Category Archives: General

Daddybean should blog!

He is the main home educator and does a number of trips and fun things with the girls that would make excellent blogs, showing the diversity and fun that is home ed. He doesn’t, and I think the blog is all the poorer for it :( . I am considering starting one of those online petitions, or suggesting a regular nagging from friends [i think he has some special force field barrier that means my nagging washes over!!]

Anyway, last week he dropped SB off for the rocket challenge which was part of the science festival. It was with a group of home educators/friends and was by all accounts great fun. SB had fun with her group, and said they all got to do a lot. Their rocket also shot the highest, she says, so she was v happy with that. The manor born may have some photos too :) .After that he had planned a picnic, but instead went back to a friends house to trampoline. She also got to do a recorder top up lesson, which was nice too, as currently not sure how we are going to rejig music lessons, also a bit of secundus as well. they then reushed off to gym, and were v please to get certificates for what they did best. They v much enjoy recreational gym. I think SB would have liked to do a bit more, but there isn’t an easy way to do that, and she is now doing that many different clubs and things! I managed to finish work in time to pick BB up, and she was fairly shattered so we read stories and snuggled for a bit, and I made canneloni for tea [as daddybean had looked wan when we exchanged kids!] which was edible ;)

Friday they went to art group and SB could now register for the arts award I guess as over 10 [bronze] BB was challenging there I believe, and has had the riot act read to her about being able to continue going by us. It was doing some fun and messy things with acrylics which they v much enjoyed doing. BB’s probs are mostly when things dont work out entirely as she thinks they should, and her frustration is immediately translated to anger, shouting and wailing at high decibel. I think this is getting worse [like her immed response of no before considering things] and is quite wearing. Have a feeling of failed parenting about this alot. Don’t want to seek prof advice, but would like to work out how to improve things. Mostly so that she can be a happier child. After arts award they went to the playground with le ciel rouge and ‘other a’ which they always like having opportunity to play :) then came home and who knows what!!

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I was on call this weekend, so lots of gaps in the what happened! Some home ed things in the morning, and on sat pm we then made cards and presents for my dad, who was popping in on his way back from Norfolk with his 72nd birthday the next day. SB decorated a terracotta pot in his favourite green and yellow colours with grandad is the best written round it, and 3 of her zinnia seedlings put in it. BB made a green and yellow fimo steam train. I did get home intime to see Dad and have a nice chat, and he liked his presents. Lots of trampolining and playing outside. We sorted out the greek chitons for both of them for the next historyetc, and some fimo brooches. BB is being a boy and SB Nyresa from the book Shield of Fire, set in this period.

SUnday was a bit of an awful day at work, so I will gloss over that! SB and BB decided to do craft kits. SB had some beautiful craft kits for her birthday, and chose to do the sewing one which is really beautiful and BB chose her chalk one. This chalk kit is really beautiful and I love it, but we just couldn’t get the chalk pens to work properly. They would start off ok, then stutter and it all went pear shaped with BB shrieking and wailing because it isn’t working :( We may have just been unlucky with the pens, cos the kit itself is a true djeco beautiful kit. Luckily the rather excellent playmerrily on contacting them offered a replacement kit, and BB has chosen the dragon felt tip kit so peace is restored [thankyou Merry] .

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I also pricked out all BB’s seedlings and potted on all the toms, as documented over on the gardening blog :) and played settlers with SB


Today I am off work, sitting in the conservatory whilst SB is doing her maths [having finished book 2 of the galore park junior science] and BB has painted a pot and is now happily doing her explode the code book 1.

Happiness is…

a quiet time

we aren’t particularly giddy going about home educators, so these last 3 days have been particularly stay-at-home! the girls have done a reasonable amount of home ed [tho less music prac] and a lot of trampolining and being out in the garden in this great weather. having picked up the kind of bug that gets me excluded from work i was off unexpectedly yesterday, as well as normally today. not that i could take advantage of this really, as feeling decidedly off colour [obviously!] DH has done a bit more veg bed prep, and today we finished sowing all the march things, so that is good.

SB made a brill solar power kit, except that the motor doesn’t appear to work – grrr grr. i did love her history tho, letters between xerxes and themistocles – made me giggle :) .. she finished book 1 skoldo and listened to the entire cd. we will need to do some consolidation of some of the vocab, but she is generally pretty confident. as well as history this week, a fair bit of maths [she is keen to finish decimals] , galore park english and galore park science [keen to get to the level 3's] some nice piano prax [starting on the grade 2 scales and one of the pieces, but continuing to enjoy the easy jazz duets as our prime thing] , and started the grade 2 music theory book .

BB did some baking – chocolate cake as usual. meant to do crafting, but somehow the lovely sunny weather has captured us :) she started minimus. she has been desperate to, so have done some baby steps there. BB is getting confident also, in reading [as long as not pushed :) ] and is now on her level 2 books. ‘the’ is still a bit of a challenge… we did some recorder and piano prac today. i did have to persuade her that it is alright to learn a ‘new tune’ with me though, can’t listen to hot cross buns forever! she has got a bit ds fixated tho :( so that can be a challenge.

we are currently watching lotr 3 between sb’s brownies and judo. she will be moving up to guides shortly.

history day!!

flag fen was open for a free day with things to do and people to listen to, so we decided to have a change from science and go out and enjoy it as we haven’t been to flag fen for ages. the freeness was the clinching factor :) . we got out of the house way later than planned and pootled our way there, discussing irrigation, water meadows, flooding and fertility etc etc [as you do] whilst intermittantly singing english folk tunes along with a rather lovely cd the sprig of thyme arriving at the carpark i was somewhat surprised to find the girls shrieking they could see zoe, and they could! we wondered who else we might find, but no other home educators jumped out and said boo :) .

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We had a great time, i loved talking to the lady knotting, who also discussed nettles and making a beautifully soft ‘yarn’ from them. almost tempting… the clothes made from it certainly were. the story teller was fab as well – enthralling and told in the iron age round house lit only by the light of the fire. and a particular cheer dor the reenactor by the bronze age roundhouse who joined in a grumble that the re-enactor lads were doing lots of lying down dozing as there was no hunting to do! there was also a log splitter and lots of helpful staff. the soay sheep were running and leaping free – which was lovely to see.

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the girls got to have a good look round the museum and the info around the wooden crossing, and life at that time. they also did some rubbings, some pot making and lavender herb bag making and all found things to keep them happy in the shop. SB bought 2 handmade knot brooches to use as part of her greek costume. the times are ok, and they could have been traded. bb bought a little rabbit :) and we finished with cups of tea and icecreams in the sunshine. lovely day.

Science Festival

all the emotion of latinetc has left me feeling without reserves, and struggling a bit at work. this has had the usual knock on effect to the happiness/clinginess/shoutiness of the rest of the family :( Also, this week has had some v v long working days in it. i fell asleep on sofa after putting kids to bed on thurs! [tempted to do the same now :) ] and i did, so writing this another day!

SO friday was a bit of a laid back eve for me, chris and the girls had been to visit his parents – his dad is doing rather well. my parents returned from malta and we had a long phone call and then it was tomorrow :) or science day :) we like the science festival and gradually trying out different bits of it. this time i thought biology, chemistry and engineering sounded fun, so we headed in. We arranged to meet Ali and family in chemistry, but in one of those typical ways kept just missing each other until lunchtime. did manage to bump into weds helen 2ce tho as a bonus :) . we loved the chemistry, so spent the majority of our time there :) the whole thing seemed v well set up with lots of different bits and loved the goggles and lab coats :) most of the demonstrators were happy to spend quite a bit of time talking and answering questions, and it wasnt packed, so not long waiting :) i liked the spraying chemicals on a flame best :) but i think sb loves the cornflour whenever she gets a chance :) I also liked this year that bb was getting a lot from it, and actually remembering a lot from the latinetc. [both of them, actually so it has been worth it] . so we went in lots of their areas, and at 2 decided we were really really hungry :) and so then had lunch… and met up with Ali! hooray :)

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After lunch, and meeting a couple of other local home educators [as you tend to at events like these :) ] we went into the scott polar museum. well, bb and i went in, as she was v keen to, and SB dressed up as an antarctic explorer outside and got v v warm. liked the scott polar, and bb was v taken by it. it can be hard to predict what will grab her fancy, but that def did.

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We wandered back to biology, but bb was v definite she wanted to do the bridge thing outside zoology – which she did, and SB the spinning chair, and then there was only about 30mins before our chaos experiment session, so we went into zoology, sb discussed evolution and bb drew a ladybird :) and then we did our final experimenting. bb declared that she had done loads of those experiments before [which to be fair we have] but loved the lifecycles one. sb was attached to microscopes and the physics ones mostly.

At the end of the day, with hurty feet we waited over 30 mins for our bus [every 10 mins humph!!] and collapsed at home feeling job well done, and slightly scienced out [if that can be believed!] next year, i think we shoukd try and book earlier a few lectures, as think bb will be up for them by then.

have to add that the enormous moon was absolutely gorgeous on the way home, an enormous orange at horizon height. had my camera had any charge left i would have attempted a photo

not latinetc

it is very hard to write this post, as i had imagined latinetc would go on for years and years. I certainly didn’t imagine that it would have such a hasty endpoint. So I would like to say publically here that which I have said privately elsewhere: Thankyou to k for hosting and providing the multiple languages, g for the multiple music options, z for art, m for sewing and crafts and m for being herself and all the fabulous things our children gained from our cooperative. my children have loved it, and I am deeply appreciative. I think that between us all we have provided commitment, enthusiasm and a great model of sharing skills. perhaps it was inevitable that as more children progressed to secondary age and we tried to achieve more and more within the group that minor cracks had the chance to become chasms, and have ultimately meant that it has become too tricky to hold together. i am proud and glad of what we achieved for so long, and think we gave ourselves and our children a fantastic opportunity. Thankyou everybody for this, particularly the children that I have loved and cared for as my own along the way.

Needless to say my children were confused and devastated by a sudden turn of events, and it seems pretty bewildering to the adults. However, things do not last forever and perhaps it is better to say goodbye currently, and see what the future offers. My children have had such a wonderful experience with latinetc tho, and I really do thank everyone for the length of time that we held it all together :)

SO today we had a playdate at an alternative venue, and the children loved being together and it was just great to see them all laughing and having fun in each others company. We have really built a good community there. I had science just in case, but no one asked and we did the end of minimus [well, k did :) ] and went out to a play park. We also did some dragon making with fimo, and called goodbye to latinetc. Much loved but we just didn’t manage to make it fly :(

Resources Post – Greek Myths and Legends

this should be a short set of links, but we all adore greek myths and legends, so have got rather a number of different lovely books of different styles. Some for younger children, some for older/all ages, some cartoon and some read aloud. love them all :) Will also link at the bottom to other books we have enjoyed reading in this ‘greek phase’ of our historyetc/story of the world. I hope you enjoy the Greek myths and legends as much as we do :)

Older readers/read aloud

We love read alouds, and these have beautiful illustrations, and are also well written and captivate both my 6 and 10 year old. I think the Penelope Lively and Rosemary Sutcliffe books are particularly gorgeous though, and recommend them highly.

Mixed/younger age groups

We love Marcia Wiliams cartoon books, and have quite a collection of them now :blush: We had the 2 usborne books for years, and they have also been very well read.

Loosely Based Around books [older]

we don’t have the percy jackson books as yet, though did enjoy the film. the terry deary fire thief books though are excellent.

Other Media

Please add your must reads to this list as well in the comments box :) I love amazon window shopping :)

Previous resource Posts


board games




Thinking Dinosaur

History resources

Resources overview

petits haricots is a participant in the the amazon Europe s.a.r.l. associates programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

some relaxing and home-educating!

sunday i got up v late having found it v difficult to settle to sleep the night before. when i did, we had a lovely family day of hugs, closeness, doing things together or next to each other – a real soul soother! BB was making her wallace and gromit kit kart, and doing a pretty good stab at it all on her own with pics only. the wheels are difficult to get on the axle, so i helped her there, and being tired, she wasn’t managing frustration well :) after that she wanted to do something crafty, so we thought we would make the 2 different plaster of paris plaques for historyetc. which both girls did [sb having been reading - something that currently we have to watch out for so that we stop her doing it all the time!! what a complete bookworm] . BB was then too tired to think, so watched a dvd, and sb and i went out into the garden and sowed seeds together. all the peppers came up – yay! She also did some galore park english as she is determined to move on with that. bb then had a go at painting her plaque, but she isn’t very good if it isn’t perfect, and it had some small fiddly bits and she threw a strop over it, so we snuggled and read a book instead :) . she then had the resilience to do a lot more of it :) SB also did some of hers as well. SO on the whole a lovely snuggly day :)

today sb has apparently done a lot of sloping off to read – lol! but otherwise both girls had some fun with circuits, and BB followed the instructions to make a radio, she has been very proud of that :) she also finished her plaque [fantastic] and did some maths. SB has done a science workbook bit, recorder practice, fact book and galore park english. When i got home from work she had a piano lesson [BB declined] , and we did story of the world altogether – alexander the great.

the big bang!

We went to the Big Bang science fair at the Excel building in London, and it was brilliant :) . we went down on the thurs and came back on sat and saw loads of friends whilst we were there as well as learnt a lot. the stands were excellent, a mixture of school science groups, industry and ‘others’ : some you asked questions to, some you made something at, and some had things demonstrated to you. SB asked lots of sensible questions, and really is getting quite confident at this, loved all the exercise to make energy places and did a fair bit of making, but mostly for her it was about finding stuff out. For bb it was mostly about the making, and the getting of goodies :) . the stands were well set out into different zones as well. I was impressed at how well thought out it was.

SO thurs saw an easy drive and park at the excel, just in time for a building evacuation, so was a bit wierd! however, soon back in and to the desks, who were being totally clueless about registration and we had to go back again to get something put right. not a long wait tho, and only needed to do it the once. we never needed the big number we had to print out tho – not entirely sure what that was all about? we had a short wander around some of the v many stands and then went to our first thing – amoeba to zebra. TBH, I loved it. it had a feel of edinburgh fringe about it, was pretty surreal and made me want to giggle, and prob wasn’t exactly what it had been sold as. [well i might not have gone! but i carefully tried to chose things with both bb and sb appeal]. perhaps i should have looked at their website before booking – but then we would have missed something we all enjoyed [bb ran out at chapter 8 of interest, and sb got to 11]. we had our packed lunch and then moved onto the stands some more, and enjoyed some more areas before going to our headline show of Bang Goes the Theory – which SB adores watching. It was really well done, and both girls enjoyed it a lot. we wandered around the purple zone with maths and found wallace a gromit looking empty, so went in earlier than our booking. our lady not v good, thick spanish accent, and couldn’t get the demonstration to work [now bb has made her kit, it is obv that the demonstrators kit joined up all wrong!] but still, got a pic with wallace and gromit and a really fab kit. i think other ppl had better demonstrators and a far better experience. After this we collapsed at the little coffee stand, tried texting the portico again, looked up and saw them! [obviously in the maths section - lol! ] chatted and SB and buttercup went off to do the wellcome institute olympic challenge – which they both loved – measuring leg length against ability to jump far… a well as a number of other stands. BB and i pottered about the maths and physics, she really liked the bernoulli wooden cups and also the v simple stand showing potential energy [it is a long time since we did that at latinetc] . finally we wandered back to the car with a nice breezy walk along the dock front and drove to docklands travelodge – v cheap and parking :) . got kids all in bed, and kirsty family back from the eye, so we got them up again :)

Next day kids were suffering from late to sleep early to up, but we got going and met v quickly deependers, rainedrops, biff and nattyem as the checked in, so arranged to sit altogether at the front for brainiacs. kids really loved it, and i think extra fun to be sitting with friends. lots of capers and explosions and use of fire extinguishers :) . we then went on to have a fab time round the stands. i went round with bb, and DH with sb. BBs highlights was blowing up a nuclear power station :) the lego stand [she was there ages!] making snot, doing the yeast experiment – tho she loved the penguins, and we looked at lots of other things too. SB loved asking ppl things mostly, i think. but also liked the cpr vest, energy challenges at various places, and was complimented on her knowledge. We went for a film workshop with the BBC, which, for one reason and another didn’t suit BB, so i took her out. We had thought it might be a gamble, depending what they did, but it was unfortunate really how it panned out. However, BB had a great time at even more stands – particularly the stick one and the windmill one but also the chocolate one- being told she was clever and adorable and having her photo taken lots :) . I managed to blag 2 solar kits [without instructions] for me, and 1 for thebabs from the dyson people, which was nice :) SB really loved the film workshop, which she did in a team with nattyem and co – also something she loved – and was proud of what they had done, and the things they had learnt. so in the end win win :) . When she came out i took SB round more stands [my poor feet! ]whilst DH had a coffee and BB fell asleep on the table – aww. we swapped for him to have a final look at the stands and had a comedic moment of thinking he and SB would have to roll under a closing hatch to get out as the exhibition came to an end.

It was really worthwhile doing. We had a fab time, and currently plan to attend the one in birmingham next year. Home to the travelodge with kirsty and co, a failure to get chips in, so more expensive pizza option but tucked into heartily and happy kids showing off their goodies. BB realised she had less pompom things, and A v kindly gave her one of hers. BB continued stropping [as v tired] but given short shrift by the rest of us!

We finished off our time away with a great museum day at greenwhich with kirsty and family, and also the porticos joining us for the maritime museum and some general running about. It was great to spend more time with kirsty and family, our kids all got on really well this time [not a given with eldest and youngest!] the royal observatory was excellent, with really good info and displays and interaction. SB spent birthday money on a fab bag as well :) . Also enjoyed maritime museum, but by then could have done with more chairs, as feet were beginning to think i had changed profession :) . nice talking to adults, really enjoyed the science of the seas, not so sure of the kids interactive room, but they loved it :) and by the time we decided to have coffee, i was def in need of restorative :) . nice chatting with adults as kids raced around on lawns, and felt we came to natural end of day before BB completely lost it. I was wrong, of course, and after complete melt down she fell asleep on DLR – obviously what she completely needed :) and remained asleep, even when DH put her down by car to get everything in it. Am amazed she can sleep squatting really.

We popped home via manorborn for some v v nice fajitas [well, how could you turn down an invite like that!] said hello to their new french daughter, who played the piano beautifully for me. We chatted, the 3 older girls played a game, and BB was just not right as tired :( . got home after midnight to a bit of a crisis in part of my life. hmmmmm

so hooray for a lovely time away, with my lovely girls. children who are enthusiastic about learning, meeting and talking to new people and have lovely friends as well :)

A different wednesday – Historyetc Excursion :)

should back chat a bit really, and say the girls did a fab at home home ed day on mon, v productive and v happily. i also achieved goal of piano lesson for sb and story of the world for both. tues i was less productive, having had a 12 hour solid day, but still managed viola :) . they had done pretty well with home ed again, and had visited the post op grandad who is doing v well :) . when i came back from work i did have a fab welcome – a pancake :) and also the fab company of jax and family [and bottle of wine :) ] . i managed to relax for the first time in a couple of days, which was lovely and ended up with me finally getting some sleep. we chatted, played with the baby, the kids didn’t really get to sleep v early tho!!

so yes, back to today. we managed to get up and out, i had storming migraine – prob due to first night sleep after v stressed – but we did manage to get out on time, find a parking space [easier for me in the yaris than jax] and meet up with everyone before moving onto the museum of classical archaeology for an arranged visit. I was really fantastic, the facilitator was excellent and gripped all the childrens attention and enthusiasm. i thought she mixed the factual elements and myths and legends really well, as well as encouraging everyone to look at the statues. the kids quickly got over all the nude men [tho being asked to check out the musculature of some of the buttocks a bit weird!!] After the session the children all had a go at drawing one or more of the statues [rather well] before we went to have lunch in a covered area nearby. one of the porters saw us [i presume that was who it was anyway :) ] and allowed us to eat in a small lecture hall. BB was particularly happy with this, and has decided to go to university on the basis of that :lol:

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we then went to a university wind orchestra concert aimed for schools, which was also excellent, and both of my children loved it, and bb [who i had had a few concerns about! ] was great in the audience, enthralled by the music, and then discussing v nicely what she had liked about each thing. she did like the faces at the back of the worksheet [and the worksheet, but i would have prob redesigned that a bit! it was slightly shorter than i thought too, so should have thought of something else to do in town. we def would recommend, and i was v impressed by the conductor.


SO we had ppl come back to ours for a cup of tea and chat, and the kids rampaged v happily. will add pics. SB at brownies then judo, and bb snuggling me but about to go to bed, as early start tomorrow . see some of you in london!

music to breathe to

I miss you viv.