Our Home Education Resources update!

I think every so often I am going to post the core resource books we use. These are the workbooky or series books that we have found suits our childrens style, that they are happy to use. This is not the sum total of our home ed, or even, particularly, the majority. Just the bits that others new to home ed can grasp as a possible resource series that may suit them. September being nearly over, there are always a few parents out there who are wondering what their other options might be! I would heartily recommend home education. For a bigger look at what we use, what we do and our style, up there near the picture is a row of links to our Mission Statements and some other kinda key thoughts splurged on the computer! And also if you look at our pages down the side, you can see some of the more as it happens thoughts!

Key Resources for our 9-10 year

Core resources:
Singapore maths my pals are here 4 this is the cheapest place to buy this maths series from!

french – we haven’t really found a good home for her yet, still looking, tho spent a lot of money now!

Major Supplementals:

Are the variety of books by these publishers in these series, as she likes the layout and variety.

and then we use lots and lots of books! from the library, book people, etc and DVD’s etc!

Key Resources for our 5-6 year old

Singapore Maths 1

We don’t spend the majority of our day at the kitchen table with nose in workbooks, but we do snuggle up and do the above on a regular basis as a core progression through! SUpplemented with reading/visiting/playing/crafting/experimenting and all the other stuff that makes home ed such fun. But I’m also not saying that this is ‘chore’ work, it is just another facet! And hopefully those new to home ed nosing around blogs can look at this list and get some ideas! Anyone else care to blog there core and most used resources?


9 responses to “Our Home Education Resources update!

  1. Claudia uses pretty much the same stuff as SB! Collins Focus On… for spelling & word work, Bond assessments for comprehension and Singapore 3rd edition for maths but the rest is the same :)

    She’s mainly doing science at the moment (we tend to alternate science & history), when she’s in a history mood again I was going to suggest taking a break from SOTW (we’re only half way through book 2) & doing some British history, not sure what I’ll use for that – want something slightly more interesting than Tudors-Industrial Revolution-Victorians-WW2.

    Jasper LOVES the pre-academic Kumon books – colouring, cutting, tracing, mazes, letters, numbers he’s also got the very first ETC (it has a fish on the front so he wanted it ;) ) & Singapore EB maths (I have a feeling he will be a start at the front finish the book type child unlike his sister). We use the Jolly Phonics finger phonics with him – it is a form of cued articulation that helps his verbal dyspraxia – he loves letters & is a bit obsessed with alphablocks & starfall. We have lots of really good iphone apps for him, I’d love to get him an ipad ;) He loves books that have any rhythm to them (Brown Bear Brown Bear etc), really helps with his pronunciation/memory/sequencing (especially since he still hates singing which is the typical way that children devlop those early skills).

    Nellie pours, posts & scribbles ;)

    Blimey it’s been ages since I’ve gone all orgo-planny – it is quite fun!

  2. :) thankyou layla

  3. we got halfway thro book 3 of SotW but gone back to beginning to draw BB in, and ties in ok with galore park

  4. i have been staying up for it!

  5. Pingback: Our Main Home Education Resources | Home Ed Grows Up

  6. Good idea. I’ve listed our main resources too, although I couldn’t figure out how to do the pretty amazon links so mine is boring text :)

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