walking and cycling

My car being at work due to the shenanigans of last weeks travelling meant we all went into town today, but to the other side and had a lovely walk/cycle around the park. SB cycled, BB triked [sometimes pushed] and walked and we did all the usual looking at things that goes on. was chuffed that SB had remembered loads about clouds and weather, reminded her of the names. BB in particular had a real ball with leaf kicking. Ended at the cafe – where else? and they coloured and drew funghi and SB read the display.

and off we go

IMG_1198 IMG_1224

Home, mostly playing. SB did do some violin practice though. Whilst we did this, BB was very carefully ascending and descending a note at a time on the toy keyboard, singing doe a deer at the same time. i was impressed. BB and I read books – she loves counting at the mo, and she and SB played a complicated game with the alphabet cards, and SB and I played a lot of card games, including rapid adding up. Rather HE-ly, we now have 2 and 3 times tables up in the toilet, which she chants loudly when she goes. 2′s are fine, and the early 3′s any way. When BB in bed, she then went through a DK gymnastics book, doing warm up and various positions. She has finished the magic tree house ghost town book already! so I have put various mapping, atlas and explorer and such like books in her choice box at her request.

I need to buy some textbooks. they come in at 150 – 200 each! added to our 2000 [well just under] mondeo bill and christmas, aaarrgh. So might just stick some of the Katie art books in anyway – or is SB too old now?

3 responses to “walking and cycling

  1. am intrigued by what textbooks you need?

  2. C still likes the Katie books (bought herself a new one today :) )

  3. good-oh, as i tacked a few on my order. Jax – have to keep up to date – massive recently published tomes- chris thinks they will make good doorstops! However, muirs pathology fitting that need at present.

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