He is the main home educator and does a number of trips and fun things with the girls that would make excellent blogs, showing the diversity and fun that is home ed. He doesn’t, and I think the blog is all the poorer for it . I am considering starting one of those online petitions, or suggesting a regular nagging from friends [i think he has some special force field barrier that means my nagging washes over!!]
Anyway, last week he dropped SB off for the rocket challenge which was part of the science festival. It was with a group of home educators/friends and was by all accounts great fun. SB had fun with her group, and said they all got to do a lot. Their rocket also shot the highest, she says, so she was v happy with that. The manor born may have some photos too .After that he had planned a picnic, but instead went back to a friends house to trampoline. She also got to do a recorder top up lesson, which was nice too, as currently not sure how we are going to rejig music lessons, also a bit of secundus as well. they then reushed off to gym, and were v please to get certificates for what they did best. They v much enjoy recreational gym. I think SB would have liked to do a bit more, but there isn’t an easy way to do that, and she is now doing that many different clubs and things! I managed to finish work in time to pick BB up, and she was fairly shattered so we read stories and snuggled for a bit, and I made canneloni for tea [as daddybean had looked wan when we exchanged kids!] which was edible
Friday they went to art group and SB could now register for the arts award I guess as over 10 [bronze] BB was challenging there I believe, and has had the riot act read to her about being able to continue going by us. It was doing some fun and messy things with acrylics which they v much enjoyed doing. BB’s probs are mostly when things dont work out entirely as she thinks they should, and her frustration is immediately translated to anger, shouting and wailing at high decibel. I think this is getting worse [like her immed response of no before considering things] and is quite wearing. Have a feeling of failed parenting about this alot. Don’t want to seek prof advice, but would like to work out how to improve things. Mostly so that she can be a happier child. After arts award they went to the playground with le ciel rouge and ‘other a’ which they always like having opportunity to play then came home and who knows what!!
I was on call this weekend, so lots of gaps in the what happened! Some home ed things in the morning, and on sat pm we then made cards and presents for my dad, who was popping in on his way back from Norfolk with his 72nd birthday the next day. SB decorated a terracotta pot in his favourite green and yellow colours with grandad is the best written round it, and 3 of her zinnia seedlings put in it. BB made a green and yellow fimo steam train. I did get home intime to see Dad and have a nice chat, and he liked his presents. Lots of trampolining and playing outside. We sorted out the greek chitons for both of them for the next historyetc, and some fimo brooches. BB is being a boy and SB Nyresa from the book Shield of Fire, set in this period.
SUnday was a bit of an awful day at work, so I will gloss over that! SB and BB decided to do craft kits. SB had some beautiful craft kits for her birthday, and chose to do the sewing one which is really beautiful and BB chose her chalk one. This chalk kit is really beautiful and I love it, but we just couldn’t get the chalk pens to work properly. They would start off ok, then stutter and it all went pear shaped with BB shrieking and wailing because it isn’t working We may have just been unlucky with the pens, cos the kit itself is a true djeco beautiful kit. Luckily the rather excellent playmerrily on contacting them offered a replacement kit, and BB has chosen the dragon felt tip kit so peace is restored [thankyou Merry] .
I also pricked out all BB’s seedlings and potted on all the toms, as documented over on the gardening blog and played settlers with SB
Today I am off work, sitting in the conservatory whilst SB is doing her maths [having finished book 2 of the galore park junior science] and BB has painted a pot and is now happily doing her explode the code book 1.
Happiness is…