at minimus Latin, and SB was interested . Crafts and science extras also. We were late – surprise! Katy took the children though to say SB sum, listen to some myths and legends and play a roman based game , i think, cos I was mostly playing with BB and chatting with the other mums – one of whom was cooking yummy soup.


Children then ran around for a bit to blow off some steam, and then I pretended to be Nina of the neurons, and we thought about how we found out about the world, about our 5 senses and then concentrated on taste. I had brought various things to taste, and incorporated some of Katy’s. Unfortunately, I missed taking a pic of K with a huge amount of coffee granules in his mouth priceless! We chatted about the different things we taste, and why they may have been important, and that sweet and salty were our favourites.


Lunch – yummy soup, SB had 4 helpings!! then children careering around the garden, BB playing with plasticine and adults gently chatting. A phone call from Chris reminded me about rainbows, and we just made it. We also came back early to watch SB proudly walk the rainbow path – she loves it!

IMG_0124 IMG_0126

Today I initially had to go into work. The we zoomed off to Merry’s. I didn’t spend quite as much as I thought! Though have only actually paid for part of the order, and am going to add to it – so should keep mouth shut. Oh, and Mondeo racked up a £700 service bill, and still has to have a slipping clutch done on top.

Anyway, off to Merry’s and girls had a great time playing and putting on a show. Merry and I got to talk – nearly peacefully on occasion, but BB threw a lovely sulk – to everyone’s amusement. Both girls much taken by the press hama kits


home and both girls asleep. Chris has sorted out the electricity circuit prob we had – took most of the day unfortunately, as out big window is stripped and exposed to elements.

Have flickred and addede the odd photo

Aargh Blogging

Chris has loads of half written posts that need finishing!

I obviously worked a lot last week, but also tried to do as much as poss at home – playing games with SB after BB in bed a consistently good thing, and we have felted and hama-ed.

Errm, keeping going with violin, and she did some spontaneous piano practice tody – woohoo! musical instruments are gradually tuning in her brain too – she is much better at singing a tune, so hopefully wont be as tone deaf as Chris.
Maths and handwriting regularly done, we are nearing the end of first story of the world. DO I think she remembers it – not a lot, but hopefully setting the scene as it were! Quite a bit of crafting and arting. Read about pompeii -buried alive, and ring of fire from sonlight. and also the leap ahead volcano, and read through a volcano book. More playing with the ello and ds. Jump ahead and zoombinis on ‘puter, and watching various natural history progs. SB reading loads – fairy books, felicity ewishes, horrid henry and anything she can get her hands on.
girls and chris swimming at the weekend – we’re trying to get back into the habit of going on a sunday as BB loves it

Girls and chris went to see oliver twist yesterday – SB found it too scary, and had difficulty getting to sleep. we talked about our visit to gressenhall, and the rellies that were born there, but she was still unhappy – doesn’t want to learn about victorians! then playing with firends and shoe buying. SB eventually got some felicity wishes boots. they sparkle along the side!

SB is rather frighteningly gaining a waist and indefinably ‘older’. PANIC!!

BB is also getting small girlish. She counts and pretends to read alot. SHe is great at switiching on her ‘puter, finding the kids downloads and choosing one to watch – scary! Her drawing and painting is very careful,, often with a story to it, that she chats or sings along with. BB excellent at singing. I think she may well have inherited my perfect pitch. She is also getting careful with hama beading. Her vocab is excellent – prob due to having SB as an older sister. Still well into her numberjacks addiction!

My Mum seems to be OK post surgery – phew. Unfortunately found today that my godfather has been admitted to my local tertiary hospital neuro unit and not at all well. intubated and ventilated for th last 5 days – so I would appreciate any positive thoughts.

hmmm, there have been loads of things I thought I should blog from both girls – can’t remember them for toffee!! Hopefully chris will [subtle nudge!!]


we were supposed to meet up for a day in the woods, but the weather looked grim, i had had a not brill nigh and still have migraine, so visitors came to ours. they were laden with games, so a HUGE game fest went on and we had a great time. didn’t take many photos as chatting and playing!


prior to their arrival, SB was racing through her maths book, did some more decorating of Mum’s get well card. BB and I baked some cookies too. She has also read ring of fire, to go with our vaguely volcano vaguely roman feel to the week!