Category Archives: daubing and making

diddle daddlying

is what i have been doing this eve, rather than blogging. oops. diddle daddlying is what SB does a lot of. especially when she is supposed to be actually doing something! like getting out of the house for not-so-local-group-north. We got there to find the patch of puddles already there [escaping from their LEA inspection!]. SB and BB took a bit of time to settle in, and its a group i don’t usually go to [being at work] so i did that mooching uncertainty thing [along with max]. the girls got to sow some seeds, start a leprechaun puppet, and do some egg dyeing. The egg dyeing was pretty adventurous stuff, what with melting wax crayons as well as using turmeric or beetroot dyes. Lots of playing outside as well, and then back to merry’s. We had planned to go home and do some home-ed, but that didn’t really happen. oh well!

A day at peace

well, no, but certainly more peaceful than the last 2!

quick catchup for chris

MonSports group [SB considering trying the older group now], Nana and grandad dropped off SB’s present – a HUGE tub of k’nex [SB v happy!] ballet and swimming. SB has conquered her fear of the deep, so the inline skates are hers!


Tuespiano practice, maths 2A [multiplying] library visit am [crafts and book reading], BB in playgroup pm [chris and SB tend to stay for first 30 mins and then she's happy] SB did a fairy craft kit whilst she was there. SB also did some education city – apparently it is now all to easy for her. i am humming about paying to upgrade as she hasn’t done it for ages, but she might do at the right level. guess a side order trial on the cards!


Today – well, part of the peace came from dividing and conquering! SB went with chris to a drama group – its a 4 session taster for the younger HE’ers in the area. [from the communication, I think the older group is at times 'a little uncontrolled' so not something that SB would enjoy!] The younger group is full of friends. She really enjoyed it.

BB’s morning was spent with me. we started making shapes with geomags, and the twizzlers – which she really liked. She then got out the pattern blocks and pages, so we spent a while there. She is really good at seeing which shapes will fit. painting next – lots of hand art too – as always! we then started to make olive and cheese scones for lunch, and SB and chris got back.

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both girls did some webland – SB is going through a making music phase. BB also did some poisson rouge, and was very excited that a new bit – an art gallery. We had scones and fruit for lunch – sb had 6!!!! [they were very yummy - and i use past tense advisedly!]. SB did a piano practice, and i haven’t done one with her for ages, but she has regularly played older pieces in the book. it seems to have done her confidence good, and now she is much more confident at reading the notes, and so moving the hads around on the keyboard. She then decided BB could have her skates. ‘if we wait until BB has been good, then she will have grown out of them’ fair enough! Though BB did say thankyou beautifully for us ‘boughting’ them. I do love language acquisition, and the variable past tense we get. SO a lot of wild skating ensued, no broken arms.




SB did a violin practice – very good, and then BB did one too. SB went off to find a craft kit to do, and came back with the cambridge electronics kit. so we made circuits, played tunes and then did the flying disk – always a favourite. some more mad skating – getting wilder and wilder, and finally a calming down infront of pingu before tea and bed for bB, SB and i had a games session, including landlock, where she managed to put 4 gnomes together! i read her a chapter of ballet shoes – coming to the end – and she read me some of the fairy books.

Chris went out to a meet and greet with LEA. said it was interesting, friendly and useful. doing those channels of communication thing, set up by 1 of our 2 not local groups!


well, i had a lovely lie in [thanks love] and when i got up both girls were about to start some k’nex models. so BB and i made a dinodor/bird [4 legs plus wings, so a bit unorthodox!] with kids k’nex, and then we all helped make a ferris wheel with SB’s k’nex. I was really proud of how SB managed BB and found her a role and help. we all enjoyed doing it, and it worked! SB the project manager! SB then put various things on the ferris wheel in different places, saw how they slowed the motor or made the wheel wobbly – good hypothesis testing going on! BB played alot with an alphabet bus with me, looking for letters and numbers.

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Actually, i do love SB’s totally adoring attitude towards BB. She loves her totally unconditionally, always tries to excuse BB’s outrageous behaviour, and protect her from the consequences [mostly toys in cellar!] loves her, hugs her and incorporates her in loads of her activities. We had a tidy up and then a cafe game before lunch.

After lunch was swimming, would have gone better if chris hadn’t lost the back door keys. by the time he had found them, me and the girls had already gone swimming, the pool was full and wouldn’t let him in.

do you know i am fed up writing this, i have already written it once, for it not to get uploaded, followed chris instructions and lost the lot. so now grumpy. can’t be bothered to particulralry blog all the long swimming blog again. blah blah.

home, and the girls helped chris for a bit drag things to a bonfire and because it was cold both came in and did some painting, followed my watching raven [called raisin by BB] and magic school bus. BB did some numbers and colours match and sort with SB. Out to set fire to the bonfire and generally be pyromaniacs for a bit before coldness took over. we popped some jacket pots to cook as the fire was cooling down. they were yummy for tea!

IMG_3783 IMG_3787 our bit for the environment?

After tea we packed SB’s bags, as she is going to stay with my mum and dad for 4 days [sob!] SB read her inventions book – which she likes, and then we read ballet shoes at bedtime, and i left her reading the mummies at morning magic tree house book.

a tired day

due to the lateness of the girls actually sleeping last night, there was a fiar bit of tired behaviour going on. SB was totally shattered all day, as she was found reading her books when we went to bed at 1am! oh, and i forgot to say i gave BB her first all round haricut on sunday rather than just a quick fringe cutting. She wanted me to cut enough off to make a birds nest, needless to say i didn’t!

So today I nipped quickly to the dentist – no probs – phew!! ANd returned to find SB doing her singapore maths, and BB watching magic school house. SB took ages on one of the questions, she knew the right answer, but couldn’t see how to work it out to that [i realised after she cried over me] its taking away across tens and hundreds. SHe also did some handwriting. We were going to do the propeller science kit, but instead she chose a dig out a dinosaur to do. BB made some more things out of the air drying clay. BB continued doing that for a bit whilst SB went off to her trampolining.

BB and i moved onto a bit of reading, including a fun number book to do a fair bit of counting and spotting the numbers with. SHe then did an alphabet jigsaw and some thomas the tank jigsaws. we did lots of hug and tickling games – BB is of the age of hug and tickle games! oh, and she asked to do a violin practice, so we had a play of open strings.
SB returned in a fragile mood, wanting to go swimming, bt no swimming slots suitable for us this pm. SO we did some violin, but abandoned it half way as everytime it wasn’t perfect she was crying. So we had had a lovely hug whilst chris made lunch and read a sir cumference book. After lunch we read the first story in our king arthur book, and also a french goodnight book. Still not feeling up to much, SB sat down in front of some roar back to back, whilst BB and I made carrot cake. hmm, the house has smelled rather lovely ever since. Chris has been still trying to sort out the veg patch during this. we might tame it yet!

SB came to enough to want to do the propeller kit after all. SHe and BB took one thing each, with me helping BB and SB pretty much unaided. it as simple and quick to do, and worked. [always important] . SO we obviously went and had a bath so we could try out SB’s boat – worked, and BB’s dragster worked far better in the water too. Both girls were far too splashy in the bath [i am worried re dining room ceiling!]. That seemed to seal both their energy levels, so some more vegging infront of the square box and an early night for both. think chris and i should try that early night thing too!

bouncing, grooving and swimming

chris knows the initial bit of the day, as i got home mid afternoon. it involved shopping, and it involved going to the halfterm trampolining sessions at the local sports centre. SB and Chris also looked at a country file magazine set about UK animals and birds, and she also read gregs microscope again. BB is rather upset that she no longer goes to gym, so we might try again the gymtots type session.

When I got home, SB and i did some violin practice [ she is finding playing while i count v difficult - not sure how succesful the melrose music will be, but as long as it is fun...] and then opened my amazon box for the movin and groovin dvd! this is part of my try and get fit regime. I realised that i would only actually do it, if i did it with kids, and that my fitness level is at 0, so Jax’s choice of dirty dancing grt fit was never going to be in my league! once i had sent chris out for sniggering, it was much better. honestly, you would think i would get a bit of support – i do know how silly i must look! ANyway, we did half an hour, and SB was then tired, so not bad, and we hope to do this 3 times a week.

BB had been asleep and woke up for a bit of painting of her airdried clay dinodor balls, whilst SB did some maths. i took SB swimming, as we are gradually acclimatising her to the idea of changing on her own in the ladies. i was in there, but not helpful! i loved watching her swim, she puts a lot of effort in, but even the instructor looked dumbfounded at her doggy paddle /crawl arms paired with half breast stroke half butterfly legs!! she did survive a width with this though! There were only 2 of them today so they worked well, and the crawl visibly improved. I am v pleased with this instructor. SB also appears not bothered by the deep end thing anymore.

Home and we watched some TV, BB and i did a jigsaw and then some paper shredding! some fun and games with me singing a hornpipe faster and faster, and the girls dancing more and more wildly! SB has gone to bed with a worst witch book and a magic school house chapter book, to see if she enjoys them. [she gets through a book a night - thank goodness for the library!]

a very ordinary post for a very ordinary day

and i really enjoyed it!

SB got on with some maths and writing for the first time this week, and whizzed through it whilst BB and i did an alphabet jigsaw together with some letter practice, and then read some books together – including the excellent there was an old woman with doll she got for xmas. SB also had DK cdrom/dvd on the rainforest which she enjoyed watching, and quoted various bits to us.

We then had a huge hoover of the playroom. out mouse traps are untouched, and there have been no sightings, but our house is a good place for mice to hide, so lets see! ANyway, both girls enjoyed the hoovering, as we opened the sofa bed to get the crumbs, bB had a good bounce too.

After lunch SB did some violin practice, and BB played pools with the dinodoors. then we all played with some airdrying clay bought with ELC vouchers. I can’t say what SB did, as it has to do with a birthday this month. BB in the end made dinodoor eggs – she is looking forward to painting them later! She has quite a dinosaur thing going at the moment, and flicks through the various dinosaur books we have. SB was reading the i wonder why… series, so BB and i read the dinosaur one.

A bath and some games with BB whilst SB did something else secretive and birthday related and then chris came home with a pencil sharpener. So we sharpened all the pencils and SB did a card of the aurora borealis for grandad’s birthday. then it was teatime. SB and i watched the last 2 walking with beasts. We read some more ballet shoes, and she read me some magic tree house knights and it was bedtime.

i have managed to get 3 triples in a row in a scrabulous game. SO feeling rather happy!!

dementors on my shoulder

isn’t it so stupid being depressed about reminders of mortality. surely the response should be to get out there and enjoy life to the full. instead i have this gripping anguish. hmm.

i had a lie in, well, i am finding sleep near impossible at the moment. heard sb piano practice – she is practicing the bit before she started to find it difficult! will have a piano practice together more often i think! we did a good violin practice as well, but most of today was a lot of playing with train tracks, snuggling and watching roar, schools tv geography and walking with dinosaurs, and BB’s pod mission frenzy.

SB did do some zoombinis, with bb yelling encouragement – which is rather cute! Also she read the usborne beginners elizabeth 1, and tried to follow the quick links, they didn’t all work in firefox, so she went on to a go diego game isntead. a lot of playing outside.

BB and i read a fair number of books, and we looked at polar animals again, with the globe. which she enjoyed.she has spent quite a bit of the day being challenging. i did try and enthuse them on a science experiment, but was unsuccesful. before bed we played set and mastermind.
Chris has been trying to tame our veg patch – a job which may take a while! i beeswax polished all the wooden panels on the main staircase – that was quite a bit of effort! looks better for it.

my sister is home, which is good. i wanted to visit this weekend, but she would prefer it on tues, so the days i think are dragging because of that, and i have my own appt on wed.


i should be at work this weekend, but a dear friend at work is doing my shifts for me, for my head and body are not fully connected. i was going to see my sister, but she would prefer i went down later in the week when she is out of hospital. I have arranged the time. Also workwise, i have had my continuing professional development record checked. i have to accumulate 250 points in 5 years, this was a 3 year spot check, although they discounted all those i had lost the evidence for, I still end up with more than double the points needed over 5 years, so they have attached a warning that they don’t expect me to stop for the next 2 years!!

erm, yes, so home ed. we seem to have a bit of a flow going on at the mo. SB is doing her violin practice and lots of reading pretty much every day. Also lots of science things going on, either with reading or experiments. The k’nex has seen alot of play, as has the train track. BB on the challenging side of 3 today, possibly because i have worked all hours this week, so that she hasn’t seen me at all some days. Neither of them wanted to share me today. Since my headspace messed up already, i found it stressful, but mostly negotiated and pleaded.

BB and i played train tracks, we all read the candlemas and end of while the bear sleeps today, and had a cursory discussion about imbolc and candlemas, and a rather longer one on what we think means spring is here. SB did a violin practice. BB was very determined to show me where we lived on the globe – so we looked at the UK, she told me the polar bears lived in the top cold bit, and the penguins on the bottom cold bit. I was quite impressed!
SB and BB painted spring pictures [well, SB did, BB experimented with putting colour on paper, and mixing] whilst i made some jelly [grape and plum] that hasn’t set well, SB doesn’t like and chris prob wont eat, so will bring it all to Melrose .

SB read to me then I took over a book about pasteur and his microbes. we then looked in a microbiology book, but i had no coloured pictures – well, the virus pictures were electron microscopy, which din’t have a colour version then! [it might do now] but we looked at my cold virus, verucca virus and the rod bacteria talked about in the book. We think when we get a microscope we are going to look at yeast cultures budding. We also had a look at the cell in her usborne science flap book.

more traintrack playing with BB whilst SB read born with a bang and then we all looked together at from lava to life. I really love those books, thanks em for the recommendation. We moved on to a bit of an embryology discussion, but i resisted the temptation to hoike out another textbook.

the sun was shining, and Chris was outside doing some garden tidying. So the girls went out and played whilst I got some sense of proportion feeling shrieked out by BB! i went out and joined them, and we looked for signs of spring – snowdrops, hellebores, primroses and one crocus!

eventually back in for hot choc and popcorn to warm up. decided to slob infront of downloads, so it was pods mission from schools tv [well i think thats where it was from!], tea in front of timeteam, and then bed. SB is having alternating stories from chris and I, he is reading gullivers travels, and i am reading ballet shoes. She says she likes the variety, and it stops chris and i getting confused!

A day of 2 halves

We had one child each for most of the day. Not my ideal, but seemed a good idea at the time. Chris took SB off for a drama taster session. She really enjoyed it. they celebrated a friends birthday there too before coming back.

BB and i meanwhile, played with the k’nex building aeroplanes, did some painting – actually most impressed by her use of colour, read books and went outside to play in the sun for a bit. We got cold as scantily dressed, so leappadded indoors and had lunch as she was too hungry to wait for chris and SB.

when SB came home they had lunch. SB then did a fair amount of reading, BB and i played with a traintrack, then did SB’s violin practice. I took SB to rainbows and was helper for the session, whilst BB stayed with chris. i enjoyed the helpering actually. they did a great puppet colouring in craft, and i was rather bossy in enabling the girls to share the pens [oops] but 4 of them had piggies, and there were 2 pinks, and initially the all wanted all pink – so we thought of other ways to do things!! Chris and bB were out in the garden.
back home, and we had a watch of some magic school bus, but something went wrong with the server connection, so instead have had a walking with dinosaurs fest! [AKA a nice snuggle on the sofa!] i have started readign SB ballet shoes as a bedtime story
Sis has surgery tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

If i don’t blog immediately i forget everything!

I am having a problem with yesterday! SB did some violin practice and something else home-eddy [not sure what!] we read french books, looked at some barefoot stories together and we all did duplo. ermmmm….oh yes, BB and i had a go with some maize pictures. we are nearly out of happy maize and will have to look for something else. oh, some more leappadding and SB curled up with a book.
Mum and Dad arrived, as she went to # clinic for her plaster off today, so stopped overnight. cue much excitement from girls, running around having fun, being read too and lots of games! We also fed the fish, pottered outside, and did the RSPB birdwatch. Whiskey chasing a mouse around, SB crashing her binoculars against the window, and BB ‘popping out to scooter’ probably accounted for the poor show!

today i think chris has been quite busy! Sb practiced violin, did some handwriting, did the horrible science heart kit [which was fun although not a huge success! chris was impressed about how much SB remembered of the heart – 4 vessels, valves, lung thing etc. i have got a very accurate model heart that periodically she looks at, and she is always peering at one of the many body books we have. She also did some DK science cdrom [though a lot of cbeebies as well!] BB had obvously done a lot of duplo-ing! as well has watching nina and the neurons and magic school bus [obviously a science day].

when I got home, we read some lucy chat – actually SB had a stab at reading the french – impressed, moi?? SB went off to ballet whilst BB and I played bob the builder duplo, and a sort of snakes and ladders! [i mostly do what i am told] and we started decorating a wooden spoon.

i took SB to swimming. She seems to have great confindence in the water, but often near drowns herself by huge movements! her rbeast stroke legs are the funniest i have seen, as she gets tangled up, and when it goes ok, she lifts her whole bottom out of the water somehow. SHe has powerful legs though, and however amazing the stroke looks, races through the water. I think we need to go swimming as a family more oten, and have some stroke practice. I think this is why she is worried about the deepend ocasionally. The swimming instructor [steve] has managed this really well, and she gets to swim the width by the edge of the deepend, but i only saw her reach for it 2ce [though she crashed into it going backwards a number of times...]

BB fell asleep nearly the instant we got back, so SB and i played games, including a lot of rounds of uno. BB has her first session at playgroup tomorrow afternoon. SHe waned me to go with her, but I will be at work. This working mum thing really does feel crap a lot of the time. I am with Joanna on the best for family vs me thing.